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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I guess I was wondering this, because it seems really common. I know there are VERY stringent laws against sexual harassment (leering, any 'familiar' terms, even looking too long or such counts)in the workplace, but it seems to happen all over regardless. At my last job, well a co worker did make sexual jokes/gestures to me (unwanted by me of course), but at the time I was rather ignorant, and didn't realize this counted as such, and so I didn't say anything. Of course I now know better. Even at my new job, today (2nd day) some worker said "hi princess" and man stupid me I was so shocked (not in a good way!) that I just reflex-like responded "hi" and then walked away and avoided him the rest of the day. I know real stupid huh? Well as soon as I walked away Im thinking "man I should have said something like "please dont call me that" or something". Its really annoying, and it dismays me that I've ran into it on 2 jobs now. I just (if it at all happens again) will have to somehow get gutsy and say something. I wish men weren't such pigs sometimes. Edited by: Galadriel

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    If you are offended, you have to tell him to stop. And if he does it agian, tell a supervisor. Harassment in the workplace is more common then people realize. I was sexually harassed at a job before. One of my bosses, asked me if I would have sex with him, and if I could whip him and use chains. I even had a witness to him saying this to me, so I reported it. Nothing was done, my witness won't come foward, so it was my word against his. I just ended up quiting, and I heard that he did it to someone else, and ended up getting fired.

    I think that people don't even realize that people might get offended by the things they say. I think that they are really just trying to be friendly, but if you do not like the remarks, its best to be straight foward and tell them, Don't be embarassed, or feel you can't, speak up, or it will never stop. Just simply say don't call me that, I don't like that. And if it doesn't stop report it. You don't have to listen to that, or be called that if you don't like it.

    I worked in a Police station for 5 years, all men. I was the only female on my shift. I constantly was called different names. It never bothered me, I just call them names back. Only once someone said something that I didn't like, and I just said to that person if you EVER call me that again, I will make a complaint. You know what, it never happened again, and we are still friends to this day. So stand up for yourself, you don't have to take it. Let me know what happens.

    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey Michele!

    Man that is just horrible what that boss did to you. Your right, no one should have to put up with remarks that make them uncomfortable at work. I will if it happens again have to get the guts to either say something to the persons face, ignore them, or just report it to the manager. Do I have to say something to the harassee first before I go to the manager? Its sad, but sometimes you do have to get tough with people. Its very hard for me tho, because Im usually a very quiet, nice person who never wants to say anything "mean" or anything like speaking up for myself, but there comes a time when you have to do something.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    You should always say something to the person that is doing the harassing first. You must make it known to them that you do not want to hear that talk anymore. And if they continue, then go straight to the manager. Good luck.
    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Thanks Michele for the advise!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    It is very common. I agree...if it makes you uncomfortable say something to them.



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