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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Let me just start out by saying that what I HATE HATE HATE about being an emet is that my fears, anxieties and general neuroses regarding V* leak over into all aspects of my life.

    Having said that, my issue is a relationship issue. I have a very serious boyfriend. He is wonderful. He is out of town this week (and out of the country). He has told me that he is going to call me, which he has (from the airport, last night and this morning). But he has sounded "off" - and by "off" I mean not as affectionate, etc. I know that the logical answer to this is that he is surrounded by his family and doesn't want to "sound cute" in front of them. Plus, he is on the freaking beach and wants to enjoy his vacation.

    And we have not been fighting, we've been very happy, but I am just so freaking paranoid about EVERYTHING. Seriously, should I be worried or am I just overthinking things way too much because I miss him so much?

    Anyone without my relationship paranoia care to give advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    Don't worry I'm sure he's fine, if he was upset with you or something he wouldn't hvae called you twice right? I'm sure it's like you said about his family. My boyfriend us way less touchy feely around his friends.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United Kingdom


    hey there - sounds to me like he misses you! i know i go quiet with my other half when i miss them an know i cant see them for a bit. plus wat used about him being round family is true. as you sed, you're very in love and havent been arguing, his quietness has to be a sure sign of missing you and having the family round! plus - take advantage of the fact that he cant be as affectionate as he wants to with u - it only means he gets to make up for it when he returns [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]
    \'I know it aint easy, but thats okay because we\'re hopeful....\' - Faith Evans



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