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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    ok so i am at my friends house..as soon as i walk in i see these yellow stains on the carpet and well she had just got a new puppy and so i said "aha! so kezi's been peeing on the carpet??" and she said "no actually minnie (her older dog) has been throwing up all day." i dont know if pet vomit bothers you..but it deffinatly bothers me!!! so later right before dinner, I, see the dog start to gag and is obviously going to throw up (you ever notice when someone/something is going to get sick, WE are always the first to notice?) so i start walk..uh...running, into my friend's room. so yeah i hear her mom argueing with her about who will clean it up, then she comes and gets me and says ready to eat? and im like uh..yeah sure. ok so let me start here--her mom and her both know about my phobia, and her mom obviously forgot! well later her mom is going to take me home and they are one of those people who take their dog in the car everywhere, and everytiem they take me home i am always like "jill...do we have to bring minny??" and usually minnie wont come when they take me home. but THIS time, we are walking out to the car and minnie is following, and i say to her mom "do we have to bring the dog...i had a bad experience with a dog in the car once and just get really nervouse....please??" but her mom's like "oh it will be fine hse hasent gotten sick in like 4 hours." so we are almost to my house...when all of a sudden i hear the dog gagging in the back seat (i sat upfront) and i was like "omg! i told you!!!" and i put my feet up on the seat and put my head into my knees and covered my ears and just started crying and shakeing! i was so emmbarised! and i was traped in the car!it just pored out everywhere all over the back seat. and you know what her mother said when we got to my house? "gosh natalie im so sorry, i totally forgot about your thing! and you asked me so nicely too, i should have listened." blah!! >_< now i have 2 bad experiences with dogs int he car with me and ugh...does this phobia like EVER get better or will it just continue to get worse?!

    \"My strength is in my honosty\"~Fiona Apple

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    Poor you. I really feel for you. That sounds like a really horrid experience. I just want to say a big well done for handling it so well. You might not think that you did, but it certainly sounds to me like you were well brave. I would have probably thrown myself out of the car or something. It annoys me to when people know about your phobia put still continue to put you in possible situations where it might happen. I think it was very selfish of her to have brought the dog, but she obviously wasn't thinking. I can't say whether this phobia will get better because certainly for me it is getting worse and worse. I just want to say hang in there and I am proud of you for coping in what was quite clearly a horrid situation.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I have 3 cats and a dog and they're quite often sick. When I first had my own cats about 5 years ago I'd run out of the room if one of them was sick - now I stand there and wait for them to finish so I can clean it up or catch it in some tissue so there's hope for you yet!

    I assume this is some sort of exposure therapy - well it worked me for. It really doesn't bother me if an animal is sick by me but if it were a person I'd run like crazy. I don't know how it works - sick is sick whoever it comes from but I'm not complaining!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    It use to bother me too just as badly. I am not sure at what point animals stopped bothering me or why. I feel for you though and I am sorry that that had to happen. I know she wasn't "listening" but maybe being outright blunt about it may have helped. Then again maybe not.
    Ihope she fully realizes what she did to you so maybe she will remember then next time. Anyways you DID handle it well. I think just knowing the animal was sick from the beginning would have made me freaky. WTG hun.

    OT: is the dog ok. I would be a little worried that there was something not quite right if the dog kept being ill that many times all day. Especially if it was yellow. It means it wasn't something he ate because that would be gone.
    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you\'ve never been hurt and live like it\'s heaven on Earth.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    awww i hav to say i dont mind pet v* as much......

    i even cleared it up once... but tht does sound a horrible experience none the less.

    my friends forget all time -- and say smthing gross then say "god, i forgot sorry" ... i guess they cant help it because the phobia isnt ruling their lifes as its ruling ours....

    Jen xxxx
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States


    I dont really mind pet v, especially as my cat is very old now and v's a lot, but I do hate the sound, and usually cover my ears when i can hear or see it happening. Good job!! It seems like it was very scary situation, but you handled it really well!

    <3 Anya--

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    aww poor you -what a scarry experiance. Pet v* scares me although I dont have any pets that v* (rabbits cant physically v* a perfect emet pet!)

    Its annoying when people about the phobia that floods your mind most of the day, but it does happen, especially for people who dont have to deal with it. Maybe if it sohuld ever happen again - remind people that you have emet - it may be embarassing or hard to do - but u'l benefit from it in the end

    It sometimes feels like theres no end or way out from this phobia, especially after a bad experiance. But things can and will get better. You just have to fight for it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I have two dogs and three cats so I see animal vomit a lot. It doesn't really bother me because I'm not the one cleaning it up. I'd rather leave it on the floor all day and step over rather than clean it up myself. My mom and brother usually clean it up. The thing that bothers me most with animal vomit is: (graphic)

    When there is worms in it. My kitten Lady, hasn't gotten dewormed yet and she vomited yesterday and there was a roundworm in it. And when we took in Zoey (Lady's mommy) she vomited on my bed and there were some roundworms in it. I have a huge fear of parasitic worms so vomit with worms bugs me! So we are off to the vet tomorrow to get Lady dewormed. I hope I don't get worms from handling that darn kitten.
    <font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes&lt;br&gt;

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    I've seen cat puke and its weird looking but I never felt anything for it, but I'm sorry you had sucha bad experience....Try not to think about it though[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    I am the same way when my dog v's.





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