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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    I am looking for some feedback here. I liked hearing that there were people with a V phobia because I have always considered that I have been very afraid of it.

    Here is the most concrete recent example that I can give about my fear: I spent the night at my sister's house about a year ago. She and I slept in the bed together, and her husband slept on the couch. Her husband woke us up around 5:30 in the morning, and we could hear him V. I live a half hour away from my sister; it was Sunday morning, and I left at 5:30 ish because he was V.

    On the other hand, I do not worry much on a daily basis about V. I don't avoid foods. I come and go as I please. I don't clean a whole lot or wash my hands a whole lot. I would not worry if I were to hang out with someone who had a family member with an SV, as long as we weren't in their house. I don't ask people about their illnesses etc. etc. I don't worry that every little thing that my stomach does is going to result in my V, and I do fear myself, not just others.

    Are there any other people like me who do not really alter their lives much because of the phobia?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hi, im kind of like you. I refuse to alter my life because of emet, i have always dreamed of being a teacher, which obviously is scary because of being round all the kids. I refuse to let this phobia ruin that dream. At the moment i spend two days a week in school before i start my training in september, i started this because i wanted to know if i would be able to cope but in all honesty i can say when i am in school i enjoy it so much my emet doesnt cross my mind.

    I do however wash my hands a fair bit, but i try to keep it to only just before i eat and after using the toilet, which i think is sensible. I also do not use any of those hand gels.

    When people v* because of travel sickness, alcohol or food poisoning it doesnt bother me as i know i cant catch it, and i can even sit with a person while they do it.

    Slightly different to you in that i do ask about peoples illnesses and there are certain places i wont eat, i tend to stick to the big chains and places like mcdonalds dont bother me, i work on the logic if there was any kind of problem with those sort of places it would be over the news so fast we would all hear about it and they have a reputation to upkeep.

    I dont worry about stomach bugs unless someone mentions it. The weird thing is though, and this has made me think a lot over the last few days, last year i had a bug, and it was definitely a bug, yet noone i knew was sick before me, so where did i get it from, its most likely i caught it off one of the kids in the shop where i work, but who knows. If i started thinking about that i would probably become agrophobic.

    Sorry if i have digressed a bit, but just wanted to show you are not alone. Also, writing that post ahs done a lot for me. I am recovering from ocd (on my own wit no therapy or meds, but through retrainign my thoughts), it obviously must be working

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    It sounds like MILD emet. I used to be like you and have really gotten worse. I am getting ready to seek help because it alters my life. This time of year is the worst for me though. I would go into my fears more but I am getting ready to go to bed. I will post later.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I used to be like that, too. Try as hard as you can to keep it from escalating. What happened to me was kinda like a traumatic experience while I was mildly emetephobic.. It has been all downhill from there.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I dont think my emet fear is as bas as it could be. I do still go out alot, ect. The only time I avoid food is if I have actually been sick from them. I do wash my hands often, but more so if someone is sick. I do ask people about their illnesses. However, vomit really only bothers me real bad when I know that it is contagious. I guess I do worry about vomit on a daily basis, but I dont obsess about it, know what I mean. I dont let it stop me from going out and doing things. I think my emet is some what mild, but maybe not as mild as yours.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    im alot like u as well i do not really alter my life drmatically because of
    this but.... i still am afraid to v myself
    \"Some things I cannot change
    But till I try I\'ll never know
    Too long I\'ve been afraid\"

    Aim/aol: baseballplaya123



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