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Thread: Sick and tired

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Hawthorne california

    Unhappy Sick and tired

    Im sO tired of being scared and nauseous! Everyday I wake up thinking about it and go to sleep thinking about it. What if my kids get sick? what if that food was bad? what I'd that stain in the parking lot was vomit? What of that movie has a sick scene in it? What if that tiny grumble my stomach just made means I have a stomach virus? It is so frustrating, I see people in the streets smiling and laughing, touching everything without the slightest thought! I want to be like that. I want to enjoy life again...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Hampton, Va

    Default Re: Sick and tired

    I know what you mean. You feel as if you cant be yourself in public or around anyone, and you feel like your phobia gets the best of you. I feel that everyday. But here is some tips, the mystery 'vomit' in the parking lot, chances are, if you were not beside them when they got sick, you will not catch it. It is temporarily airborne. No more than a few short mins. If your kida get sick, the best thing id do is wear one of those white masks, and if you have to clean something up use BLEACH and gloves. That kills it. Just dont touch anything in the house and stick your fingers in your mouth, wash those hands! You CAN be like all those other people, i believe in you. Go out, touch whatever ya want, be carefree! BUT before you eat or do anything that involves your fingers going into your mouth, just simply wash your hands! Soap and water washes those icky stomach virus particles right down the drain. It will get better, if you need a friend to talk to im here. Ive been in fear all day thinking i might have a stomach virus. Im praying i dont eake up in the middle of the night throwing up. My boyfriend had it over a week ago. I hope your anxiety settles.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Plainwell, MI

    Default Re: Sick and tired

    Its the "what if" game. We all do it somtimes! Heres the thing that helped me. Try doing other "what ifs" Positive ones. I.E. "What if this is the best movie ever?" "What if im just hungry" "What if my phobia can be stopped by my thoughts" "what if that stain is just pop" Try other things like that. I promise it'll make you feel a lil better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Sick and tired

    I'm just like you. I look around and envy all the people who are so care-free and happy in their lives. I used to be like that and it pains me to admit that I'm no longer as happy as I used to be. We weren't born this way, which means we can change the way we think. Living your life is much more important than living in fear of something that probably isn't going to happen. You can enjoy your life! Positive thoughts. I know it's very difficult sometimes, but at the end of the day, only YOU can help yourself. Chin up!



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