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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    Im sorry about this rant, but why do doctors seem not to care sometimes..i went back to my doctor the other day and said about all the stomach problems i've been having and he just nodded..that was all. I feel sick everyday, but still force myself to eat, i've been getting this gnawing pain in my stomach, and aching, i keep gagging when i've eaten, also sorry if this tmi but i have constant d* now for a month. Its getting to be a problem as i can't always go out just in case i need to rush to the bathroom.
    indeed it is! :]

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Babe I know I'm not Dr and it really sucks that he wasn't more there for you, but I suffered everything you describe when I started eating again. I starved myself down to an horrible weight and when i started my digestion was insane. Painful stomach, bloating, cramps, D* the lot. It righted itself after a while. Maybe go and see a different Dr though. You need so much support to get through this.
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    it is going to take a long and slow time to get your self back on track !! maybe try and seek help from another sourse ....the surgery's nurse or something i always find them alot kinda and alot more caring than my own gp....

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Yeah docs sometimes can just be like "oh your suffering horrible pain, d*, cramps, ect...oh ok" and just like brush it off. I really don't like the ones who act like that, I mean your paying them big bucks (or at least they are getting big bucks) to do what they are doing and the least they can do is listen to you.

    I haven't ever not eaten to the point where its gotten like it has for you, but it sounds like those who have been there have gone through the same thing. I am real sorry tho that its giving you such trouble. From what hippychick said tho, maybe it can take quite awhile for things to calm down, and having IBS doesn't help either.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I know sometimes I have a hard time eating, and ill go days with only eatig just a little bit.....and I woudl have to force myself to eat b.c. I didnt feel hungry and it made me gag also...but you just got to keep eating.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    yeah i hate some doctors.. but im not afraid to drop one if i need a second opinion. I think this is a good idea for you too!

    I have ALOT of health and stomach problems and a doctor doesnt have the right bed side manner.. than im out of there. I have learned this the hard way. I wrote you about this earlier but I think you should see a specialist.. i dunno how it works in the UK but.. i would suggest it.. they know so much more about this stomach stuff then regular docs..

    i hope you feel better soon!
    \"Dance like no one is watching, Love like you will never be hurt, Sing like no one is listening, Live like heaven on earth!\" Mark Twain

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    Thanks for the replies. It could just be the whole eating thing, i've been eating for over a month now, and there's been times i think i don't want to eat today, but i find it hard now not to lol, im more scared about not eating, then not eating now. I've had all different kinds of foods now, fruits, veg, ice cream, pizza, mcdonalds, so my stomach could still be ajusting to the new food, as it was 2 years since i ate right and at balanced times. Thanks again for the replies and help.

    Ruth x
    indeed it is! :]

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    In the UK, it's very difficult to just change doctors. You're
    registered to a GP at a surgery, and that's the doctor you go and see
    for your every initial problem (unless it's an emergency).
    The GP will then make the decision to refer you to a specialist: but
    you can't jump this step - you have to get a referal, unless you
    present as an emergency. I was refered to an abdo-pain
    clinic for specialist help because my period cramps (sorry if
    tmi!) were so bad. That was over a month ago and I still haven't
    had the letter through to confirm my appointment or tell me when it
    is! The system over here is pretty rubbish...

    So Ruth, I feel for you. I do. Best you can do is ask to
    see another GP at your surgery, or actually tell your doctor that
    you're finding his attitude unhelpful. I guess being
    unsympathetic is pants, but excusable. Being unsympathetic and
    then refusing to suggest any medical remedies is inexcusable. Did
    he suggest anything at all? Or just a "put up with it"?

    I guess it sounds like your digestion is righting itself after your
    previous eating habits. I sometimes get like that if I eat crap
    for a couple of days, or I don't eat for a couple of days. My IBS
    kicks in and my whole system goes haywire. I recommend taking
    probiotic (but in pill form, maybe the multibionta range, because I
    find the liquid probiotic quite strong) and drinking a mug of boiled
    hot water (sweetened with a dash of lemon if you can't manage it
    plain). The hot water really calms down your bowel spasms and
    relaxes your muscles, making everything feel better. I'd have it
    before bed or as soon as you wake up. Painkillers for the pain,
    and try and eat more healthily and little and often. Have small
    meals at regular intervals, and nothing too spicy or fatty. You
    need to love your tummy a little, and then it will be fine. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    Hope you feel better soon x

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    United States


    I have lost 100 pds and going cause of my stomach. I know how you feel. Its very rare that you seem to find a doctor that cares...If i didnt think it would drive me into an inreversible state of panic than i would be a doctor......Im thinking about opening an emet owned and operated restraunt...What do you guys think lol? Cleanest in the buisness.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    United Kingdom



    I'd suggest finding a different doctor, see if they provide any more help. You could explain that your last doctor wasn't very helpful. I used to have D* alot, mostly when i'm stressed and i've noticed its at certain times of the month too. Mines calmed down once i started to change my diet a bit, nothing drastic, just trying to have my 5 a day fruit and veg, less sugary things, no caffiene or alcohol. It's really settled down and i never thought it would. Now if i do get a dodgy stomach i take Melissa Comp drops (weleda.co.uk) and i feel like i can go out and about still. I used to feel so trapped because i was so scared to go out places incase it happened.

    Hope this was a bit helpful



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