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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Unhappy so im officialy sick!

    I havent felt right since wed night. It was coming and going the past few days. Both my kids have had colds so i thought it was that. But mine seems different, alot of stomach pain and nausea combined with sneezing and congestion, fatigue. I slept until 1230 today and im still tired. My stomach feels horrid even drinking gatoraid. I doubt its noro because i havent V yet but somethings up. I know wed i was at a clinic for my hand therepy and a woman was V but i wasnt close to her. I probably should go see a doc but i have no insurance. I doubt its something i ate because my kids ate the same and are fine. I just feel miserable today.

    Whatever i have is setting off my gerd and ibs too. I havent felt this bad in years. Honestly if i did V maybe i would feel better. I just took a reglan so ill have to see what happens?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Default Re: so im officialy sick!

    Im no doctor but i think i have an ulcer. Its been going on for 5 days now and comes and goes. Makes sense as i took alot of excedrines over the past few months for my broken wrist. It hurts between meals and after i take a multi vitamen. What i cant figure out is the fatigue im having with it. No v no d and no fever. I have no insurance so i dont know what to do? I was good up until wed when i had chicken for dinner.

    I need advice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: so im officialy sick!

    I say it is your gallbladder...thats what happens to my husband do you eat 3 meals everyday? Or do you skip then eat?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Default Re: so im officialy sick!

    I dont have a gallbladder anymore but thanks. Had it out in 2005. I still think its a ulcer or some form of food poisning. Ive never had a virus last this long. Im debating going to the ER but i dont need a bill.
    Last edited by fixxxer2012; 11-28-2011 at 06:34 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Alberta, Canada

    Default Re: so im officialy sick!

    I would personally go in! I also had ulcer type symptoms and later discovered my kidney was completely blocked on one side and partial on the other I sure hope you feel better soon if ya wanna talk I will listen

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: so im officialy sick!

    I wouldn't go to the er...go to a quick care or like a Walgreens or CVS clinic...if it is something important they will send you on your way...Or at least go to a quick care..many of them can draw blood and do testing...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Default Re: so im officialy sick!

    Well my ear and teeth are killing me tonight. The fatigue is back too. Im starting to think it may be a sinus infection. I had one years ago with the same symptoms. It could explain the nausea too. The only thing that will cure it is antibiotics so ill have to see a doctor. The ER has a prompt care inside it for non emergencies. If im not better in the morning ill go in, i hate feeling like this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Clearwater, Florida

    Default Re: so im officialy sick!

    I agree you should go see a doctor. I have insurance, but it's a high deductible HSA plan because I'm an independent contractor court reporter, so I hear you about the cost! I usually go to a Walgreen's Care Clinic or the one at CVS, they are about $80 for the visit, and some grocery store chains (Publix in Florida) actually give out FREE antibiotics with a prescription! It might be worth it for you to look it up and see if there's anything like that in your area. I hope you get to the bottom of it and feel better!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Default Re: so im officialy sick!

    felt horrid last night and today so i went to see my doctor, it costs less that way. he said i have a really bad sinus infection and put me on a 6 day dose of the zpack and sudafed. im glad i went in and got it checked out. i was tired of the drainage causing nausea.



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