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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! You guys are NOT going to believe this!! You probably all remember my post about Parker puking last week and being sick with double ear infections for days, THEN my 10 year old daughter puked on Friday night, and OMG!!!!.... now my 12 year old daughter just puked!!!!

    *SIGH*.....She was fine all day. Her and her sister are out of school for the rest of the week due to conferences. They had half days Monday and Tuesday...and now they don't go back until Monday.

    Anyways, as I was saying....she has been fine all day, and even all night. Me and hubby went to Walmart to get my "soon to be 6 year old" son's B-day gifts and some groceries, and when we got back, she said that she can't believe that she is still full from dinner. Hubby asked her if she too was constipated (as the whole family is again from CHEESE!) and she said, "very!"

    Well, while we were gone she said she tried to poo and only had the "hard rocks". She said that she felt even more "full" after she went. She said it is unusual for nothing to sound good to eat. (she eats like every hour on the hour...lol) Anyways, as the night was progressing, she just kept talking about all of the foods that sounded good vs. gross. We were all kidding around about how icky it sounded to imagine eating grilled ham and cheese again.(which was what we all had for dinner) I told her that nothing sounds good to me either, and that it doesn't mean you are sick! (she must have known somehow that she didn't feel quite "right")

    Anyways, then she asked my 10 year old daughter how bad it felt to puke, since she had just done it Friday. Then my 10 year old said, "it wasn't that bad". Then Megan (12 year old) said, "well maybe I will feel better if I puked!" I was starting to get a bit nervous! I then said, "well why don't you take some Milk of Magnesia for your constipation....I do...and it works wonders!" She said, "ok, let's do it!"

    We went into the kitchen, and she asked about the thickness of the medicine, and how it tasted, and I told her it wasn't bad, and she could chase it down with water. I let her smell it, and she said, "um, I just changed my mind...I don't want to take it" I said ok...and as I was standing there, I noticed she had turned ghostly white! She then said the dreaded...."I feel like I am going to puke." She started leaning over the sink!!!! I told her..."NO!! NOT IN THE SINK!!! BATHROOM!!!! So bathroom she went. I plugged my ears and ran into the living room until she came back out. She was still ghostly white, and started joking around about it!!! "Hey mom, I feel sooooooo much better...but, (smacking her lips) it doesn't taste too good! Can I still go out with my friends to the movies tomorrow???" She was just giggling and laughing away, and saying that she was hungry! WHAT IS THE DEAL??? IS IT VOMIT WEEK HERE OR SOMETHING???? I told her we willwait and see how she is in the morning, then I will decide. She almost started crying because she is supposed to go to the mall with her friends and then the movies. I made her take a pan downstairs with her to her room, and a glass of water. I told her not to touch anything upstairs, and to stay down in her room until I see how she is in the morning; she then went to bed.

    I have sprayed everything with Lysol, that she has touched tonight, but what is really bugging me, is that before hubby and I went to Walmart tonight, I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, and she blew a bubble with her gum, and "sprayed" me with her spit while she was doing it!!! AAAUUUUGHHHH!!!!!!!! Does it sound like she has a bug??

    I am so sick of this crap you guys. I am so sick of being "on guard" at all times, and being worried all the time!!! I haven't had a break from the worry in over a week now!!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]So, guess what...I am in the frame of mind (atleast for right now) that "
    Spring is here!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Wow, you've had a rough week!! You seem to have stayed calm for the majority of it. How is your daughter now? To me it doesn't really sound like she has a bug, maybe it was just an upset stomach from being constipated. Let us know how everything is going.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    It doesn't sound like a bug to me either, Charlotte. I think if it had been a bug she would have felt a lot sicker even after *v*. I know that when I have had bugs in the past, I may feel a bit better after *v* but it isn't long until I start feeling bad again. If she had a bug I don't think she would be begging to go out with friends tomorrow. But most kids are that way--if they are looking forward to something it doesn't matter if they are sick or not!

    I hope she feels better!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    That is a hard call...how is she feeling now? That mess (sv) is still going around my area BUT I *think* it is starting to show a decline.

    Keep us posted!

    PS. I would think you would have already been sick if it were a sv.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    You poor thing!! I am soooo sorry!! How are things this morning??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Gosh, I don't know what to make of it! She had diarrhea this morning, but she said she still feels great, and she is still hungry. She argued til she was blue in the face about how she still wants to go out with her friends this afternoon, but since she had diarrhea, I told her no, and that she needs to let her friends know that she can't go, and that she needs to rest. She threw a temper tantrum and yelled and carried on about it. I told her I would make her some toast (BRAT food) and she said no, she wanted cereal!! She fought with me so long and hard this morning, then said she "hated" me, so she got herself grounded til Monday. [img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]How frustrating!!

    I have no idea what she "has" but it is wierd. If it is a bug, then both of the girls only puked once with it and had the loose stools??? I hope it is not a bug; for Megan "sprayed" me last night in the kitchen while she was blowing a bubble with her gum!! [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    To add to the even better side of things...Parker now has a runny nose!!! A nice, new, fresh runny nose...meaning he has something else now!! [img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]I am so tired of this!

    I thought March was supposed to better!! I just want to dig a hole somewhere, and never come out! [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]Thanks for listening y'all! Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Oh Honey, I feel so bad for you. I have only had one instance where my kids were sick one right after the other with a sv. It literally threw me into a tailspin. What a nightmare. The only bright spot is that, if it is a virus, it has run its course, and you won't need to worry about your kids for a while. My experience has been that as long as I practice appropriate hygiene measures after a kid has been sick, I do not catch it. I do not believe they are as contagious before they start v'g.

    One question - is it any easier when the child is older, like your 12 year old?? My kids are not quite at the age when I can send them to bed with a bowl and expect them to get "it" into the bowl or the toilet if they have to. For some reason, I think that 12 is the age when I can expect that. Right now, I feel like I need to be there the whole time to comfort them. I feel like they will need me less for this as they get older.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by rileyl

    Oh Honey, I feel so bad for you. I have only had one instance where my kids were sick one right after the other with a sv. It literally threw me into a tailspin. What a nightmare. The only bright spot is that, if it is a virus, it has run its course, and you won't need to worry about your kids for a while. My experience has been that as long as I practice appropriate hygiene measures after a kid has been sick, I do not catch it. I do not believe they are as contagious before they start v'g.

    One question - is it any easier when the child is older, like your 12 year old?? My kids are not quite at the age when I can send them to bed with a bowl and expect them to get "it" into the bowl or the toilet if they have to. For some reason, I think that 12 is the age when I can expect that. Right now, I feel like I need to be there the whole time to comfort them. I feel like they will need me less for this as they get older.

    Megan will actually be 13 years old in about another month and a half. Yay...teen years here we come!! LOL! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    As for kids vomiting...it is much easier when they are this age! Even my 10 year old makes it into the toilet, or a bowl...and actually never leaves any evidence that she has been sick!! I was suprised last night when Megan told me that she gotvomit on her pants, the rug, floor, and toilet!! But, she did clean it up. She usually never gets it anywhere, but last night I guess she said she didn't expect to vomit really, but she said it all happened so fast, she sort of made a mess. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    As of right now...things are about the same. Megan has been pouting in her room today. She hasn't vomited, but nor has she ate. I was mopping the kitchen, and she was going into the bathroom and said, "I think I need to puke", and she came back out a minute later and said, "nevermind...I just had gas in my throat". So there I was, standing in the kitchen plugging my ears for nothing!! LOL!! [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]

    My stomach started to feel a bit unsettled while I was mopping, but it feels a bit better now. Gosh I hope that it was just nerves!!

    I will keep you all posted!! Thanks for your support...again.[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]
    Spring is here!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I know when I get the sv it does not matter if I eat or not (usually I have no desire to eat) I v* anyway...usually in waves of 1-2 hours for a good 12 hours. It really sucks cause when I get it.....I GET IT!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Well, she is eating lunch now. [img]smileys/smilies_03.gif[/img]She came upstairs and said she was bored in her room. I told her she can get a shower and then make lunch. She was happy to hear that! She still hasn't vomited any more...just that one time. She also hasn't pood since this morning. If this is a virus...I have never in my life, heard of one that makes you vomit and poo only once!!

    I am holding up ok I guess. I am trying to keep my mind off of it. My IBS is starting to get the best of me though. When I start to stress off and on, my bowels start rumbling and I get the cramping in my lower intestine. I am hungry, but I think I will hold off on eating until I feel like I am starving. My "emet anorexia" has kicked in. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    Gosh....what I would give to be in the "clear"....*SIGH* [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img] Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I dont know what to say. Your story was horribly interesting.Your kids sound like they are strong !!! You too !! You will get through this awful bug season. Yes, it was probably a bug. It's too co-incidental that both daughters puked within a few days. But you are taking all the necessary precautions and you wont get it. You'll see !! Hang in there

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    OMG you've had enough already! You handled it well, joking with her and everything. Could it be that she was just really full, and that Parker v'd from the ear infection and your other daughter v'd from being constipated? Totally unrelated, but an awful coincidence? Let's hope so....

    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Look at how your kids reacted...the first one said o it wasnt that bad than
    the second one said she still wanted to go out with her friends after and
    was laughing about it...use that as a positive.
    \"Some things I cannot change
    But till I try I\'ll never know
    Too long I\'ve been afraid\"

    Aim/aol: baseballplaya123

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Charlotte ........... what a week you have had!! You know, I think we have an idea in our heads as to what a "sv" is going to be like. I think that it is possible that what your girls had may have been a "sv" My children have had "sv" where they only "V" once and then they were fine. Although, they felt like crap for several hours before hand. They would all three have it within 12-24 hours of each other. I serioulsy hope that what your girls had is not a "sv" I also hope that you remain well!!!! Keep us posted on how things are going ...................

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by 2jo2

    OMG you've had enough already! You handled it well, joking with her and everything. Could it be that she was just really full, and that Parker v'd from the ear infection and your other daughter v'd from being constipated? Totally unrelated, but an awful coincidence? Let's hope so....

    What is really boggling my mind, is my other 2 kids (ages 6, 7) came over here last Sunday (they live with their dad) for the day and they were around Parker, and ate and drank off of him...and they didn't catch it. I talk to them every day, and I know they would have said something if they had. So that pretty much eliminates the possibility of Parker having had a stomach bug. I think he was just throwing up (all the time) from excessive phlem, from asthma and his cold....and from his ear infections.

    As for my 10 year old daughter who was first to vomit last Friday night...she was completely constipated, and may have IBS. Why else would her tummy start to hurt badly, right before she went up in front of a bunch of people to do her talent show?? I dunno...I am just guessing constipation. As for my oldest daughter, she was also constipated, and really full. Where else would food go, if not the compacted intestines?? I just don't know what to think of it. Guess it doesn't really matter..*sigh*....the damage is done. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    As for how my oldest is doing now...she is doing great, and you'd never know she was even sick!! She even went poo and said it was normal. If it was a sv...what the hell kind was that??? It seemed so quick!! I guess if I were to get it, that would be a good thing eh?? [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img] Charlotte

    Spring is here!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    How are you now??

    I hope everything is good at your house now...you deserve it![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  17. #17
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    [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]Well, things are pretty much back to normal...except Parker has a cold with a runny nose and cough, and I keep having to give him breathing treatments for his asthma. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    As far as the other kids, they are great, and back to normal. [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]I am doing good...no sign of illness. I have been on an emet diet "just in case". I will probably get off of that by tomorrow night some time.

    I am just spending my day cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. No fun. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    I want to thank you again, you guys, for helping pull me through this ordeal! It has been a rough month so far! Hopefully things will start looking up! I start working, doing a private investigation assignment a week from tomorrow. I am so excited! My new career has started, and I hope things keep looking up!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    I will stop in from time to time to say hi to you all, and give some support to those who need it. After this thread is "dead", I won't be on for a while to try to start reading my books again.

    Again, thank you all!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Thank you, Charlotte. It's nice to know that other mothers go through this. It's also great to be able to learn from them. I really appreciated your comments about older kids and v'g. At least I know that it will get easier. 8) Wishing you the best.



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