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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I'm feeling gross again. My mom woke me around 9AMto go and finish shopping for prom. I said I'd be down in a minute, but I couldn't force myself out of my bed. Finally I fell back asleep and got up at 9:45AM. I feel so drained of energy. I'm weakish and have a low grade nausea. Ithought maybe it was because I had to poodoo because I feel this way when I need to. So I went poodo--huge logs too, and it feels like I might have to go again.I don't understand why I'm not feeling good. I have an appetite I believe.Later on I'm ordering pizza with my cousin, but I'm just afraid to eat.Am I catching something? ICANNOT be sick. I have testing all next week at the high school. I have to take the freaking Ohio Graduation Test. I go in at 8AM and testuntil around 10AM in a classroom FULL of students. I don't think I can do it. I told my psychiatrist this and she gave me Klonopin. She told me to startit a couple days before the test to see if it's going to make me really drowsy. She gave it to meMonday and it's now Friday and I haven't taken it yet.I'mafraid to. I want to take it when my stomach is pretty much empty and I'm feeling good. I was going to start it today but of course I wakeup feeling sick, and I don't want the Klonopin to put me to sleepif I am going to V because I want to control the nausea IF I CAN. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?I'm goingto go take mytemperature and see what it says. Guys, please pray thatI dont have a bug working on me. This cant be PMS either because my period just ended a few days ago. UGH!!
    <font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes&lt;br&gt;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I sounds like its stress. You have a lot on your plate right now, and you are stressing out over it. Stress will make you feel very run down. What I would do this weekend, is try and take a day to relax if you can. Sleep in, go to bed early, just veg and watch tv. Whatever it takes for your body to relax. Hope you feel better, and good luck with your testing.

    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.



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