Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Ive had a fear of being sick for as long as i can remember. Even this morning my son rang me to tell me he had been sick in the night and now I am indoors terrified that I am going to be sick as well. I wont be going out today just in case.I have good days when I know I am being ridiculous and I get on with things but other days it completely takes over. I remember , years ago, seeking help from my GP and he laughed at me and did the actions and noises of someone vomiting. I fled the surgery and have never told anyone of my fear since.I cant believe that the phobia is so common. Its a relief really. Have any of you tried hypnosis? If so does it work? I would be so grateful for any advice anyone can giveme. I am so glad I have found this website!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United Kingdom


    firstly - that was very wrong of ur gp! totally unproffessional and irresponsible as he has now made u too scared to tell anyone else about ur emet. however, id say that was a one off! i dont think anyone else wud do that to u, especially if u seek help from a therapist. as for hypnosis, i have tried it and it didnt work for me, altho it depends on the hypnotist and ur state of mind - its a case of finding the right and qualified person to use this kind of therapy on u and believing that it will actually help u, if u face it in a negative way ull have less success. there are many stories of hypnosis helping people so i do believe it can work, u just have to believe that it will and u shud get some answers. good luck! xxx
    \'I know it aint easy, but thats okay because we\'re hopeful....\' - Faith Evans

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I would like to
    punch your GP in the face. I really think you should go to a
    therapist, when you find the right one it can really help
    you. And I'm sure anyone else in the world would have more
    sensitivity about your situation than your GP. Hypnosis is
    helpful to some people, if you see a therapist then he/she can help you
    explore all the options. Welcome to the site, and please don't
    give up on getting help. </span>

    Do what your heart tells you to-- even when your fears tell you not to.

    You are alive....so live.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    I know the feeling of people that thinks it's funny, and try to freak you out by making sounds, 1) it's not funny at all, and I think that whoever your gp is should feel horrid, what they did was childish and just plain mean 2) I don't think that sheltering your fears will help, you should tell people, if you are in an comforable situation....but maybe not just like go up to people and say..hello I am an emet, ya know what I mean? Anyways... Welcome to the site ^_^

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Welcome to the site. Your GP has no bedside manner!!!! How dare he laugh in your face, and then make the noises!!!! There are doctors out there better than that. I told mine and she did not laugh in my face. Why people want to joke with us about this phobia is beyond me. Would we pick on someone who was afraid of heights or spiders? NO, proablly not!!!! You can find good help for beating this phobia, and now you have us to help support you too!!!!

    Again, WELCOME to the site!!!!



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