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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Unhappy 2 kids down over weekend, now dh...?

    Scared to go into bed.
    ds4 v'd on Friday night
    dd6 v'd on Sunday night
    2 days, right...?

    Now, I was making a lot of noise in the kitchen and dh woke up, which is unusual for him, went into the bathroom. I listened, because 2 nights seems to be the incubation period and night is when this thing strikes.

    I hate to be obscene about this, but I couldn't hear normal peeing; sounded more like splashing to me. When I went to apologize for the noise (and see what was going on) he was brushing his teeth. :-o
    He said, "that's alright" about the noise, no more explanation, back to bed.

    Please talk me down. I have been ok for years.
    We have a major family party tomorrow; he missed one a few years ago with sv and now every time one is coming I'm nervous... but this time, with EXTREMELY good cause.

    My ears are kind of buzzing... everything buzzing. I don't want to be weird and sleep on the sofa, and I know I won't get a good night's sleep here anyway. :-(

    Just talk me down...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: 2 kids down over weekend, now dh...?

    I'm sorry you are going through this! I wouldn't say the incubation is 2 days (it's possible) but not for sure, the 2nd child could have gotten it from a toy in the house that hadn't been cleaned properly or they put their hands in their mouth, anything...did you ask the hubby of he was ok? That's what I would do...set your mind at ease maybe! Try to get some rest...it's late on the west coast if you are on the easy coast it's even later!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: 2 kids down over weekend, now dh...?

    Okay, this is going to sound kind of flaky, but after I posted, I realized it was 3 kids down... dd15 was v*d Wednesday night. So that's why I thought there's definitely a pattern. I swear, I didn't just make that up, but I can't find a way to change my 1st pot. :-(

    dd15 says she was sick 4 times; ds4 3 times; dd6 only once (yay, strong stomach like me?)... now I'm not sure.
    Must. Go. To. Bed. SOMEHOW.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: 2 kids down over weekend, now dh...?

    Oh so maybe 2 day incubation...I think you do need to sleep! What time is it there? I know I need sleep but my 16 month old is in my bed tonight cause she smacked her head earlier and I'm a worry wart! Just keep your immune system strong and wash your hands...did you bleach & Lysol everything down? Bleach & lysol are the only known cleaners that kill sv*...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United States

    Default Re: 2 kids down over weekend, now dh...?

    Sorry..I'm having a hard time understanding your post..what's dd6 and ds4 and dh?
    "It is the child that sees the primordial secret in nature and it is the child of ourselves we return to. The child with-in us is simple and daring enough to live the secret."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: 2 kids down over weekend, now dh...?

    Sorry - abbreviations I've used on other message boards... guess not standard here.
    dd6 = darling/dear daughter, aged 6,
    ds4 = darling/dear son, aged 4
    dh = darling/dear husband

    Anyway, I don't know what happened last night, but he didn't say anything - dh knows I'm weird around v*ing, but he was totally FINE today. Got up as usual, went to work, family party etc. Guess I was just being crazy. :-(

    I eventually went to bed, facing away from him and trying VERY very hard not to breathe the same air.

    CMM811 - I used diluted white vinegar for cleanup bc it was a room where another child was sleeping just a foot or so away and I didn't want that stuff in his face. For some reason, after the smell was gone, I was fine, though I knew there must be particles in the air. (she sleeps in a bunkbed, so there was some height and splash involved - gross)

    In case anybody's wondering, I hate cleanup duty but I usually don't let dh do it because I think maybe he might not wash his hands well enough after or he might breathe the particles or might not take the million other precautions that I do. And I know, when it comes down to it, that though he's probably no more likely to catch something than I am, he's more likely to actually v* with it whereas I almost never do.

    Is this weird? Maybe I'll ask in the general board now that I'm not freaking out... :-)



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