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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Unhappy Bit panicky...can someone help me out here?!

    OK, so:

    My parents have gone away (but they're comiing back later today!) and I haven't eaten anything since they've gone. It's been a week. When I say I haven't eaten anything, I mean I have only eaten like, a biscuit a day - I've lost a lot of weight and I feel very weak.

    Right now it is nearly 2am and I am panicking...Today I have eaten a small bit of a bun, a few fries, a tangerine and 5 crackers and a coke. I'm trying really hard to eat some more. My legs feel all like jelly and my eyes hurt. Could this be because I am tired? Or am I ill?

    I've also just got my period and am feeling like crap because of that too! What should I do?? I'm so scared that I'm going to die or hallucinate or something?! I'm really freaking out. Have I eaten enough? Should I just sleep? I don't want to eat any more - what if I'm sick? It's too late at night as well....omg, I'm worried....help

  2. #2

    Default Re: Bit panicky...can someone help me out here?!

    Your body is just exhausted from having hardly anything to go on besides a biscuit a day for a week. Your stomach has probably shrunk over the course of seven days, so that may explain why you don't feel like eating....it's a good idea to re-expand your stomach gradually so that you don't v* from overeating, though, so don't push yourself to eat something heavy if you really don't feel hungry.

    It's probably your low blood sugar that makes you feel so weak; try nibbling on more crackers, some dry toast, or another tangerine, just eat slowly and pace yourself. Or, look for something to eat that's small but full of calories (trust me, even though it's late at night, your body needs calories to keep itself functioning properly, even while you're asleep). Make sure you're hydrated, too, as dehydration can make you feel terrible.

    Again your body is most likely just tired, not ill.....feed your body well before going to sleep tonight, and you should feel better tomorrow! Just gradually make your meals a little bit larger day by day, and your stomach should expand back to normal soon enough.

    I'm sure you'll be fine as soon as you get some more calories in you, so don't worry!
    Panic at the thought of doing something is a challenge to do it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Re: Bit panicky...can someone help me out here?!

    you HAVE to eat more or you body will be malnourished and your immune system will suffer and you WILL GET SICK. eat fruit. eat soup. eat rice. muffins. safety foods. you need to eat, it will only get worse if you don't!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    australia, NSW

    Default Re: Bit panicky...can someone help me out here?!

    not only do you ound udernourished but anemic as well. especially with your period now. i think you should slowly strt eating more and the you will feel better. eating will not make you sick. NOT eating will make you sick. like perksofcharlie mentioned. But after you've slolwy eatin more you need to get some iron into ya. spinach. red meat, lentils. please..you sound very unwell at the moment from not eating.
    No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.



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