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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Hi guys, well monday they fianlly prescribed Zoloft for me, and I am SCARED to take..Mainly for the side effects it might cause, and then I start to think.. well when u are sick ,u take meds for about a wk and then its all gone, but will my body rely on this, what will happen if I forget a dose, u know.. is it habit forming.. Im just scared. I want to feel normal, as this anxiety has caused me alot of issues with my husband, and I miss the old me.. but am scared to death.. anyone have any experience with Zoloft ?

    Thanks a million Christy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Hello My name is Carolee...I am on Zoloft right now...the side effects are scary I know I was terrified first takign them so I will be honest with you. I was nauseaus...Felt drugged up a bit...I DID not V****Eat something with it ( toast ) and make sure you drink 1 glass of water, because if you don't, ou get heart burn for a few hours and it isn't fun...I have missed doses before...for 1 day...I havebeen on it a few years ago and come off...slowly ( one day on one day off ) I start on 25 Mg...so alow dose, I wouldn't recommend starting on 50...because even 25 made me feels toned. I am not a doctor and cannot give youa dvice like that, but only what I have been through...I was nauseaus...I did have a bit of diarrhea, but ater 2 days the nausea went awayif you have anti anxiety drugs and your doc says its ok to take with it I would take one, I took ativan for the first few days to calm me down! But I think I need to be on them...I have heard and witnessed that prozac builds up in systems and you can get sick from it, my mom and sister did...after about 2 months of taking that. Zoloft my doctor said DOES NOT build up int he system...so you can't get too much over months time...whihc is why I chose to take that. I hope this has helped a bit...I cannot promise anything, but that i smy story

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Hi Christy, I am sorry I am not on that medication. The doctors wanted me to go on some medication but when I read the side effectsI wouldn't. Everyone is different in how the body and brain responds to medications. Take the medication and see how you are, it takes a bit for your system to get used to and if you feel that its not working or you dont feel well go see your doctor and he can lower the dose or give you something else. Don't give up to easily like I would do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    im on it....what you need to do is take a small dose first and move up to
    the larger doses than you wont have the side affects...this medicine helps
    alot don't worry about the side affects you will be fine...
    \"Some things I cannot change
    But till I try I\'ll never know
    Too long I\'ve been afraid\"

    Aim/aol: baseballplaya123

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I'm on Zoloft. I was scared at first too. It can give you bad heart burn and acid which is rather ironic. I am not bothered by it when I'm on the Zoloft though. Tums will come in very handy. I have forgotten to take it before and have been fine. I forgot to take it twice once and I was just really dizzy. Also, I advise to eat a little something with it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Everything we put in our bodies has a chance of side effects. Infact, deoderant, painkillers and preservatives in our food probably do just as much damage to us, there just isn't a piece of paper coming with these items telling us the possible damage we are facing while using them.

    If you feel that you need medication, I would definitely say that Zoloft is a good place to start. It's been around for some time and it is pretty mild. I know many people who feel much much better after taking Zoloft.
    \"This too shall pass\"



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