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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Q for people from the UK...

    How often can you get a repeat prescription? My GP gave me some domperidone over a week ago; it says take 2 every 4 hours, now they ran out whilst I was in London.

    Now my Dad seems to think repeat prescriptions can be given out only once a month-in which case would the doctor not have prescribed me more, as opposed to a weeks dosage? (If that makes sense)

    If anyone knows it would be much appreciated, the fear just seems to be getting worse and my anxiety too.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Q for people from the UK...

    Ive been getting repeat prescriptions for domperidone every month for 18 months. I get 120 10mg tablets and can take as required. I think it is usual practice to get monthly prescriptions. Perhaps your dr only meant for you to be on these short term. You can always go back to see him and ask for more if you need them and perhaps he can give you a larger amount to cover you for a month at a time. How many tablets did he prescribe for you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Q for people from the UK...

    Thanks for the reply Claire; I know I have a review in 6 months, so presuming he's put me on them until then? It's 56 tablets @ 10mg.

    I've never been on a repeat prescription before so don't know how it works, feel foolish for asking. Could I request some more despite me being on prescription for them?

    Thanks again,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Q for people from the UK...

    If you just go back to your dr and explain why you need more he should prescribe you enough to last you every month. Although he gave you 56 he probably only meant for you to take them when you feel n*. I know mine are supposed to be 1 tablet upto 4 times a day but some days I feel fine and so dont take any and other days I feel so s* I take a lot more than I should!!

    I know all about repeat presecriptions as Ive had to take thyroxine tablets every day for over 20 years due to having 90% of my thyroid gland removed when I was young.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Q for people from the UK...

    Thanks again for the reply Claire; just got back from my GP, he's put me on a Prozac a day for the next two weeks for the anxiety and given me 50 Cyclizine as opposed to Domperidone, see if it's more effective.

    Have to go back in two weeks for another check in regards to the effectiveness, so fingers crossed for that!

    Yeah, I was like that at one point, take them when I feel n* as opposed to all the time, then anxiety just kicked in rather bad :/



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