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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    San Jose, California :D

    Exclamation Help! feeling sick advice! D:

    so im feeling kinda sick and its late (1am) and im starting to freak out!!! D: i had dinner at like 8 ish. i ate half a piece of salmon (with dill and butter) and a small amout of pasta, and later on a little bit of cherry pie. the only things i drank were some purple gatorade and water.

    i feel kinda sick, right under my ribs it kinda hurts (which is bad cause thats what hurt last time i v* too) i feel like i have trapped burps, but when i burp i doesnt really help and i felt like i had heartburn almost. i have a sensitive stomach and frequently get gastritis (which isnt helping my fear...) and i wind up freaking myself out.

    im also freaking out more than usual cause the fish was left out for about 2 hours and bacteria can grow within that time, also my friend (who i just came back from a sleepover with) said she was she i on facebook! D: she didnt say what kind of sick but never the less, i freak. now my family DOES have the tendency to leave things out a long time and i always eat them without thinking about it but idk sometimes i do think about it.

    is there any advice on how to not feel sick/ freak yourself out? please help! i only took one tums like 5 mins ago. thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Washington, USA

    Default Re: Help! feeling sick advice! D:

    After passing 36 degrees Fahrenheit, everything has 4 hours before it starts getting contaminated to the point of illness so I'm sure you're fine there. That, and, fish doesn't grow nasty bacteria unless it was handled improperly.

    Do something to distract yourself. Watch TV, play a video game, chat with friends/random people, etc. Keep your mind off your stomach area and it may just pass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    San Jose, California :D

    Default Re: Help! feeling sick advice! D:

    -phew- thanks, lol now i can rest assured on the food being left out issue. it passed and i actually feel kinda hungry lol. yesterday i felt i made some progress by eating 2 marshmallows roasted over an open flame ON A STICK. not a metal stick thing, like litterally right off the tree, not cleaned, stick. i was hesitant but ate it! haha i sound too happy now >___<

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    San Jose, California :D

    Default Re: Help! feeling sick advice! D:

    If I ate half a salmon burger today at 5pm and took 2 bites of it the same day at 8ish, is was it still "safe to eat"? I'm kinda worried since i heard that food has 4 hours before it grows bacteria that causes illness. It was the salmon burger from Nation's Burgers in Hayward. It was a wheat bun/salmon patty with spices/mayo/lettuce. It wasn't hot after 4pm when I put it in the car and took it out at 8pm. I didn't reheat it. So was is safe? :/

  5. #5

    Default Re: Help! feeling sick advice! D:

    I too suffer from gastritis and I get what you get all the time. I find that if I eat a lot and very rich foods, I get it real bad. Also, if I mess up my eating schedule, then I also get sick. It's starts just like you described it, with this pain under the ribs and an urge to v*. The pain sometimes gets so bad that I whimper. But then it subsides and I get hungry. However, if I eat, the cycle continues again.

    It stinks and I too am an emetophobic so dealing with this and that really takes a toll on you sometimes. So frustrating, but glad to see you are feeling better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    San Jose, California :D

    Default Re: Help! feeling sick advice! D:

    Ya, it sucks >-< lol. I'm usually fiine but sometimes I get a flare up. I. Can't have chocolate,peanut butter, rich stuff, oily stuff, greasy stuff, capri sun (too acidy), too much tomato sauce, or too much ketchup



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