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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United States

    Unhappy Just Need To Talk To Someone Who Understands

    Hello. I've cruised around on this site for years now, but have only posted once. (It was a REVELATION when i found this site- I thought I was the only one like this). But I just have to say this to somebody- anybody- that understands. Is it just me or has this winter been horrible for SVs?! I started hearing about them in Sept. and they are still going strong. I mean doesnt it seem like usually it flares, then calms down? I, for the first time in years feel like Im gonna lose my mind. Its almost been farcical- everytime I turn around, go to work, pick up a book, watch a movie, visit someone, when my son goes to work, the nurse at my Dr.s office tells me how many SV patients......uuggghhhh!!! Some days I can kinda bury it in the back of my mind, some days I get mad at the emet and kinda be like "Back off me!!" but then sometimes something will sneak up on me, some new sick person and wham!- I'm almost immobilized. My son works at a fast food place and his manager was there two days in a row fixing food while she was v**!! Thank god he's not an emet, but for my sake he sanitizes his hands so much, they are bleeding. When is this god-awful winter gonna be over?! Sorry this was so long. I'm just getting worn down.:/ Thanks for listening. You know, I would give almost anything in this world to be normal.I so, so, want to know how the other half live.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    london uk

    Default Re: Just Need To Talk To Someone Who Understands

    im with you my boss the other day couldnt wrap her head around it when i broke down infront of her for taking days off work i got kind of angry i was like its not as if im going out clubbing at the weekends she was like can the doctors not give you anything its not that i want something to prevent vomiting i want to be ok with it happening. i hate the bug season i feel very vulnerable in winter
    ...The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Syracuse, NY

    Default Re: Just Need To Talk To Someone Who Understands

    i feel the same way as you guys. it does suck when it seems like its going around a lot. and yes freedom fighter i know how you feel. because eventually someday it will happen and i want to be okay with that too. it sucks when people don't understand and give you a hard time.

    and mollyw i know i would love to be normal too. I was in the store tonight and looked around and said "probably nobody else in this store is worrying about v* right now like i am". It really makes you feel like crap.

    have you tried counseling? i'm going on wednesday for the first time and i really hope she can help me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Just Need To Talk To Someone Who Understands

    i know, it drives me nuts. i do home health care (of all things) and havent yet had a patient who v*** hardly ever (thank heavens), but his wife, two school age kids, and in laws live in the house. the wife works in a adaycare, the kids are in more activities than I can name and the in laws have constant dr. appts. All that exsposure, and they are one of those families that seem to catch everything.Some mornings going out the door im thinking," I'm SO not ready to handle this today." Of course, they think nothing of it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Just Need To Talk To Someone Who Understands

    Thanks for replying guys vlbecker- yeah, I have thought about it, but I dont now if it would work? and if I could afford it. Good luck with your appt., I really hope you find some good help. I'm gonna dance for joy first time I see a daffodil this year.



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