Go to the "Treatments" thread for:
<LI>Information about Emetophobia, including a paper to print out and give to family members, doctors, or therapists.
<LI>Information about how to successfully choose a professional therapist to help you
<LI>Information (via links) about EMDR
<LI>Information (via links) about how to help with panic attacks/symptoms
<LI>Information about "gradual exposure therapy treatments"...including a link to a website with gradual exposure pictures
<LI>FAQs and "Sage advice" - on such topics as not wanting to be cured, what to say to a therapist, what causes this phobia, etc.</LI>[/list]

If you have a question specifically for me about the psychology of emetophobia, or about treatment methods, or therapy simply go to the Treatments thread and start a topic that says "a question for Sage", or something like that!Edited by: sage