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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    United Kingdom

    Default Has anybody actually V* before??

    Hi, my main fear is actually of me v*. And i'm even more frightened now i am an emet. I have the horrible problem of fainting, when in a v* situation and am terrified of v* and then passing out at the same time. My question is, has anybody with emet actually v* themselves, and if so, how did you deal with it, and what was it like? I have never been ill in my 'adult' life and i think my major problem is "fear of the unknown" as i have no idea what to expect.
    I'd be extremly greatful if anyone could give me their stories or advice. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Yes, unfortunately, i got noro last december and v* 20+ times over 3 sessions (with ridiculously frequent d* for good measure)- at the time i actually coped with it fairly well - with the help and support of people on here [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] - and while it was extremely distressing and unpleasant i got through it.

    Immediately after each v* episode i even felt kind of cured and that id beaten emet, until the n* came back again that is, I think the worst part was in the weeks and months afterwards when because the memory was so fresh it sent my anxiety through the roof, but as the memory has faded so has the anxiety.

    Prior to it happening i was so terrified of v* it was untrue and could not even comprehend how i would ever cope with it, if someone had told me i would get through an sv I wouldn't have believed them and i certainly don't ever ever want another one and i'm still terrified of being s* but i do know that if the worst were to happen i would get through it, and so would all of us. We're stronger than we think x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Northeast Ohio, United States


    I am the same way!! I did get an sv* several years ago, but I v*d so little, I don't count it. A couple weeks ago, my sons, fiance, and myself got an sv*. I was so sure I was going to v* several times ... I told my fiance that I didn't know how/what to do!! Sounds silly, but it's true. While I'd resigned myself that I was probably going to get sick, I just couldn't. I think fear of the unknown is a HUGE reason for my emetophobia.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Northeast Ohio, United States


    Pauline, you poor thing. I don't remember reading about that .. but I drift on and off this board to try and stop 'obsessing'. I'm glad you were able to get through it .. I don't know that I would've recovered as gracefully as you have.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    New York


    I hadnt been sick since I was at least ten years old. One day when I was 16, the day after valentines day, I had gotten up, felt normal (which was never that good anyways) and ate breakfast. Throughout the day, I was not feeling good, and having sulfar burps. Through out the evening I went to my mothers (she is a nurse, and my biggest comfort zone) I ended up having to get sick, and went in and out of the bathroom 6 times. Although, I really only got sick twice, I had gone in and out 6 times, because of my severe nervousness, and because of how tense I made my body. I was always terried because I thought you coull feel it coming up. But in reality, you dont feel it. You just get down, and before you know it, it just happens.

    Ahhh, Im getting shaky, and nervous right now, so I apologize if I caught it off. Pretty much, it wasnt that bad, it was a little hard that time because I was so tense. As well as, I have never gotten sick by myself, so having my mother, behind me holding my hand while it happened, was very nice, and calming as well.

    Its good to try to relax, and breath. The more you breath normally, the faster it happens, and ends. Even being a SEVERE Emetophobiac myself, I have gotten to the point where my stomach hurt so bad, and I would cry so much and so hard, I would beg God to just let me puke, because I would be exhausted from being up all night. Pretty much, you dont feel it come up, it just goes out, and your eyes will be closed, so you dont see anything. And the only positive thing, is you feel MUCH better afterwards. There isnt much more I can say, and I feel bad. But Im the same as you. Im 20 now, and are no better than I was when it started when I was 12.

    Hope it helps a little though

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    I have once - 9 years ago - because of a stomach bug.

    The weird thing is, I can't even remember it being as awful as I go around fearing... It was just kinda like over with really quickly and then I felt better :S

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by what_the_frick View Post
    Pauline, you poor thing. I don't remember reading about that .. but I drift on and off this board to try and stop 'obsessing'. I'm glad you were able to get through it .. I don't know that I would've recovered as gracefully as you have.
    I don't think you missed it, it's me, i put last December and i'm forgetting we're in a new year, it's when i got it the december before last (2008) thankfully on most days it now seems a very very long time ago!

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  8. #8
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    Jan 2010


    I have not v* in over fifteen years. I won't allow myself too. It is weird for me actually to read how people can being emet. I am not extreme with my "symptoms", yet I will not actually do "the deed".

    I am not under weight, I will go out to eat, I don't obsess about food (only expiration dates), I go out a lot, I travel, and I am not a clean freak. I will admit though, I rarely go out alone. Being alone to me makes me more nervous than anything. I always have to surround myself with people who fit my "comfort zone" criteria.

    It's sad actually. I feel sad from it right now. I want to find help, but I cannot find anything in my city for help. I tried going to a counselor once, but the guy wasn't helpful, and that has discouraged me from seeing other counselors. I do not want to read a "self help" book. I do not believe in those. I want face-to-face help.

    Anywho, just venting a little.

    I hope this website inspires me, and I hope I inspire others.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    I have. My fear's not toooo bad at the mo but I'll share my experiences.

    Once in August 2009. I *think* I know why it happened. I woke up one morning at about 6am, I KNEW it was going to happen, just knew.

    The waiting was the hardest part. The actual v*ing was fast. I do believe a quote from a film is very true- "It's the suspense that'll kill you, not the pain" and with phobia's that is very very true.

    Then again in Dec. 09. V*ed a lot. I found that actually a big root of my fear was of others witnessing it. I could cope with it, as long as the curtains were drawn and no-one could see me. My friend was with me, but I could cope with her, that helped.

    I do find I tend to associate certain memories with v*ing incidents if that makes sense. Like a lot of it in the hospital, a sink kept leaking on my head, so in that memory, it's almost amusing (looking back! Not at the time!) And that can help.

    I do remember at one point, when it was happening, pure panic shot through me. And I suddenly thought "why am I scared? What I'm panicking about is already happening. I don't need to panic" and strangely that was calming.

    There is something calming about losing control totally. I'm not sure why.
    "if the good lord had intended us to walk, he never would've invented rollerskates"

  10. #10

    Default Re: Has anybody actually V* before??

    I have a girlfriend who is afraid of v*ing but its helped when she is in a situation where it might happen, that I be around. Maybe you have someone like that that can help you. Just someone whose hand you can squeeze, and that you know is nearby and there to help you

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Has anybody actually V* before??

    The problem I have along with the fear of vomit, and others vomiting, is the WHEN. I can never tell if it is going to happen or not. So part of the panic is not knowing whether to run or just sit through a stomachache which I regularly get.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Has anybody actually V* before??

    The last time I v*ed I was 16, but I remember it clear as day LoL. I haven't v*ed in 9 years *Touch wood* but as I remember it, it was unpleasant.

    I don't think it had anything to do with an sv though. At the time I was recently diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and GERD. They didn't have me on the right acid reflux meds yet and I was overtaken with horrible heartburn. I guess a TON of acid built up in my stomach because before I knew it, that's what I was v*ing up, TONS of it. It was horrible! Blech! I've been assured since then that most of the time v*ing involves food or liquids and it's not as horrible as that LoL.

    Sorry I'm probably not much help here.

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    When In doubt, God prays to Hoffman

  13. #13

    Default Re: Has anybody actually V* before??

    Quote Originally Posted by PinkButterfly View Post
    The problem I have along with the fear of vomit, and others vomiting, is the WHEN. I can never tell if it is going to happen or not. So part of the panic is not knowing whether to run or just sit through a stomachache which I regularly get.
    your exactly right . Even if I feel completely normal albeit a tiny hint of n* im too the point where I wont leave the house or risk it for fear of it getting worse.

    every couple yrs , but i hate this phobia because just today I v*d and im feeling like i have beaten it as pauline said but it always comes back next time im n*

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Has anybody actually V* before??

    I v* a few weeks ago. Not to discourage anyone but it was all as bad as I'd thought. And then it nearly happened again last Friday. I think it's made my emet muuuch worse. At the time, I didn't cope very well, I sat there screaming and crying and my mum was there and I kept yelling 'why me???'
    yeaaah. I'm not a person who gets cured by the actual act (shame cos my psych thinks I am!)
    "Here in the final draft, I've given all I have,
    Strange how the heart expands in the absence of a plan,
    There's nothing left on the page but I'm okay with that,
    I found my resolution was designed for stronger hands"

  15. #15

    Default Re: Has anybody actually V* before??

    I do remember, a long time ago, I was maybe 6 or 7, and I got a sv. The thing was, even though I was an emet then, I did not fear myself v*ing, just others. I remember laying on the couch watching TV and then at certain points just getting up calmly and v*ing in the toilet. The bathroom was right next to the TV room in our old house. I was v*ing like all day that day and it was weird cause I wasn't freaking out or anything. As I remember it wasn't all that horrible. Then later in the day my mom came in and told me if I didn't stop v*ing they would have to take me to the hospital. THAT made me freak out. My mom then gave me an OTC anti-emetic and after that I didn't v* again. It would be YEARS from that incident that I would v* again and not because of a sv either!

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    When In doubt, God prays to Hoffman

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Eugene, OR

    Default Re: Has anybody actually V* before??

    The last time I v* I was probably 9 and caught an sv but it was back when my emetophobia wasn't so present and mostly related to other people vomiting, so I don't really remember it as a terribly scary experience. The act itself wasn't bad at all, just the tension and pain and n* leading up to it. I'm still terrified of it though.
    One of my problems is that I interpret every digestive pain as n*, and can even make myself feel n* if I stress about it too much. When that happens I always think about some kind of food that always sounds good even if I'm full and if the thought of eating it isn't repulsive, I know I'm not actually n*, just psyching myself out to be.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Has anybody actually V* before??

    I remember I had my wisdom teeth taken out, and I must have swallowed a lot of blood. I woke up and on the ride home, I felt very n*. We dropped off my script, and my dad took me home. I felt terrible the entire time. I finally had to take penicillin, and didn't take my gauze out. The taste was terrible, and I just knew I was going to throw up. I couldn't stop it. After I did, I felt 100x better, and I wish that had cured my phobia.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States

    Default Re: Has anybody actually V* before??

    I have got sick many times. It is really not as scary as the anticipation. It makes you feel better.



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