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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I've been having this weird cough the last few months, not my normal one, but during it my chin gets itchy, not the skin, like inside there...and it's mostly at night, though once in a while during the day. It makes me gag and wretch though. It's been going on so long now I am a little embarassed to make a doctors appointment because it's bound to stop sooner or later, and I've lived with it this long... but I am nervous it will make me sick. I had something similiar last year and they told me to take Robitussin, it never worked but I never went back, and now it's back and Robitussin still doesn't work.

    Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Try Mucinex. It's a little costly, but works great. It's actually just the same stuff that is in Robitussin, but lots more of it. That will loosen the stuff up in there that is making it feel itchy. Then it's up to you, either cough it out or take a cough suppressant with it (dextromethorphan is good) Actually, there is a Mucinex available that has some of this stuff in it, too.

    Maybe you should look into getting an inhaler of somesort or getting put on albuterol tabs to help relax those airways. Another thing you can do is try steaming. Inhale warm steam and this might help. Last thing I have to offer is to have someone lightly pound on your back. This helps break up mucus in your bronchial tubes as well.

    Just be careful that you don't let things get infected in there and end up with Pneumonia, K?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United Kingdom


    Is there any chance you might have developed an allergy to something?



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