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Thread: Sinus Problem?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006



    So about two weeks ago I had this really bad cold, I didn't really rest as much as I should have and it got pretty bad. I felt better about a week and a half ago with still some symptoms when I would first wake up in the morining. Now I have this constant dizzy feeling accompanied by a sinus headache and a sore jaw area. Sometimes the back of my neck hurts real bad too. I get all freaked out when i get dizzy but does anyone know what this could be. My friends about a week and a half ago got a bad stuffed head and then later vomited so you better believe I am freaking out! I dont think I have it because they had bad fevers and didn;t seem to want to stop drinking even when they felt horrible.

    Could you guys help me out?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    The dizziness thing is really freaking me out right now. I keep getting scared i'm gonna vomit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Hello there!!

    I'm sorry you feel so awful....there seems to be these colds going around that won't go away!!!
    If you keep having a sinus headache and pressure that could be a sign of an infection--especially if you are dizzy as well. When you're all clogged up it has a way of making you feel off balance and out of sorts. I've had sinus infections before and I always got bad vertigo with it. And I didn't v* either!!!
    Try taking something like Sudafed or Sinutab, or anything that helps relieve sinus pressure. They may make you feel kind of drowsy, or "foggy", but they do work wonders for sinus problems and will get rid of the pain. Plus, they can help you get some rest as well.
    If it continues, you should see a doctor. It could be an infection and he/she could give you some meds to clear it up.
    Try to relax and get some rest.....If you're too anxious, do something to keep your mind off of how you're feeling--a hot bath, good movie and so forth.
    Hope this helps and feel better soon!! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United Kingdom


    Hi there

    I am an expert on sinus problems - I suffer with constant sinus problems and it does sound like this is what you have but I am no Doctor who has examined you or anything! When I suffered for 3 months with sinusitus not knowing what it was back then, I suffered terrible headaches every day - really bad ones, and I was never sick with them.

    I have never taken prescription medication for my sinusses as being emet, I have huge issues with medication but I can recommend 2 alternative rememdies for you to try - Hopi Ear Candles - this is a relaxing treatment (even though it sounds horrid!) whereby candles are placed inside your ear canal, and burnt and it draws out all the wax from your nasal canal which is what causes sinusitus. I have it done every 4 weeks to keep it at bay and it works wanders.

    Also, there is a homeopathic remedy you can buy from Boots for it called Pulsatilla 30C -although if you have it bad, I ordered a 200C potency from a Homeopathic Pharmacy called Ainsworths - when I had a bad flare up of sinusitus, I took one of these tiny pillets before bed, and one when I got up and it cleared it up! I have much faith in homeopathic remedies and I urge everyone to try them as much as they can instead of conventional medications!

    Hope this helps




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