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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    SO as some of you have read from past posts I had gone to see a specialist cause of my painful intercourse issues. Well I was diagnosed with a vaginal bacterial infection called Gardnerella..it may or may no be the cause of my issues.

    I did my treatments..which we really really ahrd on me. 5 days of inserting a gel via applicator down there...i have really really bad issue with putting stuff in there for some reason..i cant even use tampons! Anyway...i got used to it and got my treament done..last one was on saturday.

    SO, now..i dont have a clue how to tell if the gardnerella is gone..i showed no signs before i was diagnosed..and dont now..so how do I knwo if tis gone? Thats one of the reasons i have called the Dr.s and am waiting for the phone nurse to call me back.

    the other is i have some slightly bloody discharge...its like the first or last day of my period..nothing serious..but my period isnt due until wednesday..i nornmally run like clockwork..i can tell almsot down to the hour of when i will start..so this is VERY odd for me. I feel cruddy too..a headache..im slighly dizzy...intestinal issue..just cruddy..i stayed hom yesterday..but felt better this morning..but today everything has gotten worse..i guess I am probablys tarting my period early but I need to know why? I wonder if the medication i was on caused this..or if it effects of the Gardnerella....it just seems so odd..cause since i started the pill i start on wednesdays between 1-5 in the afternoon/evening..and then eysterday is tart to shwo signs of my period!!

    any ideas? I knwo soem of you have sued Metro-Gel (the stuff i was on) and was wondering if you had any similar situations. I knwo thsi is quie personal..so feel free tp PM or email ( [email protected] ) me if you dont want to post.

    im just scared..and dont feel good..kinda sick to my stomach..im at work..slone right now...i am suppsoed to do my very first workout at Curves tonight.. and im so excited but worried that it wont go well cause i am feeling so crappy!!
    And now I\'m glad I didn\'t know
    The way it all would end the way it all would go
    Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
    But I\'d of had to miss the dance
    Garth Brooks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004



    We have talked about this before, and I am not embarrassed to post about it. It's a part of life, right? Anyway, that medicine can definitely affect your periods. I am almost certain that you are just starting early because of that. And, some of the other symptoms are probably just from the stress of worrying about it. It's good that you called your nurse, though, just to be on the safe side. I'm not sure what to tell you about if the infetion is cleared up or not. I had symptoms, so I could tell. I'd say, when you are feeling btter, try having sex with your husband, and see if it feels better?

    Oh, and I go to Curves, too! I love it! Good luck with everything and let me know how it goes!

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I'm sorry you are feeling cruddy right now. Hope you feel better soon. Your period could be messed up from the medication. A lot of medications do that. Do go to Curves and workout. You might feel better. I started lifting weights about a month ago, and I feel so much better about myself. It decreases anxiety big time. Feel better soon.



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