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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Well, apparently this "v" stuff is still circulating in our area. Just great. When will it ever stop. I mean this is just awful, Im hearing of people being VERY sick. Im talking about, not just "v'ing" a few times and its over. This is my biggest worry though. My husbands aunt has been sick this evening and tonight. Im talking about "v'ing" off and on for several hours now. Normally, I would not be too worried about this, cause usually we are not around her much. However, as my luck would have it, we were around her Sun. She did some alterations to my oldest daughters pageant dress. SOOOOOO ....................... now I am worried about my daughters having possibly been exposed to it. She wasnt sick on Sun, and I know that it is very possible she caught "it" at work Mon. I am jsut worried because of what happened the last time my daughter was sick. The little girl I think she caught it from wasnt sick the weekend my daughter was around her. AND, it wasnt until that Thurs when my daughter fell ill. Can someone be contagious even before they are actually sick themselves? As if it isnt enough that my hubbys aunt is sick .............. my mother in law has been going down there checking on her, exposing herself to these germs. The last thing we need is her to get sick. Her daughter is the one pregnant with twins and very close to delivery .............. Another thing, my hubbys aunt is also one of those people that will still go and try to work, even when they are sick. THEN, my mother in law proceedes to tell me that some woman at her work was out sick with this "v" stuff yesterday. (Mon.) Atleast this girl stayed home, but my mother in law just had to mention how sick this girl said she had been, her kids too.
    Sighs ..................... should I be worried about us being exposed, what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Hmmm...I would not think that a person could be contagious without showing any types of symptoms. The time that you were talking about your daughter getting sick, is that the only time she could have been exposed?

    I was around mysister in lawon a Saturday around 5pm (about 3weeks ago) and her baby who was getting over the bug. He coughed in my face and she starting v* like 4 hours later. I was freaking out. I did not get it though.

    I thought that I read on CDC that you cannot get it unless they are showing symptoms. I know they are contagious AFTER the fact even though the symptoms are gone.

    If she got sick on Monday I would not think that your kids could have been exposed on Sunday. I thought that when a person starts with the symptoms is when they are contagious because the virus is found in the v* and/or d*.

    Are you hearing of outbreaks still in your area. I think the outbreaks are dying out here. I know it is sporadicly running around here. Its still in my area but not as bad. (I dont want to say that too loud) I know that the flu (influenza) has peaked here in Maryland and is on the downslide so hopefully that means that the other bugs out there are dwindling too!

    Keep us posted. If you need to talk...let me know!![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I am hoping that the two cases of it I have posted about about just random cases and that it is not rampant around here anymore. I dont know where else my daughter could have gotten the "sv" she had last time. If I remember right, we didnt go anywhere that week. I just hope we didnt pick up anything when we were around her Sun. I hope she wasnt contagious then. I really freak out cause if you can pass it on before you show symptoms, it took four days last time before my daughter got sick. So I have a few more days to worry. Of course, now I have to worry also that my mother in law may have picked it up from going up there so much this evening. I know she wants her to feel better, and was taking her some Emetro and Phenagren, but I just hate she is exposing herself. My mother in law is not the kind of person that would just walk up to the door and hand her hubby the meds, she would go in.

    Ugghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I hate this!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I hope it isn't a new outbreak, too. Maybe it's a food poisoning--we can always hope!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Well, I just talked to my ma in law and she had just talked to the aunt that was sick. She seems to think that it was food poisioning. My hubbys aunt told her yesterday that she had eaten some chicken at work that didnt taste right. She said she only took a few bites. Then about 3-4 hours later the diarrhea hit her, then when she got home about an hour later, the "v" started. Could she have gotten food poisioning from just a few bites? I hate that she has been sick, but I hope it isnt a virus.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Food poisoning does happen pretty quickly. I am not sure though in her case since the d* started first. Maybe someone else can chime in here!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I don't know about the food poisoning. People always say that, it's something they ate. I always automatically think virus. I must be pessimistic.

    I'd steer clear of your MIL for a couple days though. She's non emet and probably wasn't too careful of washing her hands or not touching anything. Ick. Or was she sick earlier this winter?? I don't remember, there've be so many people this year with it!!

    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Well, my father in law has strep throat right now anyway, so we wont be going around them. My mother in law even told me she offered to help the woman that was sick. I was thinking how I would/could never do that. I hope my mother in law doesnt get it. Maybe she didnt get too close. Even my mother in law said how she hoped she didnt get it. I was thinking well ............. maybe you shouldnt have gone up there. I know she wanted to help, but I would have had to draw the line with the "v" stuff invloved!!!!

    I just hope that we are safe from it since we were around her Sun. but that was before she got sick, she got sick Tues. afternoon about 4pm ...............



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