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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Hey everyone, my name is Nati. I joined this site about over a year ago and was so happy to find it, but also sad at the same time cause I still don't know exactly what I have.

    Here's the deal. I have been an emet since I was in 4th grade. Thing is, ever since 4th grade I would have actual feelings in my stomach like I had already been sick, and still need to get sick. I don't get nausea much at all, but my stomach feels bloated and light. My throat will feel tense and I basically feel like being sick but I don't GET sick. I get this way at least once a week. It sometimes lasts for a day to even two weeks. This has basically taken over my life because I am afraid of traveling, getting a job, and just basically living life because of this stupid crap that I feel. At this moment I am feeling it and I hate it with a passion because I can not be happy. I am always feeling sick 24-7. When I feel better, I eat healthy. Even if I eat healthy, about 2 to 7 days later I end up feeling back to the way I was. It's like clock-work. When I get this way I feel anxious and upset, and sometimes I get through it with no problem but others....it lingers for forever.

    I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there who feels remotely close to the way that I am feeling. I am mostly good with my mind, it's just I PHYSICALLY feel like crap and anxiety 24-7. I don't feel anxiety when I feel fine. I live life day by day and keep hoping for the best and I TREASURE those days that I feel great. It's just when I get that slight feeling....I become disappointed and upset, and when it gets worse, I start to get anxiety.

    I hope there's a cure for what I have. I really don't want to feel sick more days out of the year like I have been for the past 12 years. My parents play it off like they understand, and then get at me on getting a job. I've worked at 4 different restaurants for a good length of time but I always quit because of my emet, or whatever it is that I have. It's SO incredibly stressful. Anyway, I gotta go. My friend is here...

    Any feedback would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Hi Nati,

    Do you think its possible that you have acid reflux or something like that? I know that causes a tight throat and acidic tummy. I think there are other stomach ailments that may fit your description as well. Maybe try googling your symptoms?

    I'm sorry you are feeling bad, and I hope you find some answers soon!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Olympia, WA, USA


    you kinda described me...i startedat 4 years old. i didnt actually fear v* until i was 5, but most of my life, i've had 'issues' with my stomach and throat. i believe that my throat tightens because of either asthma or anxiety, and my stomach is often because of dairy products...i didnt realize that im lactose intolerant until last year...when a friend of mine point it out to me...which makes perfect sense because the episode that started it all was when i was 4 and my grandma was driving me to her house so i could spend the night. she stopped at mcdonalds and bought me an ice cream cone and on the way to her house i asked her to pull over because i was gonna v*...i didnt v*, but i felt really sick. (ice cream). but yeah, i still feel sick to some degree occasionally, but i feel a lot better since i cut down on dairy...now i think theres something else im sensitive to, but im gonna have to talk to a dr about that. anyways, i hope you find out whats wrong with you! maybe you have a food allergy or crohns disease? good luck!



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