Ok so I had my usual sickness before my period. I was 4 days late so I was freaking out even though my tubes are tied. But for the whole week I could not stop eating. But the thing is I only want to eat sweets. So I was up late last night and snacked on junk. So I woke up around 5 nauseous. Got out of bed around 9:30 and my stomach hurt. Then I felt a little queasy. I ate a plain hamburger it didn't help but didn't make me feel worse. Then I ate a churro and felt better. But then a couple of hours later I have the cramps again. I felt ok other than the cramps, kinda feels like gas. But I was driving and I stopped at a stop sign and for a second I went blank felt dizzy and thought I was going to v*. I don't know what to do. I have no insurance I'm freaked out.