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Thread: :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yorkshire, England.

    Default :(

    I know this is my second 'panic post' within a week now but I dont seem to be getting any support other than on here right now, so some would be appreciated please

    This post is going to seem quite OTT but I dont know how else to express how i'm feeling witout details or fully explaining. I had d* around two hours ago and have been on the toilet twice since and im really scared I'm pretty sure it's not anxiety related as I only get that during a panic attack and I was fairly calm when it happened, did not feel anxious at all and it just happened, so as you can guess, i'm terrified that I have an sv* :'( I haven't vomitted (yet) and dont really feel nauseated but my stomach is in quite a lot of pain and it doesn't seem to be going away. I dont know what to do, my mum is seeming to think im over reacting and that it's just my anxiety but I KNOW it's not :/ Any ideas on how to stop it would be muchly appreciated. I do have some Immodium to hand but they are ones my neighbour gave me around two months ago and I dont know if they're even in date anymore and she isn't around for me to ask.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: :(

    I tend to agree with your mom that it's anxiety. You have been very anxious lately and that can cause d*. I would suggest you take the Imodium. They last a long time, so I doubt they are out of date. In fact, I took some a few weeks back that was technically expired and I was fine. You will be okay.
    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: :(

    Most medications have a pretty long shelf-life so two months shouldn't make much of a difference. Keep hydrated, too. There's no reason why you'd v* You will be okay; just take it easy. Sorry you're having a tough time xxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Nova Scotia, Canada

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    Medications last FOREVER. Well, not forever but quite a long time. And even if they are expired, it won't hurt you, they generally just lose their effectiveness. Feel better soon xox.
    "I'd rather cross the line and suffer the consequences, than stare at the line for the rest of my life." <3

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Reading, England

    Default Re: :(

    Hey Tash, I agree with the other posters. Medicines do have a very long shelf-life, so anything you were given just two months ago would still be okay.

    Secondly, I've had the dreaded d* a number of times but I don't really pay it any attention. It's happened plenty more times than I've v* so one does not necessarily cause the other at all. In fact, I think that on each occasion when d was combined with v, the v came first, so if that's any guide you should by definition be okay!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yorkshire, England.

    Default Re: :(

    Thankyou everyone ^^ I'm really appreciative of all your support. I sometimes can talk myself out of getting ill I think or getting to the point where I have diarrhea but I somewhat feel as though i've lost all control this week :/ I haven't had anymore d* today but my stomach is still hurting for some reason & I do feel pretty sick now. I just wish this would go away. Maybe it is anxiety i'm not sure but when I had my first bout of it I wasn't anxious whatsoever.. hm. Thanks again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    australia, NSW

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    i hate d* and lbm. it could be a number of reasons, whats your diet like? does your stomach feel better after you go? im sure its nothing bad. i understand what you ean with the no anxiety and then BAM!! d*!! it doesnt make sense. but because you were stressing after, it could of made it a bit worse then it actually is. hope its all better now
    No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.

  8. #8

    Default Re: :(

    I say that the d* came from your previous anxiety. Honestly, d* is not a good indicator of sv* at all. I definitely agree with orton99 that d* is often present without v* and, in my experience, d* means that you are out of the woods with v* because a bug is in your stomach BEFORE it is in your intestines, meaning that if you get d* anything that is causing it has already made it through the stage where you are likely to v* hope you are feeling better

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yorkshire, England.

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    Thanks guys, again I'm still really appteciative of your replies and support. Truthfully I'm still not feeling better, infact whilst writing this I feel a bit weird and am experiencing strong nausea.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    australia, NSW

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    i know is hard but try to distract yourself. watch some tele or play a game on fb. do you still have d*?
    No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Yorkshire, England.

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    Quote Originally Posted by emmalinda View Post
    i know is hard but try to distract yourself. watch some tele or play a game on fb. do you still have d*?
    I have been doing - & no, fingers crossed it wont come back either. I've been constipated since! This is why I think I might have a mild form of IBS because it's either d* im having or the complete opposite, it's like there is no happy medium if you know what I mean? - My mum said it's probably my anxiety/lack of nutrition that is the problem, but i'm not 100%.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    watford, england

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    It sounds like ibs hun, and its sooo common! A pain in the bum (excuse the pun) but iv lived with it for 6 years and it affects me daily, get some peppermint oil tablets in, or even suck a polo, it always helps me. I get n* with my ibs, and bad stomach cramps, the more anxious n stressed you are the worse it gets 2! I hope u feel better soon tho love! Big hugs xx

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Yorkshire, England.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hannahk86 View Post
    It sounds like ibs hun, and its sooo common! A pain in the bum (excuse the pun) but iv lived with it for 6 years and it affects me daily, get some peppermint oil tablets in, or even suck a polo, it always helps me. I get n* with my ibs, and bad stomach cramps, the more anxious n stressed you are the worse it gets 2! I hope u feel better soon tho love! Big hugs xx
    Ahh really? That can't be good, but at least you know how to make yourself feel better like with the polo's - I always have mint gum or peppermints to hand if I start to feel nauseous. Also, I did think about getting checked out for IBS but I rang this anxiety helpline (usually not something I would do, but I felt like I was going to die, sounds dramatic but it's how I felt at the time) and I explained my whole situation to this really nice lady and she said with anxiety/stress it can give symptoms that are associated with IBS so, I dont know, if it gets worse i'll get it checked out. Thankyou for posting here x



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