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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default OCD and Stomach Pain

    OCD – Just wondering if anyone else feel’s OCD about washing their hands, hand sanitizer, or Lysol?

    I used to refer to myself as a germophobe, but I recently realized that, yes, I am afraid of germs but more so about getting a SV*. I don’t worry about getting a cold type flu or any such thing. It doesn’t give me abnormal anxiety, just that I would rather not miss class because I can’t afford to.

    Stomach pain – Just wondering if anyone else has chronic stomach pain?

    I grew up always having a stomach ache. I remember crying to need my mom in pre-K, but I had a stomachache that accompanied that. I am starting to believe now that the anxiety triggered stomach pain even then. I even had a theory as a child in elementary school. I remember standing in the lunch line saying that if I cough and don’t V* then I won’t. haha SILLY to think about, but whatever gave me less anxiety works for me.

    I remember starting Pepsid AC when I was maybe 6 or 7. Since then I still take stomach meds. I have been on aciphex, prevacid, nuluv, and now protonix. I usually would take them for awhile, months, then I would quit. I am horrible with meds. I hate taking any kind of meds if I don’t need to. ALSO I have a horrible gag reflex which sorta ties into my emet. I can’t swallow pills, and only just recently started to swallow smaller ones. (I’m 22 and I know this is pathetic).

    My doctor told me that I have acid reflux, which is why I take the meds. She also told me that I have IBS, and gastritis. I also still continue to eat dairy when I have a degree of lactose intolerance.. So I am basically hurting myself there.. I also have stomach pain from anxiety, which is where it gets me most of the time.

    The hardest part about so much stomach pain is I don’t know which problem it is that is causing me to hurt at that point in time. It could be anyone of those reasons or a combination. My fear is Oh no, is this a Sv*? Or am I going to v*? Runs through my mind everytime if it is bad enough. Or at times, it could all just be in my head.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    London, UK

    Default Re: OCD and Stomach Pain

    I used to be really bad at washing my hands constantly and in primary school i used to have really rough skin from washing them all the time. I eventually got better at not washing them so much but i always used to watch and see if people washed their hands

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: OCD and Stomach Pain

    Well, I don't wash my hands constantly. I did have horrible skin irritation when I worked at a daycare for washing my hands way too much. I just wash my hands more than the regular person.. I was just wondering if people with emet correlate with this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    London, UK

    Default Re: OCD and Stomach Pain

    Definitely, Im sure most people on here can definitely relate to that

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: OCD and Stomach Pain


    I'm OCD about a lot of things - especially hand washing!!! My hands are so cracked and sore. I'm 26 but they look like the hands of an 80 year old! I should also have shares in dettol/bleach!

    I do get stomach discomfort when I'm anxious - this phobia is like one big terrible never ending circle - I'm scared of getting sick - I get stomach ache cos I'm so anxious about getting sick - I think I may be sick cos of my stomach hurting/feeling funny!!! Aaarghh!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: OCD and Stomach Pain

    I wash my hands a lot but I moisturise them as well so they're ok, also I cannot stand having dry hands, makes me cringe, so I guess that helps :P
    I sometimes get a really bad pain in the kidney area of my back, sometimes it's excrutiating and has me bent over double and even makes me feel S*. I'll have it for about 2minutes then it'll vanish, my dad has suffered from exactly the same all his life, funny thing is nothing shows up in a test at the doctors,
    I'm guilty of being innocent
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