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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I have beaten the fear. Saturday my fiance was sick with what we thought were side effects from her Prednisone/Biaxin, but turned out to be a virus. Last might while i was at my fire drills I began getting stomach pains and feeling queezy. By midnight i had non stop diarehha (spelling?) and severe nausea. I fought teh nausea for 10 hours before i finally said to myself, "I can't take this anymore, if I am meant to barf then let's just get it over with." And I did. twice. Mostly dry heaves since everything else had come out the other end, but still, I dont dread it anymore. What I do dread, is ny 4 year old daughter started throwing up a few hours ago, and i fear for her. I couldn't keep anything down (they have me on compazine now), and i am worried about her becomming dehydrated. But while she is sick and so am i, i am taking this chance to have her embrace whats happening so she doesnt grow up fearing it like i did.

    So here's my timeline:
    Saturday late PM, early SUnday AM - Fiance had stomach pains, vomitting and the runs.
    Sunday/Monday during the day - Fiance feels better I feel fine.
    MOnday 10ish PM - I started getting stomach pains
    Tuesday 1-3ish AM - The runs kick in along with severe nausea.
    Tuesday 6AM - I vomit
    Tuesday 3PM - My daughter complain about a stomach ache
    Tuesday 5PM - Daughter vomits
    TUesday 6PM - Daughter vomits again

    I currently still feel woozy/nauseas even on compazine, and have a temp of 100.6

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I'm really proud of you. Glad you're coping so well, way to take
    control. As long as you're in touch with your doctor, you're
    daughter should be fine. Hope you're all feeling better real


    Do what your heart tells you to-- even when your fears tell you not to.

    You are alive....so live.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Thanks! she stopped getting sick for now, and is actually hungry.. we gave her seom water downed apple juice and it appears to be staying down.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    I'm curious about how you said you are having your daughter embrace this. I'm wondering about what you are saying to her or doing that you hope will bring about a different experience for her. Congratulations on doing so well!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    So it wasnt as bad as you thought it was going to be??? you dealt so well
    good job...If you would like to PM me and give me a little mroe detail
    about your experience thatd be great im really working my way to being
    better but im still a little afraid...if not no bigge thanks
    \"Some things I cannot change
    But till I try I\'ll never know
    Too long I\'ve been afraid\"

    Aim/aol: baseballplaya123

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    United States


    The thing with doing the deed - as horrible as it is for most of us to even imagine it, it would make us feel so much better!

    And, realistically, it's not that bad - I last did it about a year ago - I was on the freeway and realised I needed to pull over, like, NOW! So I did, I v'd and afterwards I called all my friends and my (then) fiance (now husband) and proudly told them!

    Not that I'm planning on repeating the excercise any time soon...........but it wasn't tooooooo horrendous!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Wow, I am so impressed!!! I actually do feel worse when my kids are sick, too, I hate to see them suffer!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    I am amazed at the amount of strenght that you had to over come your fear ^_^ I hope, well I know, I have learned from your post ^_^ Thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Good for you to have handled this so well and working to help your dd not have the fear we all have!
    Hope she kept the juice down!



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