There's this new movie out on video called "super size
me". It's a documentery about a guy that wants to expose the fast
food industry on how they are killing people with their high fat,
unhealthy foods.

He decides to make this movie and target good ole' mcdonalds. He ONLY
eats mcdonald's food three times a day for 30 days and wants to
document his health during this period. Before he starts his mc
d's diet, he gets his blood tested for cholesterol, triglycerides ect,
and gets weighed, and blood pressure checked. It's a very interesting
movie if you would like to see it.

Here's the gross part..kind of a spoiler to the movie, but heh we're
all emet's here and need to know THESE parts beforehand..right?

In one part of the movie he goes for lunch(he's not used to alot of
high fat, fast food) He orders a double cheese burger, fries and
coke(all supersize) He's eating in the car(parked on the street)
talking to the camera man telling him his stomach is hurting..all of a
sudden he says,"I think I'm going to be sick" and you hear him burp and
heave. Thank goodness he had the window down and you hear the splash
and heaving going on. My gosh, my stomach was doing flips. I was
sitting there with my hands over my eyes thinking he was done so I
remove my hands and the camera does a close-up of the v* on the
sidewalk. EWWWWWW!!

My husband was eating chips and it didn't bother him one bit. He kept eating.

Now I can't get this freaking image out of my mind. Why does this stuff stick in our minds? I hate this crap


PS~at the end of the movie, he had gained 23 lbs in 30 days his
cholesterol sky-rocketed, and he was having many migraines, was
sluggish, and just totally felt like sh**. He was glad he didn't have
to eat anymore of mc d's slop. Incidentaly, six weeks after this
film was released Mcdonalds no longer does (super size meals)
