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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Phoenix, Arizona

    Default Do you worry about worrying too much?

    This is a little off topic, to do more with panic in general rather than only emet, though I think we all know they go hand in hand.

    I consider myself a pretty laid back person; not much gets me worked up or upset. I've had small versions of panic attacks since a young age and it's been getting worse as I get older, with the worst worst of it being within the past few months. Sometimes these panic attacks are linked to the emet, and sometimes they are not, though nausea is always a symptom. Once the panic subsides, I feel some sort of guilt - like my behavior was so ridiculous, so unlike me.

    My mother told me once that a person who has one phobia is prone to more - that has stuck in my head for many years. I've tried to be especially self-aware, constantly analyzing if I'm getting better or worse. I was talking to a coworker about this once, and I started going on about what if one day I wake up and I can't go outside, I can't eat my favorite food, I can't function daily without being in a constant state of anxiety or uneasiness. What if I wake up one day and I'm schizophrenic? I feel like this panic, my lack of control, is making me mentally weak and susceptible to other or worsened mental disorders. Luckily, my coworker sort of laughed at me, told me "you are worried about worrying too much." I laughed a little too and easily dismissed my concerns. Since then I've really made an effort to not worry and I'm doing pretty good at it, in general, sans my emet issues. But I was wondering if this concept has occurred to anyone else? We worry about the IF's - things that don't even exist!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Western Australia

    Default Re: Do you worry about worrying too much?

    I think it's natural for anyone to worry about the unknown, but for us emets since our phobia is pretty much based upon the unknown of being sick that's why we stress/worry so much and it is possible that because it takes up so much of our time and life and we apply it to one thing, what's not to stop us from applying it to another?

    I do understand completely what you are worrying about etc but we must understand being emets we are actually a lot stronger than we think... Everything is a matter of the mind and because we are so aware of it we can change the ways in which our minds work so have a little faith in yourself that you are the one in control in your life and things will only happen and get to you if you let them!

    Hope i made sense... it is early here and it makes sense in my head, it's a bit different to type it all out though haha!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Phoenix, Arizona

    Default Re: Do you worry about worrying too much?

    It made complete sense, kristylee -- I've recently begun therapy, and more importantly, the mindset and determination to beat this stupid fear. I've been telling my boyfriend that if I succeed, if i get past this fear and anxiety that has been with me for as long as I can remember - a fear and anxiety that has become a fundamental, core part of who I am... then that will give me the confidence and empowerment that I need to know I can overcome any mental health challenge that is thrown my way. I will be the queen over mind over matter.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Do you worry about worrying too much?

    I have to comment here!! (see my quote) I am a first-class worrier, and it is very hard to change it. I worry, too, that all this worrying will sort of wear my brain out and give me Alzheimer's. I worry about Everything health-related, my kids, the future...and it's sooo quick that half the time I don't even know I'm doing it. So yes, I agree with you all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: Do you worry about worrying too much?

    I have a question about worrying too much, also. When my emet strikes, sometimes, after a few days, I start feeling *N myself, but I never know if I'm making myself *N, or if I've actually got an *SV, so I'm still afraid because I don't know if I'm done with the current round or just experiencing anxiety to a high level. Does anyone else experience this, or know whether I am making myself *N or actually getting *N? Any input would be appreciated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Phoenix, Arizona

    Default Re: Do you worry about worrying too much?

    Quote Originally Posted by KellyC View Post
    I have a question about worrying too much, also. When my emet strikes, sometimes, after a few days, I start feeling *N myself, but I never know if I'm making myself *N, or if I've actually got an *SV, so I'm still afraid because I don't know if I'm done with the current round or just experiencing anxiety to a high level. Does anyone else experience this, or know whether I am making myself *N or actually getting *N? Any input would be appreciated.

    I think it could be a combination of both. I believe I have a sensitive stomach that becomes upset at the slightest indifference. I get N* when I get nervous, I easily get N* when I overeat, or eat too much cheese or heavy food, certain things just don't sit well in my stomach. It never leads to V* but once you start to worry and get a little worked up, the N* gets worse, which is all in my head because I'm worked up. So I believe it could be a combination of both.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: Do you worry about worrying too much?

    I guess my biggest question here is this: How do I know the difference - if I'm really sick or if I'm just anxious?



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