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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Austin, Texas

    Default Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    So I was wondering is anyone out there in the health care field with this phobia? I have had this all my life. I've suffered panic attacks for 21 years and I'm scared to death of v*...well..sorta. I am going to school to become a nurse and I'm not sure what the heck I'm thinking. My husband was v* a few days ago and I ran off outside. He asked me to take care of him and I was so jumpy. Every time he coughed or burped I jumped out of my seat like lightening. I cannot watch someone v* nor hear it but I have no problems seeing it. I am afraid I will certainly get fired as a nurse running away from my patient. I keep telling myself I'll get use to it but I haven't for the past 21 years. I really like taking care of people though. Anyone else kinda like this or a nurse or something themselves? Or does anyone just have an opinion?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    I am in the health care industry- a nutritionist, although it still is something I occasionally come across unfortunately. In a professional setting, it somehow is actually a little easier to deal with than it is everywhere else. I am actually considering naturopathic med school, so I am kind of in the same boat as you- wondering if I can handle the whole v* part of medicine

    Also in nursing there are certain units where you will deal with it either far more or far less. Obviously the ER, PACU, peds and oncology units may not be areas you would want to specialized in unless you cure your emet. Before my last surgery, the nurse who prepped me was actually an emet too (VERY reassuring when facing surgery with a high risk of PONV, let me tell you!). She said that in the same day admission pre-op unit, it is something that really doesn't happen. She said she was ok with it as long as it wasn't something she could catch and had worked in all areas of nursing but now worked pre-op and in the OR.

    Who knows- maybe you will be the next amazing nurse who actually really gets and can genuinely reassure another emet patient? Maybe your history of being an emet will end up being a huge asset in terms of patient care?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA west coast

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    I understand completely! I really wanted to be a physician's assistant, but I just don't think I can hack it (plus I'd have to do another year of undergrad just to get all the prereqs). So I'm currently going for my MSW (social work). This way, I can help people- I want to focus on mental health counseling- and be in a relatively "safe" environment. Good on you though! Maybe you'll be exposed enough and work through it!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    im currently studying to be a child care worker. though its not the same as being a nurse, it does have some similarities.
    I want to have my own art classes for 4-5 year olds but im also terrorfied i wont be able to handle it as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    I am going back to school for radiography or sonography and I'm sure I will encounter a situation at some point but sadly this is one of the main reasons I didn't do nursing. You could work in the nicu with babies. Unless baby v* bothers you of course.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    I always respond to these posts because I feel the same way. How can emets be in the medical field?? But I love medicine and just got my phlebotomy certification AND just accepted a job at a hospital! I start in May and am scared to death but excited as well. Don't know how I will handle everything but....I say go for it. If it is something you love, then do it. Don't let this fear stop you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Unhappy Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    I have been following this link like a hawk! I'm a personal support worker who graduated from college back in 2007. Due to some family illnesses, I haven't been out in the work force yet. This coming Monday I start a week's worth of orientation at a nursing home and then I have part time hours to start and then hopefully by Summer, I'll land full time hours there. I am PETRIFIED to say the least! My family makes jokes about my fears of "v" and I just let it roll off my back like a duck. Going to work in a nursing home will be tough for me as we all know that there will be outbreaks of different bugs in the nursing home and I have NO idea how I will overcome this fear. I'm not sure why I put myself through this type of work it's just I have an amazing love for seniors and it felt like a good job to get into. My Mom, a retired RN, tells me how it's just food. Ya right...to me it's like death! I will give it my all as I can't be held captive of my dreams because of this fear. This is a good job and I cannot blow it! I need to support myself and my 2 cats...so wish me luck because I'll freaking need it! Winter should be fun... OI!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    Hey there. I am too in the field of nursing. I currently work as a medical assistant at a family practice/drug and alcohol detox center. I keep telling myself that I dont know how I do it. Because a lot of the patients going through detox (especially alcohol) get sick and v*. I of course run away as well. I am currently going for my RN and I want to work in the Labor and Delivery Ward. Everyone says that the women always v* there (which i know, because I did it) but i think i can handle...maybe not? IDK..i just know that this is ruining my life in some ways :-(

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    Good for you, catsrule and boriqua81!!! Let's all keep each other posted as to how it all goes...good luck.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    i used to volunteer at a local hospital in the onocology dept ..so i knew there would be lots of ppl v* bc of chemo but i think the fact that i knew i couldnt catch it helped so i wasn't so terrified. if i knew it was an sv* i would have been petrified to catch it but this was different. also it was kind of like exposure therapy bc it bothered me less to see it after a while. (also got a lot of that bc of an often drunk and v*ing ex bf)...so it made it easier just to deal with that part of the emet. i still love working in the medical field..nothing else would be so interesting for me

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    I'm enrolling in nursing school soon. I've wanted to be a nurse since I was in second grade...I don't know why cause I've always been terrified of V*. I want to work in the ER or ICU. I know there is massive amounts of V* in those two places, but I still want to do it! I can't explain why.... :P

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    QLD, Australia

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    I think you are all so brave to be the the medical fields! I dont think I could do it, but in a way I wish I could because I think the exposure might help the phobia. Good on you all!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    Well bad news. I quit the nursing home this past Sat. after my shift. I don't think it was because of the potential for my unit to have an outbreak of v* or *d, I found that being a PSW in a home is REALLY hard and I have always been plagued by anxiety and it was just too overwhelming. I am devastated by this and unsure of what will happen next. I hope everyone who wants to be in the medical field do well. I'm so down about this and really don't care about anything right now.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    Kudos to you!! You're my hero. I couldn't do nursing (wanted to labor and delivery) because of this phobia. So, I chose to do ultrasound.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: Going to Nursing School, strange for a Emet?

    Oooh, I couldn't do it, either. I worked as a phlebotomist for a little while while I was going to university (what was I thinking??) and quit after the first person got sick. Way to go you guys!! I"m sure it will help your phobia so much to see so many people getting sick, it will be no big deal.



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