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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I was in such a good mood yesterday. Now I am so incredibly anxious. I even went to my psych's office to make an appt because I could not get through on the phone[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]. I will tell you why...please bare with me.

    First...my sister in law calls and I was talking to her as usual. I was feeling yucky and I told her "I feel blah" and she says "Rachel (a friend of hers) felt that way and ended up throwing up a couple of time and then was fine." UGH! I am not around her so no biggy.

    Second...My husband's friend/co-worker calls and says "Is James there" I said "No he is taking a nap" then he said "Brandon (his son) is sick with a viral illness and I am not feeling well either." You know I had to ask "what is wrong" He says "Oh he's been throwing up, it started yesterday and I feel sick so I called out tomorrow" (thank God) My husband was around him yesterday in the morning and evening so I doubt (I hope) he could not have got it.

    Third...My step mother called. My half sister came home from school pale and with a fever of 102. Her stomach hurts. I was over there yesterday but no one has been sick. My step mother proceeded to tell me that she called the doctor's office and the nurse says "Yes, "it" has started up again...round two." My step mom said that she was at PTA at school on Monday night and a little boy was eating like crazy and come to find out he has been very sick with a virus. They thought it was food poisoning but everyone else the same thing and no one else is sick. A few kids in my sister's class was out with it.

    Needless to say I am freaking and panicing. I am so sick of this. My husband said that he is worried about me because it really does consume most of my time. I cant even enjoy my little bit of time off because of this sh*t. I am sitting here eating beef stew and thinking about the time about 30 years ago that my dad v* beef stew. I am sorry...graphic.

    So 3 times in one freaking day I have heard of people getting it. I dont want to go out of my house. I am so very anxious and have only one anxiety pill and dont want to take it but I seriously need it. I am so scared that maybe my husband will get and bring it home. I took Madison to the doctor on Monday...at least it is Wednesday and nothing. I seriously HAVE to get help for this. My poor body cannot take the stress anymore. I just want to be by myself right now. I feel like a cant function. Its awful.

    I am thankful for something...my kids are homeschooled. I am not going anywhere. I am staying home. I do have to go to the doctor tomorrow morning and a dreaded gyn visit in the afternoon.

    I have 2 questions - how long before you actually start showing symptoms once the fever and stomach ache starts? Are you contagious BEFORE symptoms...like the day before you start symtoms...I know this is commonly asked question but I personally feel that you arent contagious until symptoms start and I guess that could mean fever too.

    So I guess the sv is going around again...in schools I guess. At least I am not around all that but it will probably find me. I am really in serious need of help![img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    Thanks for listening. I am going nuts...[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]Edited by: madisonsmom

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I feel so sick right now. I hope its my nerves!

    I have phenergan and I am so tempted to take it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Maybe you could take half of your anxiey pill? I wish I had some right now too. I know exactly what you are going through, I am dealing with the same. It just sucks sooooo bad!! I know I rarely go out of the house, and so how I end up getting sick all the time. I had the flu in January, a cold in Feburary, and now broncitis, and an ear infection. How?? I only leave the house if I need to, and the past 6 weeks from surgery I have been out in the stores less than 10 times. I never have friends come visit just family, or I go to my mom and dads. No one else is sick, but I manage to pick it up. How?? I can't figure it out. It just sucks. What I do know is that my doctor said that this is the one of the worst years of people getting sick that she has ever seen. I just can't wait for spring.

    But I know exactly how you are feeling, and its comforting to know, at least for me that I am not the only one that feels this way.

    I am sorry that we have to go through this, but we will get through it no matter what happens. I hope you feel better. I will be thinking of you.
    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Thank you!

    I am glad that someone else out there does understand. I just want this winter and sickness to be over!

    You having surgery has lowered your resistance and ability to fight things off. My anxiety lowers my resistance!

    Edited by: madisonsmom

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I feel the same way--you know how bad it has been around here!! I started to relax a little bit--and then Logan got sick again!! I just keep telling my husband that spring starts next week and that all of this CRAP we've all been getting this winter is going to go away soon!!!!

    My best friend in Omaha called me on Monday to tell me that she and her little boy had been sick on Sunday--she had v'ing and the runs and her baby had just the diarrhea part, which continued on until yesterday--just when I thought it was safe!!!

    Let us know how you are doing!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Im not doing well at all. My husband tells me I am getting so much worse. I literally feel surrounded by it. I am surrounded by it. I try to talk myself out of it but I cant! I feel so sick right now!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Well, first off, have you been around any of these people that have been sick. If not, then that could ease your mind just a little. Now, about this guy that works with your hubby? Has your hubby been around him much, enough to get sick? I understand how you are feeling, it seems like it just surrounds us sometimes. I had some days where that was all I heard about, was people being "v' sick. Ughhhhhh!!!! My hubbys aunt came home sick from work with "it" yesterday and we were around her Sun. I hope that you arent contagious before you are actually sick. We are starting to think that MAYBE it was food poisioning. She said she ate some chicken that "just didnt taste right." SO FAR, her hubby that took care of her is not sick (knock on wood)

    ANYWAY, IM sorry to ramble, I hope you get to feeling better and I do understand!! Keep us posted on how you are doing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    My husband was around him yesterday. His son was sick yesterday and my husband friend had it today and feels better now. He is over the v*. He is not going to work tomorrow...and I am so glad.

    Are you contagious before symptoms show? I dont see how.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    It is really ruining my social life!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    You're probably just contagious when you start to show symptoms, you knowwhen the person feels like ugh, my stomach doesn't feel right.

    I've heard about one person having it and that's enough to send me into a panic. Another woman was gone from work today but I don't know what she had. I am supposed to go out on Friday night for my hubby's bday and we're going with friends and all I think of is am I going to be ok that day and be able to even go out? i think of all those people breathing and possibly spreading things around. The tables where people have sat, pool tables and sticks, all that stuff. It does suck. We hardly go out because of it. Medication helps me, but I know not everyone wants to be on meds.

    Spring is here according to the calendar, but we've got a winter storm watch for Thurs into Friday with a potential of 8 inches of snow!!! WTF?!?!? I associate weather like that with sickness so that totally doesn't help.

    We've got to give each other support right now, more than ever!!! It helps to know I'm not alone, like I thought I was before I knew emet existed.
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I know just how you feel. It began where I live in October and
    the only respite we have had is a day here or a day there. I have
    not gone more than 3 days since October without hearing about it around

    Actually, we went three days last week and then my son's best friend at
    school was out on Monday. It turns out he had a headache and v***
    once on Sunday and once on Monday. My son was out on Tuesday and
    Wednesday (not for sickness, but for visiting other schools).
    Well actually, yesterday I sent him to school for the last two hours so
    he could have library. What happened a kid in his class v***
    during library. This kid had the sv last month really bad for
    three days!!!! This kid also complains every single day that he
    is going to v*** and never does. Well he did yesterday.

    This sv seems to have a rampant mind of its own. It does not seem
    as though the calendar is going to dictate when it is to leave.
    Its 3/17 and its still here in all its glory. Enough.

    Dayenu (Hebrew for ENOUGH)


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    My guess is that the studdies that say that it is contagious 24 hours before symptoms show are probably refering to if you drink after that person or share silverware or something like that. I have heard everything from a day before symptoms to 2 weeks after symptoms stop. I guess that's the deal with why there are outbreaks, because people feel fine 3 days later and return to the world spreading their illness.

    I just want to stress, though. Most people do not wash their hands as they should. I think that a lot of illness would stop being spread if people just washed correctly and when they should. We do that. I know you wash your hands a lot, so you will be okay. Just keep putting some healing lotion on them as well at least before bed so that they don't get too cracked and yukkie.

    It's great that your kids aren't in school, that must help things dramatically as far as their health goes. Believe it or not, spring is on it's way and things will get better. Just try to hang in there.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Let me tell you...my hands are worn out from washing them! Poor things. How could you get the sv a day before symptoms start. I have been thinking about that. I believe the virus is shed in small amounts after the worst part is over. However, it only takes small amounts to become infected. It would take one kid to v* somewhere in school or have d* and not wash his hands afterwards*BAM* there goes your outbreak. Some in nursing homes. I think staff not washing their hands and taking the proper precautions is the cause of outbreaks too...the elderly, especially Alzheimers do not practice good hygiene. Not all elderly of course because I have seen some that have real good hygiene, you know what I mean. Ugh, sorry to ramble!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    How are you doing now? They do say that you are contagious before showing signs of the stomach flu or flu's. I don't know, like shiva has said washing hands is the key word, we all know that and have the rough hands to prove it but its the other people out there who don't. I haven't heard too much about the sv around here, mainly because I stay to myself. I go for walks and stuff, if I don't hear people talking about flu's than I am ok. If people stayed at home until they are over this flu than there wouldn't be any outbreaks over and over again. Its a vicious circle.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    The reason I personally hesitate to think you are contagious before (with the stomach bug) is because the virus is found in the v* and/or d* and I was around my sis inlaw just hours prior to her v* and I did not get it. I worry MORE about afterwards.

    I know that influenza is definitely contagious before showing symptoms...lile 3-4 days before. I read today on CDC that you are contagious with the stomach bug once symptoms show and that can include fever, just feeling blah or anything of the like.[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img] Sometimes you dont know if a person is feeling under the weather unless they tell you.Edited by: madisonsmom

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    That's very true. People probably go out and do all their usual stuff, too because they just assume they are feeling run down. All the while possibly infecting everything they touch if they are not very sanitary. I don't think that most people are as sanitary as they should be. For instance, we are supposed to wash our hands for at least 20-30 seconds. Most people just get them wet and personally feel they have washed. Know what I mean?

    It's scary how these viruses work. I am concerned about how they seem to be mutating and becoming stronger and longer. I really would love to see a noro family vaccine made. I hope that they are working hard on this. I would definitely get one every year, and would make my family, too
    \"This too shall pass\"

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Hey - I have to agree with Shiva. I really don't believe these bugs are as contagious BEFORE a person starts v'g. Also, handwashing when done right prevents the spread, but most people don't do it properly.You are in a better position because you practice better hygiene than most.

    I also just wantthem to develop a freakin vaccine. Really, if it even reduced the amount/severity of it I would be happy.

    Also, like you Madisonsmom, the phobia has been getting worse for me. My son was sick the week with a sv. I am in full panic mode right now. Anyway, it occurred to me that I should chart the days that a sv actually and directly affects me - like the actual days my kids are sick with one. Then I should compare it to the number of days I spend worrying about it, which is ALL THE TIME. In a way it only makes sense to worry when a loved one is actually sick and the few days after when there is an actual chance ofit spreading. All the other stories about other people being sick should not matter. Anyway, that's me trying to be logical with an illogical phobia. I'll let ya know if it works - HA!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I am in a little bit of a anxious mode - not panic yet. My husband is around someone at work that had it on Wednesday. I really should not be THAT worried I guess. They are not intimate. I am not sure if they use that bathroom after each other.

    I am HOPING HE DOES NOT GET IT. I will let you know!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hopefully you have him trained better than I have my husband trained and he washes his hands after using a toilet that is not in his own home!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Well I asked him to be careful. He was not around him this morning, well he was way across the warehouse. No contact. This afternoon he did talk to him. Thats about it. He works tomorrow too. I hate this...I feel like he is defintely going to get it.

    He cant get it from just talking to him, (can he) I mean he's not as contagious as he was when he actually had it...it that right??

    I will worry until the middle of next week.[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]Edited by: madisonsmom

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Most studies suggest that people are contagious only after the onset
    of vomiting and/or diarrhea. Vomiting aerosolizes the virus particles, as
    does the diarrhea, and that is really how the illness spreads. It travels
    through the air (relatively short distances, though) and lands on surfaces
    where it can be picked up on the hands.... I have found it helpful to spray
    Lysol in the air after they vomit or have diarrhea, before entering the
    room to help them. We are fortunate enough to have 3 bathrooms in the
    house, and the sick child gets a bathroom to himself for the duration of
    the illness. That bathroom is thoroughly cleaned with bleach once the
    sick child is well again. I also use rubber gloves when cleaning up and
    handling soiled bedding, etc.
    I have had good luck preventing the spread of illness through the
    family this way, and there was only one instance that I can remember of
    my catching it from one of them, and that was when my eldest was really
    little and quite literally threw up on me... I have also trained the kids to
    wash their hands frequently, especially before they eat, and to keep their
    fingers, and objects like pencil, pens and toys, out of their mouths (once
    they were old enough to understand, of course!)The latter is a great way
    to cut down on the number of colds and flu as well as stomach viruses, as
    about half of all colds are acquired in the hand-to-mouth fashion. I
    would say our family has much less illness than the average family with
    kids (in elementary school, one stomach virus per year, one episode
    during the middle school years of 6th thru 8th, and once during the high
    school years, per child). As an emetophobe, this does not mean I don't
    worry about it, as of course I do all winter long! But over the years I have
    developed some confidence that I can minimize the incidence by simple
    precautions like handwashing and keeping my hands away from my face.
    We are an active family, with lots of outside interests. My husband
    travels all over the world on business, including trips to developing
    countries, and staying healthy in these places is essential for him...where
    he could pick up something far worse than a 24-hour virus! The
    precautions are the same - wash your hands often, keep them away from
    your face, be careful of what you eat (hot foods don't have live viruses!)
    and how you eat it...stay away from those who are ill.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    That was wonderful information that really helps! Yo laid it out like I wanted to here it. I actually knew all of that but it makes me feel good that you posted it. I thought though that I was doomed when my kids get is even if they dont v* on me. I have diapers to change but I do wash my hands very well. My kids do well with washing hands, especially my 6 yr old. He always washes his hands after using the toilet but forgets before he eats. That is so important...we are working on him though. Thanks so much. You gave me a lot of comfort!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Well from reading your post, it just simply sounds like a huge anxiety
    attack, and quite frankly, I dont blame you! You experienced some MAJOR
    triggers, and I think that youre pretty safe...try not to worry and to
    distract yourself.


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Thanks, madisonmom...glad it helped. I have had this phobia for a long
    time, but it is getting somewhat better with time. Knowledge of what is
    likely to make me sick and what is not has been very helpful in taking
    away some of the anxiety, and so I am constantly researching the subject!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I dont know about you but when I get triggered and get real anxious I think unrealistically. When I calm down and think about it my thoughts get back togethor.

    I must say I HOPE my husband has NOT been exposed (its been 36 hours) and he has terrible stinky gas...is that a man thing?[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Yes, I get unrealistic too when triggered. The thing is to avoid getting
    triggered (easier said than done, don't I know!) I used to worry about
    every little tummy rumble, and every "strange" feeling in my stomach, etc.
    Now I can tell myself that if everyone in the family is healthy, and I
    haven't been anywhere where people were sick, then I mustn't have
    anything to worry about. And that helps a lot. I used to worry about
    every possible cause, but now I worry mostly about norovirus, because it
    is so infectious and so common. However, it has to find its way into my
    GI tract to infect me (or anyone else) and one can limit the liklihood of
    that happening. So just being around someone who has been ill or just
    before they became ill is not going to be enough to make you sick, and I
    worry a lot less than I used to in that situation (it's not completely gone,
    though, but lessened).

    As for the gas, yeah, I think that is a man thing!



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