I just want to say that my heart goes out to all of you in this place. I use to think I had it worse than anyone until I came here. It has helped me to see how with GODS grace, I have been able to do what a lot of emetos have not. I have married and I have 3 children, Colton 15, Hope 9 and Josie SinClair 4. I went through 3 pregnancies and C-sections without getting sick.
Im not saying I don't have bad times like I have mentioned before, I have overdosed on some meds when Im having a panic attack and I do believe that I came through by the grace of God alive!
I have not V since April of 1989 and no, Im not proud of that. The thing is I have not done it in over 20 years but daily the issue happens,...someone pulls off the side of the road in a hurry, a patient starts moving their mouth a certain way,..I get nauseated greatly and have panic attacks often but in spite of this,...God has helped me have a life by his grace.
I have just decided that if he does not heal me from this,..I will praise him. If he does deliver me, I will praise him,...either way I know that he will see me through.
Its not just about what the enemy has done in my life anymore,...but its about the grace God has given me to live like an overcomer. There is always hope. God Bless You All!!