Hi, I'm Joy, and as you can see from my screen name, I have six kids. Strange for a woman who suffers from emet, I know. I am 34 years old and have been suffering since I was a child.
I believe it all started when my friend vomited all over the floor of our classroom in first grade. I told the teacher and she gave me a sponge to clean it up. It was so traumatic to me that I ended up v that night. I used to get panic attacks as a child which turned into nausea and constant fear that I would throw up. I wish my parents had been more understanding, but instead my mom would raise her voice at me (when she could see that I was nervous), which just made it worse.
I couldn't wait to get married and have children. I never feared ms but was afraid for the day that my first child would v and how I would deal with it. It happened when she was almost 3. Thankfully, my hubby was there to clean it up but I was shaky and in a panic.
To this day, if my daughter even looks a little sick, I am in full blown panic. I know that if it is a virus, it will be passed to all of my kids. It is frustrating, too, because I can't even be in the same room with her if she is v. It makes me sad that I can't comfort any of my kids when they are sick.
I have many more stories that I could share, but I wan to get to my biggest difficulty right now. Every other year, we make a trip to my in-laws who live 2 states away. It takes up to 12 hours to get there. I dread this trip because I am in fear of someone getting sick during the trip. For days leading up to it, I am in a panic and my heart is racing. My husband gets so frustrated with me and thinks that I just don't want to go. I do like to be in new places, I just dread the thought of being in a vehicle for a long period of time and someone being sick. I can't get out and it scares me.
One year, during a visit with the inlaws, my kids came down with the stomach flu. It was awful, as no one could figure out why I was so panicky and uptight. My inlaws are all such happy people and I am embarrassed to even share my phobia with them for fear that they will make fun of me (which has happened all my life with people).
My question is, is there anything I can take during the trip to calm me down and that won't cause me to be completely unable to drive or function? In the past, I have taken anti anxiety meds, but they were a low dose and I had to be on them for up to a month for them to take hold. I guess I am just looking for something that can work fast. We are going in less than 2 weeks, and I want this trip to be fun for my kids and husband without them dealing with me and my fears.
Thanks for reading my story. I am really looking forward to hearing how everyone deals with emet and for the success stories, too.
