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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey gals,

    This is a period question! Well, this may sound silly, but like, when your period is heavy, do you like have trouble at night, like I mean trying to keep things from well "leaking"? This about drives me nuts. I mean I get the overnite pads, (i dont use tampons really) but like geez Im thinkin (jokingly) about getting like depends or something! Heck its like I move wrong in my sleep and its like all over! GACK! I was just wondering if you other ladies had this problem, or if its just me, and do you have any helpful hints? [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Just put maybe use toilet paper for extra padding? It helps. Like put it in the back so it wont get through. I dunno it works though..
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Back when, I used to be pretty bad too, so for the first couple of nights when I'd be sleeping, the minute I'd move, I'd run to the bathroom and release the extra, and go back to bed!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I have problems with leaking at night when I don't have over nighters.I don't wear tampons because I'm afraid of toxic shock syndrome. Ha. I'm scared of everything. The over nighters usually keep things where they should be--for me anyways.
    <font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes&lt;br&gt;

  5. #5
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    United Kingdom


    i usually leak! [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]

    because i'm such a heavy sleeper, i don't notice anything in the night, so when i wake up in the morning.... it feels all yucky!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey gals!

    I hear ya, its a real pain in the rear. I too don't like the idea of TSS from tampons, and besides I think the other is better at night anyways. Still though its a pain. Well, its good to know Im not alone! Sometiems what i do is put one along the back, so I got extra protection. Its better than waking up and having to deal with the outcome! [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

  7. #7
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    United Kingdom


    This is weird but even when i had really heavy periods, and when i had the miscarriage, i hardly bled at night time? Like whenever i was lying down i didnt bleed so much? So ive never had a problem with it! But id just buy the bigger pads and maybe put two on, u kno like ne further back.. might help?

    Sarah xxx
    I couldn\'t tell you why she felt that way... she felt it everyday and i couldn\'t help her... i just watched her make the same mistakes again...

  8. #8
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    United States


    Hey... yeah I've had that problem in the past and it's a huge pain in the butt!

    I found that the best thing to do is get the largest 'Always' with wings and then as the first person who replied said add a little bit of toilet paper for extra padding,plus it doesn't allow the blood to spread out as much(I know it sounds kinda gross but it really does help)... then when you lie down find a position where you feel it will least likely not leak... lying on my stomach is the best for me... def. not on my back. I can't wear tampons so I don't know if that will work or not?

    I haven't had any leaks in years thanks to this method that was shared with me by a friend... so I hope it helps you too.

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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  9. #9
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    hey guys - im lucky coz im not a haevy bleeder at all..so sorry, no good advice coming from this way! but i was just wondering about the TSS - i wear tampons ALL the time. i wouldnt be without them. as long as you change them regularly then they really shouldnt be a problem. And u can get TSS from other things too (i think..) [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Geez your lucky ejb199!! Sometimes I wish it wasn't so much, but its not like its too much and somethings wrong, its always been like this for me.

    Rachel-Good idea, I should try that, or the 2 pad thing! I hate to feel like Im using too many of them, but hey you do what you gotta do i guess!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Hello, hello,

    well if you have read one of my previous posts on this topic you will have a begining idea on how bad my bleeding has been i the past, and still is now....

    the best overnight pad i have managed to find is Libra's overnight flex pads, cause they move with you.... i haven't had too many dramas using them.... the best bit of advice i can possibly give is set an alarm for every couple of hours to wake you up so that you can change the pad, i know its annoying, but its better than leaving a huge mess. otherwise you could sleep with a towel under you, but make sure it is a dark colored one!!! Also i agree with kentuckygalrk, sleeping on your stomach works best for me too. Again, ALWAYS ENSURE THAT THE WINGS ARE THERE AND USED!!!! most important!

    And for those wondering about tampons: TSS can be caught from other things, even if you have never used Tampons before in your life you can catch TSS. But it is VERY VERY rare, compared to lots and lots of other things.... To safeguard yourself against it, always wash your hands before and after insertion, never use one that has been partially unwraped, or the packaging is dodgy, never leave it in for longer than 6 hours and always use the right size!!! And don't ever use the overnight, pretty much a no-no

    I hope this has helped, oh i think there are even meds you can take to help with it to, i have never bothered, but i have come very close....



  12. #12
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    United Kingdom


    Until I went on the Pill I suffered for years with leaks at night &amp; day. I too used toilet roll as extra padding during the day but I found it moved if I turned over in the night.

    My mum suggested using some old toweling - the sort of stuff babies nappies are made out of. Cut a piece and fold it over a couple of times so that it is larger than your pad. Fix it to your knickers with a safety pin, then pop your usual night time pad on top. This means if you turn over in the night or are particularly heavy the extra padding soaks up the leaks. Bit uck but like babies nappies, you can then pop them into the washing machine for reuse.
    Sarah xxx

  13. #13
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    United Kingdom


    i used to leak really badly and have had mant stained matresses because of it! until i went on the pill, now my periods are much lighter and only last a few days! its so much better, you should consider it. i was put on the pill because of my heavy periods when i was 15.
    i do understand if you dont want to take it though as there is side affects but if not just rush to toilet as soon as you wake cos it was when i would have a lie in and just move around in bed loads that i would leak! grose hay! the things us girls have to put up with! xxxxx

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey girls!

    Geepers! I definately will consider going on the pill at some point here! Sounds like a good idea. I read your other post S.a.l! I use always overnite, and they work, its just down the backside, it doesn't always (lol) keep it in place! Thats a good idea with the baby nappies. Those of you with lighter periods (due to the pill) do you just have to use the light days pads, or even just the thin ones on the heaviest days? I always use the 2nd most absorbant (one step down from overnight) just to cover myself especially in the beginning.

  15. #15
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    United Kingdom


    I always use Always night-time pads as they're really big!!! Although Idon't usuallybleed much when I'm lying down(better to be safe than sorry!)[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  16. #16
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    Apr 2004


    Before I went on the pill two years ago, I leaked a lot, too, although after I hit my twenties, it wasn't as bad as a teen. But I haven't had a leak since I've been on the pill. But I stained my mattress in so many places. Ugh. I use tampons sometimes, and when I wear the Tampax Pearl Supers at night, I make sure I set my alarm at exactly 8 hours after insertion, because of the TSS risk. It says on the packaging not to wear one for more than 8 hours and use the lowest absorbancy you can, and if you research it, TSS is sooooo much rarer than it was back in the early 80s, when a particular brand of tampon caused almost 400 cases in one year. But they don't even make that brand anymore, and they have improved tampons a lot since the TSS epidemic over 20 years ago. Your chances of getting it are like one in a million, especially if you follow the directions properly. Trust me, there is NOTHING to be afraid of with tampons. On the heaviest day, I wear a tampon with an overnight pad for protection if I'm having an especially heavy period.

    And by the way, there are many emets on the site who are on the pill and I don't think hardly anyone suffered from nausea, and if they did, it wasprobably anxiety-related,and if not, they never threw up from it. After being on it a couple of months, you will praise the Lord for whoever invented the pill, lol! I'm serious! It will help sooooo much! Good luck!

    I know a lot about the female reproductive system--there was actually a time I wanted to be an OB/GYN because the miracle of life is so amazing. So if you ever have questions, ask. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey Heather!

    Man maybe I will go on the pill here somday! I don't think right now, but maybe at a future time. I have this funny thing where its like I don't wanna mess with it if its okay, I would be afraid say the pill might have longterm effects that are bad, or that could harm me. I feel odd messing with "mother nature" lol.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Ugh I had that problem and I used extra toilet paper and sometimes even towel under me. Just wear a Tshirt to bed so that you don't ruin your bottoms or nighty. I did find that the TP helped. I am a heavy sleeper too and would often not wake in time. You can buy these things called blue pads which they use for incontinance and for post pregnancy. After you give birth you bleed a lot like a heavy period and they put those under you and send you home with some. I liked them because they can be thrown away.
    Have you mentioned to your doctor that you have been bleeding heavy. Sometimes it is a medical condition and sometimes it can be helped by taking birth control.
    Heh my big problem now is that since I had the baby I haven't been getting periods really at all.
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.



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