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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Last night I went to see my my GP. I went because I have yet another virus and last week I had another two days off which takes me up to about 12 days illness since September which I feel really bad about. I am physically and mentally drained and at the end of my tether. I went because I think I may need a blood test but also because I want to come off my anti-depressants for the wedding and because ever since the bug in August I have been struggling to eat which is bound to affect my physical well-being. The doctor agreed I need a blood test, said it would be a disaster to come off the anti-depressants until I get myself sorted and said I need to forget about the bug, get married, have a baby (I am 22!) and start eating properly. Yeah cos its that easy. When I told him it wasn't like that, I cant even think of having a baby when I am so scared, and that he wasn't helping me, he started shouting at me. Mark heard him shouting in the waiting room! He said he had referred me to a CPN an that hadn't helped (I told him that I was coming out of the appointments more depressed than when I went in and had stopped going) and he said he had referred me to the only people who could help and they hadn't helped so there is no one else who can. I am gutted. I went there trying to be rational and asking for help and I get told there is no hope. I am so depressed and so close to giving up it was really the last thing I needed to here. I cant stop crying, I hate my life and I hate myself. I need help but noone knows how to help me, least of all me. What am I going to do????

    Today is the tomorrow I dreaded yesterday and I\'m ok.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    *hugs* firstly I am so sorry to hear that happened to you and secondly my advice? Go to another Dr, This guy obviously has his own ideas what will help you and he is rude and unprofessional with it, not to mention the fact he doesn't even listen to you. In fact If i were you i would called your GP Practise managr (phone the Dr's office and ask for him/her) and losge a complaint because that A**hole has no right to treat you that way. You CAN and WILL be helped and of course you cant think of having a baby when you are this stressed. I am so angry on your behalf sweetie I really am. Please please dont give up, go to a phone book and open it, there are therapists everywhere who will try and help, you always have options.

    But if I were you i would switch GP's...I had to see 4 before I found one sympathetic and willing to listen to me. Never ever give up on yourself especially not on the say so of that unprofessional idiot, if sage were here I bet she'd have a thing or two to say about him LOL

    We're all here for you honey, PM me anytime and please like I say, dont give up. I believe you can get better i really do.

    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Thank you so much for the message. The thing that gets me most is that my Gp knows all my history and has always been supportive inthe past. When he set up the practice it was just him and he had time for his patients, but since then the practice has grown and he has 3 partners and its just not the same. Also the place where I live is only small and the doctors which I go to have the best reputation. Yesterday I was talking to someone at work and they asked which doctors I went to and when I told her she said how good she had heard they were and how terrible the practice she goes to is. It is just so dis heartening but thak you again. Your support is much appreciated.
    Today is the tomorrow I dreaded yesterday and I\'m ok.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Your Doc sounds like a real asshole. Remember YOUR paying HIM! I'd find another Doc that will listen to what you are saying, not just hear you talk...tell a NEW Doc your concerns, all of them, and come up with a plan of getting well together.

    You dont have to take that crap from a Doc!



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