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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    Hi everyone -

    as some of you may know, I was prescribed with sertraline (zoloft) 2 weeks ago. Well, I will be on my 11th day of taking it now. I haven't been to work in the last week and a half because I was afraid that I was going to v* at work!!!! So I have stayed with my parents all week. I went home Friday night and I was home all day yesterday and now tonight I am back at my mom and dad's cause I am SOOOO afraid of going back to work tomorrow (or I am afraid I won't be better to go back to work tomorrow) and right now I am feeling n* and I am SOOO scared!!! I have to take my xanax soon so I hope that will help. I am going back to the doc tomorrow (5th time in 2 weeks!) I have had a hard time eating all week cause I was so scared I was going to v*.....the "funny" feeling from the zoloft seems to have gone away however I still feel a little spacey sometimes. I don't know...my parents are getting frustrated but they are still supportive.....my boyfriend can't understand why I keep wanting to stay with my parents. It's because he just sits there and every once in a while says "are you ok?" and that's it whereas my parents actually talk to me and tell me things like "you would only throw up if you had the stomach flu, which you don't so you will be ok" etc etc etc....things like that to get me to "trick my brain"....I don't know...I am so mad at myself for STILL feeling this way!!!!!!!! I HAVE to go back to work tomorrow but what if I can't??? !!!!!I AM SO ANGRY! I am crying all over my keyboard right now...mom and dad are eating dinner so I have a little time to talk.....someone please write back!! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Don't beat yourself up about this. I think you are doing quite well sticking with the meds, and working closely with your doctor.
    I know it is scary, but you will do fine at work. You may feel some panic going back, but you are going to be fine. It sounds like you are pretty much over the adjustment phase with the meds, and so your body is used to them now. They will NOT make you sick!
    Remember that while you are adjusted to the zoloft, it will still take some time to get the full benefit of it, so try to be patient. You are doing great! Feel free to PM me if you need to talk, or if you have Myspace, feel free to add me, and message me there, just leave me a note that you are from IES. Take care!



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