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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States



    I was at a football game tonight, and all the sudden I look over and... A kid is bending over a trashcan RIGHT in front of us. I tried to not pay attention - but it was too late. My friends tried to distract me, and I got my mind off it a little, but it was really freaking me out. I almost had a panic attack, but I managed to keep things under control. I felt like crap the rest of the night, though.

    Gahhhh! Of all places, why did it have to be RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME?! The kid then proceeded to walk around as if nothing had happened, spreading all his icky germs about. Yuck.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    UGH!! I know that seeing IT happen is pretty gross. I saw a kid v* at a tire shop. He walked right in front of me while v*-ing in his hands! It took a long time to get the image out of my mind!

    One good thing though, is if he was nowhere near you, then you aren't in danger of catching anything. He could have been s* from food or candy, especially ata game, so he may not have had a sv*.

    Good job for staying there though, that had to be hard!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I still remember something similar happening to me when I was a kid. I went to my mom's friend's son's baseball game. About halfway through he did the same thing. In his case, the sun gave him migraines and it was the migraine that caused him to v*. Who knows what could have caused that kid to be sick.



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