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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Ok, I have 2 things to talk about. First and foremost, I have been exposed to a sv. My boyfriends brother came over tonight, and we were all talking, and then he proceeded to tell me that his youngest woke up last night v* and having d* at the same time!!!! I immediately started to panic!! Why did he come over here, if he was exposed?? I have a really low immune system right now, because of my surgery, and I just went to the doctor today, and I have broncititis, and a ear infection, so I am already sick, on top of my kidney stuff. Now, I have been exposed to a sv!!!

    He told me that his boy woke up last night and just started v* for 20 minutes straight, and was having d* at the same time. He said that he just v* that once for 20min, and he had been having d* for a couple of days. My boyfriend Mark was over his brothers yesterday, so there was possible exposure yesterday too. Mark's brother said he was feeling fine, but I got upset that he came over anyway.

    So I went into the bedroom and shut the door. Mark then came in there, and I told him that I was upest that he was over because his son was v*. Mark was understanding, and said that I had nothing to worry about, and that the kids v* all the time. I started to panic, but then I told myself that I was being stupid, so I came out of the room, and sat next to his brother and helped him on the computer. After he left, I just disinfected all door knobs, the keyboard, and toilet seat etc... I washed my hands as soon as he left, and I had Mark do the same.

    So do you guys think I should worry?? Do you think it's a sv?? They have 2 other kids, and no one else is sick yet.....knock on wood......I am nervous, but I am trying to remain calm. Its just that I am already really sick, and I am scared that the virus found its way to me. I guess I will have to go on the emet diet for the next couple of days.

    My other question is, has anyone ever been on Zirothmax?? I am suppose to start this antibiotic tonight, but I am scared of the side effects and the possible exposure. I am very worried, and I need some help.

    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I dont know what to tell you about the anti-biotic, I have never been on that myself. I do have an aunt that got bronchitis frequently and took Zithromax often. I know she never had any trouble with it, and she is almost 96 yrs old now!!!!!

    I can sympathize with you on the possible exposure to a "sv" though. My hubbys aunt is very ill with it right now, and we were around her Sun. afternoon!!!! I think we will both be ok, but it is SOOOOOO hard to not worry and freak out about it!!!!

    Keep me (us) posted on how things are going with you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I dont think you have anything to worry about since he is not showing symptoms. I know what its like to feel so scared and out of control when someone comes around you and says something like that.

    I have been on Zithromax. I get sinus infections. Are you on Z-Pack where you take 2 pills the first day and 1 the next 4 days or are you on the stronger one? It makes me tired. I always take antibiotics with food...even if it says take on an empty stomach because my stomach gets upset easy. Of course I check with the doctor and it is ok to do. I think you can take Zithromax either way.

    Try to stay calm...I know it is hard to do. I think you'll be fine. If the little boy was there I would say different. Keep us posted.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Yes, I am on the Zitromax where you take 2 pills the first day, and 1 for 4 days after. I still haven't taken it, cause I am really nervous. I feel like I am going to have diarrhea, but I don't know if its because of me being sick of the sv. Well, thanks, I will keep you guys posted, I am going to have a rough couple of next days, but I will try hard to be strong.
    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I am sure that being stressed out about what happened along with not feeling well to begin with is what is making your tummy feel off. Try really hard to not think about possibly being exposed. I know that sounds ridiculous, but worrying about it is only goingto make you feelsick.

    I do agree though that since no one was around you with actual symptoms that more than likely everything will be fine. Also remember, when I was a kid I shared a room with my sister and when I had tummy viruses, she never caught them. Once a friend from out of town was staying the night with me. We were sleeping in the same bed and she asked me to go to the bathroom with her (she didn't tell me that she felt ill) next thing you know, she is getting sick all over my bathroom. I was right there. She was sick for a week and I never caught it. I try really hard to think of these things when I am trying to convince myself that everything will be okay when I feel I have been exposed. Just try really hard not to obsess, okay?
    \"This too shall pass\"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I agree that you will not catch whatever his son had. Especially if he has siblings who dont' have it, they would be the first to catch it. It could have just been soemthing didnt' agree w/ his tummy. Plus you sanatized so any possible germage that could have been brought over by the brother are toasted now.
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I just took a Z-pack about a month ago. I've taken it several other times as well. The very fist time I took it right after it came out(like 10 years ago)it gave me stomach cramps and diarrhea--no n/v. Since that time, it has never bothered me. It occasionally makes me have a decreased appetite, but then again, alot of things make me have no appetite! It is a pretty good antibiotic. I had bronchitis a few weeks ago and I took a round of something new called Ketek and it didn't bother me either. It wasn't enought to kill the infection, so my doctor prescribed a course of Zithromax and it seemed to clear things up pretty well. Just be certain and take ALL of it. If you do not, the infection could return with a vengeance!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Selfish people who don't care about viruses are our biggest problem.
    They are the cause of our diseases. They don't wash their hands
    throughly after being on the toilet. They prepare salads without
    washing their hands first.

    I also remember when eating breakfast and I asked if somebody wanted to
    give me a knife. She took the knife at the BLADE! Fortunatly, it was at
    a time where I should actually have been at school so I had to run from
    the table in order to get to school at time, so I didn't have to use
    that knife which another person has touched.

    It's so damn ugly!

    Don't people know anything about how viruses are transmitted? Or do
    they LIKE to get sick and think that everybody else also likes to be

    Forks, knives, plates should be TOTALLY CLEAN with not a SINGLE MICROBE ON IT AT ALL!

    Meat has to be cooked throughly.

    Salads has to be washed throughly in long time by someone who has washed his/her hands throughly.

    Edited by: dktekno

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    And the saga continues...I just got of the phone with my boyfriend, who informed me that there other son had to go home sick from school with a stomach ache. And to top it all off, my boyfriend went and picked him up from school, and dropped him off at home. I can't believe that he did that. Why would he do that. He knows how scared I already am, now he just exposed himself, then he will bring it home to me. I can't take it. My stomach has been upset all day today, I barely ate anything. I know its probably upset because I have mucus coming out of every pore in my body because I am already sick, but I am so scared that I am going to get a sv now. The only good thing is, that his nephew that came home sick with a tummy ache, ALWAYS says his stomach hurts. He says it alot, and stays home almost every other week with a stomach ache. I am really nervous.

    How long before I am in the clear?? I just keep thinking that it took me less than 2 days to come down with my cold, and ear infection last time. My bf went snowboarding, and when he came home he said this throat hurt, and that was last Tuesday, and by Thursday night I was sick, so will this come on quick too?? I am starting to panic, and I don't want to cause I have been so good not panicing lately. I am scared, please help!!
    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    And, I won't start my antibiotics causeI am scared I will v*. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I still say you need to start your anibiotics. Your immune system is already low, you need to get rid of this infection. I know you are scared and I understand, I am not trying to sound crass. Before you get too worked up about the other child though, wait and see if he really does have the "sv" his brother did. Like you said, he complains with his stomach often anyway ........... Im sorry your boyfriend went and picked him up from school, my hubby would do that for his brother too, no matter what was the matter with the child and it makes me so mad!!!! Not that I want the child at school sick, but I dont wont my hubby and family exposed to it either. Let us know what happens.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Go get anti-emetics.

    Edited by: dktekno

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States


    Take your antibiotics. You immune system is very low already, and you really want to start building it up, so that you get better quick. This infection sounds horrible, and I think that the antibiotics would really help get it out quickly. As for the children, I think that what everyone else has said pretty much sums up what I think, esp. jennyleigh! I hope you feel better...let us know what happens!

    <3 Anya--
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I am having really bad nausea right now, I don't know why, but I feel like throwing up big time.

    Mark called his brother, and he said that the little one hasn't thrown up since that one time, but he still has diarrhea.

    I don't know if I am working myself up, or if I feel sick because drainage, or if I got a sv. I am scared.
    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    I think you feel nauseated because of your anxiety and maybe the sinus issues. I think that your chances of catching anything from the scenario that you have described is so so slim. You didn't come into contact with any sick person directly, so you will be fine.

    I think that you should definitely start on your antibiotics, and you should try your best not to restrict your diet right now even though you feel afraid. You should really eat to give your body the resources to get over the infection you currently have.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    How are feeling?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Well, its alomost 7pm, I am still not feeling well. I did eat today, not much, but at least I did eat. As long as I feel like this, I feel better if I don't take any chances on eating a lot. Maybe tomorrow will be better, but I have to first get through tonight. I am just relaxing andwathcing Sex and the City reruns. I know I am thinking a lot about this, but when you have the possiblility of exposure, its VERY hard not to. I am really trying, I have a lot on my mind, and now I broke out in a rash all over my body. Its everywhere. Red bumps all over my stomach, back, legs, even my neck. I am just so sick of being sick. I am also getting very nervous for Friday. I am having my stent removed at 845am. It is going to be very painful and uncomfortable. Basically they go in where you pee from, some how numb my bladder, then they stick a scope with a claw on the end, grab the stent and pull it right out. I will be in pain for several days after, and the doctor said peeing will be very uncomfortable, painful and bloody. I am looking foward to getting it out, but not. I don't know. Just seems like everything happens at once.
    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Take the antibiotics--I have been on the Z Pack twice in the last month or so--I'm pregnant and keep catching stuff (first I had a sinus infection, then last week I had the flu, bronchitis and tonsilitis) I took the pills with food or milk and it didn't affect my stomach at all, and everything--even CEREAL has been giving me indigestion lately, since my tummy is getting SO HUGE!! So, I would venture to say that it will be okay for you!!!

    As for the exposure--you never know, it could have been food related, and KIDS DO BARF ALL THE TIME!! As I know from personal experience! I am sure you'll be fine, I hope you feel better and get some peace!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    You know, non emets say that all the time, "oh it'll be fine, I won't get sick" and it's like you have to pound it in their head that what they do affects how your emet is. I do that with my husband all the time.

    I know when I have sinus drainage it makes my stomach upset, and then with your stress on top of it because of what you're thinking about with the sv and your stent, I'm not surprised you feel icky. Take an ativan if you have one (or something similar) and try to relax. I know easier said than done, but really we're on the outside looking in, and I know how you question and wonder and worry if you're by someone who knows someone else who has a sv, but really, you get it if you ingest the virus, not just from being around a friend of a friend. YOu know?

    I know so many people this winter who have taken that Zpack, goodness... the pharmacutical company must really be rewarding doctors who prescribe it. It's a heavy duty antibiotic, what ever happened to good old penicillin? Anyways, seriously I've heard of probably 20 people who've taken it, plus myself a couple years ago for a chronic sinus infection, and never heard of anyone get sick from it. Take it with some food and you'll be fine. You have to take it though to get rid of the infection you have. Try not to worry.

    I hope you feel better soon.
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I hope you are feeling better, but if I were you, I would take the antibiotics. I've taken those antibiotics that you were prescribed several times, and they didn't do anything to me. I was fine. I'm allergic to penecillens (sp?), and those aren't in the same family as Z-Pak. Actually, I find those quite convenient b/c you only have to take them for a total of five days. Hope you feel better soon.[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]



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