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  1. #1
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    Madison has had a low grade fever since yesterday. Well her fever is now 102. She is passing gas and seems uncomfortable. I think my worst fear is going to come true. I dont know for a fact but I think she might have a tummy bug. I dont know yet. She has not pooped yet today. I have noticed that she has burped a little more than ususal today and she has gas. UGH!

    I dont know if I can do this....I guess I have to huh? I hate it when they are sick. She is laying on my husband now trying to go to sleep.

    I really dont understand. She hasnt been anywhere. No one has been sick! UGH!

  2. #2
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    How old is she? How is she doing now? Have you considered taking her to the doctor since her temp is so high?
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  3. #3
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    Could she be teething? My niece ran a high fever when she was teething. They took her to the doctor and couldn't find anything wrong with her. She also spit up some when she was teething.

    If she hasn't pooed, I wouldn't think it's a stomach bug. Usually they have bad diarrhea. Anyway, I will say a prayer for you!

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  4. #4
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    Thank you. The Motrin is not working. I am scared.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Please call your doctor. It does not sound like a sv.
    Little ones v*** and have d*** pretty quickly with sv. She is
    either reacting to her vaccination or she has some kind of virus.
    I know Motrim is a much better fever reducer than Tylenol, but it is
    irrritating to the stomach. My son always v*** Motrim until he
    turned four. Lets not try and trouble shoot anything here.
    Call your doctor.


  6. #6
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    I'm with Stella on this one. It does not sound like a sv to me. If I were in your shoes I would be doing the exact same things as you are doing/ feeling. A sv comes and goes fairly quick. How is she eating? running a fever for a couple of days sounds like a virus of some sort. I know its so so so hard but try to relax and let hubby take over while you try and sort things out for yourself. Good luck and let us know how you and Madison are.

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  7. #7
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    When my daughter was sick with the stomach virus this week she didnt start to run a fever until about 13 hours after she vomited. Dont worry she will be fine, She may just have a cold and ate somthing that has given her gas. My pediatrician told me to give my daughter tylenol because her temp was 102, bu t if it went over 102 to give her motrin, i would definitely take her to the dr if her temp goes any higher than 102. Remember babies can handle a higher temp than adults.

  8. #8
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    I remember my daughter would get fevers and be a little off both after vaccinations and while teething (especially molars) Try really hard to relax. You are a great mom and I can tell that you have a lot of strength in you. Even if this is the worst, you can handle it, it is not the end of the world. Just take a couple deep breaths. Since your hubby is there with her, maybe you could go take a drive or a hot bath to help relax.

    I honestly don't think that it sounds like a tummy bug either, though. When my daughter had her first one around that age, the fever came at around 5 pm and was very very high. She was lethargic and whiney and about one hour later she vomited.

    Everything is going to be okay.

  9. #9
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    She pooped and it was solid. She ate a good dinner. She just drank a bottle - and about 45 minutes later she spit up just a little which she does that every now and then but it was clear with a little white in it. It was just a tiny bit. This is what it looked like when she did have a sv in July. I did not really know she had one...she was only 4 months old. I did call her ped and she told me to give her Tylenol on top of the Motrin I gave her prior and then piggyback the Tylenol and Motrin. I checked her temp about 2 hours ago and it was 98.9 - WHEW! I am just waiting though for it to climb back up. She gets Motrin in an hour so she should be ok.

    She has always been a spitter upper but she rarely does it now. I dont know. I am paranoid.

  10. #10
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    BTW...I have talked to the doctor 2 times today and talked to a nurse earlier today and talked to one yesterday too. I am so paranoid! It sucks!

  11. #11
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    Oh yea...sorry to post AGAIN but wanted to tell everyone THANK YOU SO MUCH for being supportive and offering your wonderful advice.

    I really do appreciate it! It does help.[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  12. #12
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    Just out of curiosity, what suggestions have the dr and nurses offered? I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that you both have a wonderful nights sleep and that your baby wakes up feeling brand new in the morning.

  13. #13
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    They have said to treat the fever by alternating Tylenol and Motrin every 4 hours. For example...I gave Tylenol at 4pm so I gave her Motrin at 8pm and then Tylenol again at 12 midnight. I am going to stop it tomorrow to see if her fever is gone. I hope so. Everytime she poops I analyze it...that is so pathetic. I am so scared she has a sv and I dont know why.

    Wouldnt she have had to bee around someone sick with it. None of us have and only my mother in law has been over and she is fine. Unless my husband or I brought it to her and did get it ourselves. I am really being crazy and obsessing too much. I dont know how she could possibly have it. I guess the reason I am thinking this is the way her poop was (it was not diarrhea...it was partially formed and the rest mush) I know WAY TOO MUCH INFO, huh! She spit up a little earlier and it looked weired...milk and clear stuff. Spitting up is not unusal for her though but I have got it in my head that I am going to get sick. I mean she only spit up a TINY amount and I freaked. I guess because of the fever. I know that when my son had is BAD a couple of years ago he v* then had the fever. The fever was very short...then he had d* for about 10 days afterwards.

    I need to stop worrying. I just cannot get it out of my head...Her shots could do the same thing. Especially that MMR. The doctor of course is not concerned unless she still has a fever through Sunday into Monday.

    Right now she is sleeping and her skin is cool. I will check her around 12. I really dont want to wake her. I think I will just feel her head and tell that way. I can judge pretty well by that and if she is warm I will take her temp. Anyway, sorry to ramble. I just keep telling myself..."she has not been around anything or anyone with the sv, how could she possibly have it!"

    I know....rambling[img]smileys/smilies_03.gif[/img]

  14. #14
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    "Unless my husband or I brought it to her and did get it ourselves." I meant did NOT get it ourselves. Sorry. [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]

  15. #15
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    It really doesn't sound like a sv. Everyone's right about the reaction to her shot, or teething. And when babies get sv's it's like they just keep v'ing like crazy right? I'm not a mom so what do I know, LOL!? Try to stay calm, take an Ativan or something if you need to. I hope you can get some sleep!
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  16. #16
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    The funny thing is when we all had it back in July she was only 4 months old. She had a blow out in her diaper and I did not think anything of it because it was that one time. But the next day she has 2 or 3 nasty d* episodes and v* 2 times and that was not a lot and that was it. She did not run a fever with that though.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2005


    Hi..I would bet a ton of money that she does not have the sv. I have a 3 1/2 year old little girl and a 3 month old. The 3 year old always has reactions to her shots, ranging from an upset stomach to fever to chills. If your daughter had the sv she would not be able to keep anything at all down, it would either come out through vom. or dia...I can pretty much tell you anything you need to know about the sv. I am scared to the core of it, and I was a med. student, so I made it my business to learn the in's and out's. For the record..I dropped out of med. school after a year and half..but I studied vomiting and all that is included!

    I am sure your little one does not have it..just keep an eye on her for further symptoms.

    You will be fine!


  18. #18
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    Thank you so much. I am a registered nurse and I know how to take care of her...but you got the knowledge I want.

    So you think its from the MMR? She keeps waking up but she is not really warm. I cant give her anything until 12 midnight.

  19. #19
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    The MMR can give her all of those reactions. To tell you the truth, I had to get an MMR as an adultfor school purposes because we could not locate my med.records..well I had a horrible reaction..aches, pains, fever upset stomach and horrible headache. Your little one is probably achy from the shots.

    She will probably be a whole new person tomorrow! I wish I would have finished med school, just so I would have access to compazine, phenergan or whatever else I need to stop potential vomiting!

    Relax...she is fine, and so are you!

  20. #20
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    Thank you. I REALLY appreciate your advice. Just as long its not a sv I will be ok. UGH!

    I feel so helpless to this phobia. Hubby wants me to go through hypnosis!

  21. #21
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    I know this thing drives me crazy too. Sometimes I think having too much knowledge is worse! It is so mind consuming. If I knew that hypnosis would help..I would go for it. Maybe you should try it! I just feel like my absolute totalfear of vomitingis stronger than any other force.

    I woke up really nauseated in the middle of the night Thursday, I thought it was going to happen. I was shaking, pacing outside and PRAYING! I was so sick I couldn't even swallow a Zofran. Somehow, I got a break and when it subsided a tiny bit I took the pill..Felt much better, but I was worn out from the paralyzing fear!

    It's tough when we have kids, they always have one thing or another.

    Shots are no fun, but at least the reactions are not contagious!


  22. #22
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    Yeah, I got the MMR when I was 18 before going to college, and I had a fever and was weak for 3 days afterward.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    How is she today? Is it possible that she has got a UTI or something?

  24. #24
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    Just wondering how everything is today?? Hope she's better.
    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  25. #25
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    She had a low grade earlier - but now it is sitting at 98.9.

    How do you know if they have a UTI? That is a silly question...but I dont know. She has a solid poo this morning and then another mushy lumpy one. That was early this morning and none since. I have been giving her formula instead of milk because she hates it! No v*. No d*. I dont know. No other symptoms but the mushy poop and a little gas but I am wondering if the gas is coming from her milk. I hope we are at the end of it. I am going to make her an appt tomorrow to have her ears checked and just to make sure she is ok. She is still eating and drinking.

    So what do ya think...SV? I hope not. (b/c of the gas and mush)[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] Seriously though I am praying I dont get sick. It started Friday and so far do good.

  26. #26
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    Hope this helps, if your daughter has a UTI she'd have pain and burning while urinating the urine would be cloudy to a reddish tinge and have a distinctive odor to it and she may or may not have a low grade fever. It's sounds like she just had a viral fever going on. If she hasn't v* yet, she probably won't. From past experience if my kids are having a stomach ailment there stomaches are hard to the touch and there very uncomfortable moving around a lot and expelling a lot of gas. It just sounds like fever issue that just has to run it's course. I don't know how old your daughter is but when my kids are running a fever I try to keep them away from dairy products because they seem to not be able to digest them as well. Anyway, I know you mentioned a constipation problem. My son had a chronic problem with constipation up until a year ago. My doctor advised me to use benefiber once a day. I put it in low fat milk and he never knew the difference. I used it for a couple of months every day until he was regular and then stopped using it. Now he never has a constipation problem since I cut down on milk products and he eats an apple every day. I hope this helps. Hang in there you'll get through this fine, your stronger than you feel right now.

  27. #27
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    Sounds like things are okay.The shot symptoms should probably be gone by now. My little one, Gabi get mushy poop from milk products frequently, not to mention gas and hiccups. I always know when she is going to have mushy poops or dia. if she gets the hiccups..weird but true.

    You are not going to get the sv..she doesn't have it. If she isn't reacting to hershots, she sounds like she is just having a low grade viral infection. May be she picked it up when she got her shots...double whammy.

    You are going to be fine!

  28. #28
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    She had another mushy poop about 2 and a half hours ago. I gave her somediced pears earlier and they were in it too(the poopy diaper). She is lactose intolerantso she has been on lactose free formula.I have been trying to give her Lactaidwhole milk. She does not like it. Could that give her gas and mushy poops? I hate worrying about this. I keep thinking the worse...that she does have a stomach virus. The only thing keeping me calm isknowing that it MAY not bebecause she has not been out of the house to have caught one. I HATE THIS SO MUCH!

    My husbandwas giving her some mac and cheese Friday nightand was eating after her and he's been ok. I am trying to take your advice...I so very much appreciate it. These weird poops are just making me think she could have it.

    OH YEA...the last poop she had she acted like she had trouble passing it. I was thinking that it was solid. I dont know if it hurt or if she had a pain with it. So thats another reason I think she may have a stomach virus. HOPE I AM WRONG. Do you think the transition to the Lactaid could still give her gas and poops like this. She had the one mushy earlier this morning and one later this evening. She normally does go twice a day sometimes 3 it just depends. They are just softer than usual. And she acted like it hurt...grunting and turning red .

    So what do you think about that?

  29. #29
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    Maybe the combo of Lactaid and fever causing it. This is stupid...I need to stop because she has whatever she has. I have no problem taking care of her I am just fearing I will be sick.

    Gotta love the emet way of thinking!!!!!!!!!![img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]

  30. #30
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    I was just looking on a medical site that said that from a week up to 10 days after the MMR shot a child candevelop a fever lasting2-5 days and have a general feeling of "unwellness." It also says that during this time they may not feel much like eating and that it is normal.

    This is also the time during the active virus period (which lasts several weeks) when the measles part of the shot is starting to work. A child may even develop a small rash or have milder forms of measles symptoms not including rash.

    Just so you know... the main symptoms of measles are
    1) Rash
    2) Fever
    and lastly... the one that may help you most...
    3) Mild to Severe Diarreah

    So that could very well explain it all!
    In my honest opinion, what your daughter's going through doesn't sound like a tummy bug at all. Especially because it's lasted several days and she seems okay otherwisewhat you've described pretty much sums up what all of the medical pages I've read have said about side effects from the shot your daughter had.

    Hope this helps...
    Thinking of you guys!
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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.



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