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Okay, so I just got up from this hellish v***** nightmare. My dad told me that I screamed on two different occasions in the night, and he came upstairs to see what was wrong, butwhen he came to chcek on me, I was asleep.
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I find writing about the dream and talking about it to be therapeutic, so I’ll describe the dream to you guys…again, it may be graphic and may bother some folks.</DIV>

So it was our family friend’s birthday. And we decided to take their family out to pizza at a pizza ordering place. Now here’s what is strange: you can’t sit and eat pizza, at least not here, at places where you can order pizzasuch as Dominos, Papa Johns, etc. But for some reason, in my dream, you could. So we went to this strip mall kind of area, and there were 3 choices of pizza places all right next to each other, kind of surrounding us in a square. For some reason, I got to choose where we ate. The three places were ‘Pizza Hut’, ‘Dominos’, and ‘Peppadinos’ (which there is no such restaurant, however I can distinctly remember the name and the huge sign. Perhaps I meant Pepperoni’s? I don’t know really.) Anyway, my favorite wasn’t there…Papa Johns, and I don’t like Pizza Hut’s pizza very much, so I chose Domino's. We went inside, but nobody else wanted pizza but me. How selfish of me, but I still ordered a personal-sized pizza, and we waited for them to prepare it. (I think we were going to go somewhere else to eat afterward.)While we were waiting, I remember sitting on a bench with the family’s kids. Behind us, a bunch of people came into the pizza place with a supervisor. They must have all been children. I didn’t really pay much attention to them. The next thing I know, someone is v*******. I turn halfway around, and behind me is a child with cancer, who had undergone chemotherapy and lost all his or her hair. (I can’t remember if it was a girl or a boy.) Anyway, this child started v******* red liquid. And it was continu