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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey everyone! It's been a while since I posted because I was doing better. Then suddenly over the past week, it seems like I can't win whenever I eat!

    Sometimes I admit it's my fault, my food choices suck, but then there are days like today where I was careful and I feel just awful. I don't feel like I'm actually going to be sick, but my bowels and stomach are digesting loudly and I feel really uncomfortable, like I want to burp but there is food in my esophagus. I'm not having diarrhea so I can't figure out what the hell is happening inside. Does anyone feel like that, like it bothers them if they can't explain why they are feeling a certain way with a normal bodily function?

    I just made my list, the one of everything I ate today and I am stumped. I took tums the other night after some bad things I ate were making me feel sick. But times like this I don't know what to do. Wait it out, take the tums, sip on some soda? And this always seems to happen when I am SO tired, but there is NO way I am going to lay down with this sensation. I know being tired can make you feel ill too, so this is only adding to it [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    Blah! Thanks for listening to me vent!


    PS, I'm doing better with the social anxiety and agoraphobia....I'm taking Klonopin. I know there are horror stories about this med and I don't want to hear about them! It's working for me and I'm still in therapy too. I still get anxious over the nausea when I have it though.Otherwise, mostof the time I don't think about emet unless I'm seeing a movie or near a sick person.
    Everyday is so wonderful, then suddenly...it\'s hard to breathe. Now and then I get insecure, from all the pain, I\'m so ashamed. I am beautiful, no matter what they say. Words won\'t bring me down.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Sometimes I find when I eat unhealthy for a few days, I pay for it later, and maybe thats what's happening. Also being tired and eating, your body doesn't function properly, making it harder and longer for your food to digest. I find that a cup of tea or just hot water usually helps me to digest faster....try not to orry too much, your probably just having an off week!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    sometimes i feel so uncomfortable whilst my body is busy digesting food... it feels gross and makes me wonder why i bother eating! but it does usually fade, and u can speed the process up by chewinf gum or tking sips of water.

    hpe u feel ok now.

    Jen xxxxxxx
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United Kingdom


    im chewing gum right now to speed the digestion of my lunch, maybe you had a lot of fibre perhaps? Either way, don't get worried about stomach noises, it's a healthy sign, and worrying will only make you worse.
    You don't have to lie down! Just find some gum..works every time.
    Last night i had difficulty eating my tea, i felt really bloated whilst i was eating it.. but i managed to finish my plate and i felt fine afterwards.
    Anyway, don't panic, you'll be fine!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey Misha!

    Good to hear from you again! Im sorry your feeling poorly. I too hate that gargly unsettled feeling. It worries me. Right now I feel pretty nausueas, but I didnt exactly eat the best of things and I guess Im paying for it now. I know what you mean, sometimes I wonder why I even eat. Uggh. Well I hope yours feels better here soon, sometimes I get sick feeling when I gotta go to the br.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hi thanks everyone. Galadriel, I'm noticing that I get that sick feeling very often when I have to go to the bathroom too. Does anyone else notice that?

    A while back I remember someone talking about the different types of things that cause nausea like symptoms and that was one of them. Digestion, bowel movements, overeating, tiredness, hormonal changes....all this stuff causes our digestion to be off. I had forgotten that when you eat while you are tired, your body takes longer.

    I'm not feeling any better tonight unfortunatley. I already panicked a bit, talked to my sister on the phone and calmed down, took Tums, sipped soda and went to the bathroom several times. Now I'm uncomfortable in my bowels and still a llittle nauseated. Again,I am SO TIRED! Why me? Why at night? I hate this time of year, it never fails that my emet gets worse. It would be nice to have a day where I could eat without worrying, then digest without realizing it and just not think about it in this over-analytical way!

    Remember: I'm my own worst enemy [img]smileys/smilies_21.gif[/img] LOL!

    Thanks for listening to my rant!


    Everyday is so wonderful, then suddenly...it\'s hard to breathe. Now and then I get insecure, from all the pain, I\'m so ashamed. I am beautiful, no matter what they say. Words won\'t bring me down.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey Misha!

    Im going thro the same thing as you are. Last nite i got 4 hours or less of sleep, and Im so tired I just want to collapse. I ate a hamburger last nite, like 6pm or so, and I just got sorta nauseas, went br, was ok for awhile, then it came back, and dammit it ALWAYS has to happen like as Im trying to sleep. Its like a damn curse. Sorry it just pisses me off. And I get SO TIRED I just could collapse, but no my stupid friggin stomach just doesn't let me sleep. Do you get that where you burp and its like what you last ate? Not v* burps, nothing comes up, but its almost like the food is still down there or something. I got that a lot, and this morning I feel like the walking dead. I too get nauseas sometimes when I have to go to the br. I hate that, then Im like scared the act of going will make me v*. Its misreable. Course today I HAVE To go to college. Theyre so bad about attendance, you can miss ONE class and not have it affect you, but if you miss 2 or more they start taking off, and if you miss more than 3 they threaten to drop you out of the class. So of course kids are coming in with every damn imaginable illness, because GOD FORBID you don't go to class, and so all they do is spread it around, and more end up having to miss. I think if your sick then you OWE it to others to STAY HOME. Its ridiculus. I think the way they have things going is just nuts. Ok yeah they dont want bums missing out, but bums shouldnt even be there, so what if your an A student and get the flu? Well if you have to miss a week, you come back and you could find yourself kicked out of class, and your professor really torked at you. Its bullsh^t. Sorry, it just angers me. Anyways, I know how you feel Misha, hang in there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Man, that sucks! They should have a system where if your grades are good and you have a doctor's note, you can be excused. I'd NEVER be able to go to class knowing sick peoplemight bethere! I feel bad for you!

    I know how awful that feels to be SO tired and not able to sleep. I get that all the time.I try not to eat late but if I eat too early I get really hungry before bed then my stomach rumbles all night and I can't sleep anyway! I can't win! LOL!

    I get those burps too, the ones that aren't v-burps but taste like food I ate hours ago. I'm usually okay with that if they startto taste less and less like it. But if it's been like 8 or more hours and it's still strongI start to freak. Sometimes I get this really full feeling in my throat and I need to burp but feel like I can't or I'll have a v-burp. That's usually when I'm really afraid to sleep or lie down.

    Anyway, hang in there!!!! If you take vitamins and try to rest as much as possible (even naps during the day) maybe you will be able to fight off any bugs in school!


    Everyday is so wonderful, then suddenly...it\'s hard to breathe. Now and then I get insecure, from all the pain, I\'m so ashamed. I am beautiful, no matter what they say. Words won\'t bring me down.



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