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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Hello. I am new to this site and forum and I was hoping someone had some encouraging words to share with me. I have been an emetephobe since age five, which began 23 years ago. I have three small children that are 3, 2, and 1 and have recently become ill with the flu. Actually, my oldest son started throwing up, etc. four days ago and he still is not over it. My one year old started throwing up last night and I was up with him all night rubbing his back and checking his diaper. My daughter has yet to get it as well as me and my husband, and I am very scared. I have not eaten AT ALL and I have not slept, but maybe two hours over the course of the past couple of days. I feel like I am going to die not only of fear, but of starving to death. I wish someone could just tell me I am not going to get sick. I wish these illnesses did not occur in life. I am sorry if I sound so desperate, but I feel like I am living in hell. Help.

  2. #2
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    Oh realtaken, I know just how you feel and everything will be okay. You have been through so much these past few days and I am so sorry that the little ones are sick. I know there isn't much I can say to make your hell go away, it will just take time, but I am glad that you came here for support. This is a great place filled with very compassionate people. Just try real hard to hang in there. I hope you can get some rest. How are your kids hanging in there?

    \"This too shall pass\"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I am so sorry as well!! I have a 5 yr. old and a 3 yr. old and am pregnant with my 3rd--I feel fo ryou having them so close together, yikes!! I can totally relate with what you are going through!! My kids have been sick 3 times this winter!! Just be sure to wash your hands thouroughly and disinfecct everything and you will hopefully be fine!!! Let us know if you need anything!!

    By the way, where are you from??

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    United States


    WOW! I am so sorry you are having to go thru this HELL! Have you been washing your hands (dumb question.) Are your kids in daycare? UGH!

    Let us know how you are doing. The general incubation is 24-48 hours but can be as high as 77. Let us know!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
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    Hi there. (I'm not sure when you wrote this, and I haven't been on the site in months! But I still want to respond.) I empathize with you. I have only one daughter, and she's a big girl...12 years old. But whenever she, or any of my nieces, are sick with an illness that makes them throw up, I get sooooo stressed out. Here's the thing to always remember...you're NOT alone. No, that doesn't comfort you when you're scared or feeling nauseous. Still, it's good to know that you're not the only one with this issue. And, you're still very young with a lot of life and good moments ahead of you. With each day, trust me, you'll learn to be stronger and stronger. And you'll eat, even when you're scared to death you're going to be sick. I'll send my good thoughts and relaxing vibes your way. Take care!

  6. #6
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    I appreciate everyone's encouraging words, which really do make me feel not as alone as I was feeling. My husband thinks I am a lunatick and wants me to get professional help, which I am looking into. To answer questions, my name is Stephanie and I am from the high desert, California. It seems as though the incubation period for this virus in my house is 73 hours. My son started with it Thursday night at about 9:30 PM, and my youngest boy shares a room with him, so the spores from the vomit probably caused him to become ill considering I left him in there to sleep (after the vomit was cleaned up of course)while I took care of my son in my bedroom. If this incubation period is correct, my daughter may get it around 3:30 PMWednesday (I HOPE NOT). I am just praying that this won't happen and that my husband and I will not get it either. I know that it will end and everything will be fine, but I freak out whenever I feel like I am going to throw up. It is especially bad with the flu and is almost not controllable, which is probably why I fear the stomach fluso much. I am so glad I found this site and can finally talk to people who understand my feelings and don't think I am a freak. Thanks all.


    P.S. I have been washing my hands so much they are burning and bleeding. Edited by: realtaken

  7. #7
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    Apr 2004
    United States


    Hi, Stephanie, welcome to the site. I'm sorry you are going thru all of this right now. you seem to have a good outlook on it all tho, event ho you are scared (as we all would be) What comforts me when I've been around sick people is knowing allt he pople on here (especially the moms) who have been around sick people, their kids included and took care of them, and NOT caught it. You are taking precautions which is really all you can do. Also, it's been mentioned on herebefore but bears repeating, kids immune systems arent' as develtoped as an adults (especiallya s young as your kids are) so chances are good that you and your husband won't even get a stomach ache from this in the event you even caught it. Hope this helps and please keep us posted. I also hope your kids feel better soon!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  8. #8
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    Oh my gosh. I am so glad you told me that. I have heard just the opposite from my friends; they have all told me that EVERYONE in their homes ALWAYS gets it. My kids' pediatrician told me the same thing and that I should expect to get it. I hope I am one of those fortunate ones that will escape unscathed. Thank you all for your words of encouragement. It really has helped the depression and anxiety I have been experiencing.


  9. #9
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    Don't listen to what other people tell you... not everyone in the house gets it. In fact I have never heard of anyone having it in their house where everyone gets it. Just try to be calm and keep the house super clean and make sure everyone washes their hands. And also wash your hands after you change the babys diaper.

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  10. #10
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    Wow. What a relief. Thanks for sharing that with me. I am hoping that since I have not gotten it since my son developed symptoms five days ago, I won't get it. I am constantly washing my hands especially after diaper changes.I am trying to remind myself that evenif I amnauseated, Imay not throw up. I just hate that feeling so much. WhenI was a kid, I had a stefather who was abusive and for some reason thought itwas funny to try to make my sister and I eat morethan our bodies could handle. He would pile our plates with food and told us we would have to eat everythingon the plate or go to bed, which was usually around 4:00 in the afternoon. My sister would end up throwing up all over the place and I would just sit at the table for hours shaking until I finally just went to bed. I think this is partly why I am an emet. He was a terrible man.


  11. #11
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    Well, my daugter finally caught it almost right on my calculations, Wednesday at 3:50. She threw up all over the place and I not only had to clean it up but I had to be there for her. I am a nervous wreck and don't know how much of this I can take. I am very concerned that my husband and I are going to catch it especially considering he has not been as careful as I have with hand washing and cleanliness. I don't know why this fear has to plague us like it does. I wish it could just be accepted as a part of life.


    P.S. My son also started throwing up AGAIN right after lunch four days after he initially came down with the V*ing. I am stressed out!Edited by: realtaken

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Oh my...! this is hard to read Realtaken. I have to admit, you are BRAVE. I hope you are well? It's thursday, how is the family feeling now? And you, how are you feeling?

  13. #13
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    I appreciate you asking how I am...I am not well. I keep having bouts of nausea, which I am sure are as a result of the anxiety I have of coming down with the virus. The kids are all still feeling bad except for my first son that started V*ing a week ago. He is finally better as of today. I am not at all brave. I wish I had the strength I know I need right now.


  14. #14
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    United States



    You are brave. Your nerves might be shot right now but this too shall pass. Have you gotten any sleep? Have you eaten anything? I know its hard but you have to take care of yourself. Can you take a relaxing bath or so somethingelse to ease your mind? Please keep us posted so that we know you are o.k.


  15. #15
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    Thank you so much for your concern. I slept about one hour last night and have eaten a bite hear and there to curb the hunger pains. I have tried to do things to get it off my mind, but they only seem to work momentarily. I have been on this site quite a bit since it happened, and I am just so grateful I have somewhere to go where people understand. I will let you know what happens. Please pray for me.


  16. #16
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    You know its a good thing you have hunger pains. You havent gotten it as of yet! Look at it that way. Keep up what you are doing and you may dodge this bullet.

    Are you kids in daycare. Where would they have gotten this. (Dont mind me. I am doing my quizzing.[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img])

  17. #17
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    I don't mind at all. In fact, I am the same way. No, my kids are not in daycare and I am a stay-at-home mom, so I try to keep them around the house as much as possible. I actually took my guard down when I started back to church and bit the bullet and put them in the Sunday school classes for a Thurday morning bible study. I opened the door to retrieve my son when every child was sitting around eating pizza and cupcakes with unclean hands (I was not even asked if he could have them). I was a bit horrified, but hoped nothing would come of it. Sure enough, about an hour after I put my son to bed that night, he screamed for me and my husband and when my husband ran in the room, he was covered in V*. This has been a very bad time for all of them and they definitely don't deserve it. So, I have resigned myself to not take them into those classes anymoreuntil they are much older.

  18. #18
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    Realtaken, thanks for letting me know how your holding up. Sounds to me like you have built an immunity to this illness. It makes sense, your a mom and you have to be the strongest in your family so that you can take care of everybody !! Your body is not letting you get this horrid flu.
    Dont ignore the hunger pangs too much, although I can completely understand why you do NOT want to eat. My abest advise to you is, when your ready, eat some safe food. Toast, tea, take some vitamins and have some anti naseants close by--just to ease the mind. I have a feeling you will be just fine and will not catch this. Let me know how its going and if your feeling weak you can always message me at MSN: [email protected]

  19. #19
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    Hi Stephanie, I can sure relate. I have two children, 10 and 6. Several years ago we took a trip to Disneyland and the day we left my youngest started throwing up. It was a quick mover and he was doing fairly well after several hours. My daughter came down with it about 36 hours later. It was over Thanksgiving vacation and I was mortified. I picked at food here and there, but didn't eat much. That Friday I woke up nauseated, but the great thing is that I layed in bed and it lasted about an hour or so and then it was gone. I never had to throw-up and felt fine after that. I do believe as mom's we build up resistance to these bugs and God is good to emets. He knows how we suffer and gives us a break. We know Hell like no others.


  20. #20
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    I appreciate that. All I can do is hope and pray and stand on the Word of God; "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" 2 Timothy 1:7. I hope you don't mind me asking, but did you care for your children or did your husband?


  21. #21
    Join Date
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    United States


    Stephanie, I do the same thing that you do. When my girls had a bug 2 years ago, I lost 8 lbs. in one week. I waited until I had hunger pangs and took a bite of food here and there. When last year my daughter had it again on a Mon. and I was pregnant I did the same thing and lost weight. How embarrassing it was to go to the Dr. and see that being 8 mo. pregnant that I had lost weight. I didnt say anything about it, just that I have had bad heartburn that was killing my appetite. But I was not so lucky that time and I caught it on the Fri. But I agree with you about God sparing us cause he spared me and just let me suffer with nausea and fever and chills for 2 days. I hope you are doing better today.

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  22. #22
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    What hell! I don't have kids yet and although I like children,this is the main reason why I don't want them in my life. Clearing up the mess and fear of getting the bug really puts me off.

    The thing to remember is that children often vomit when they eat things that don't harm us as adults. While adults might have flu and just get a bad fever, a child will naturally vomit.Influenzadoes not cause vomiting in adults.So, in my mind, even if you get the flu, you won't get sick.

    And if you've contracted the flu and have not vomited by now, then it's unlikely that you will. Your symptoms are different from the children.

    It's important to eat and drink lots of fluids when you have influenza. The body will be better able to fight the virus if it is properly nourished and if you are adequately hydrated.

    Also, remember that viruses take about three days to incubate before you get them and about three days until they are killed off by your body's immune system, although you might feel like crap for a couple of weeks. So, you've only got a couple of days before you are truly safe. Just hang on in there.

  23. #23
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    Regarding hand-washing, there's no need to wash them until they bleed. Just wash them with a bit of anti-septic soap with warm (but not burning) water is good enough. Basic sanitation will prevent most of these types of stomach bugs. Not matter how hard you try, kids tend not to be clean anyway, picking up things from the floor and stuffing them in their mouths. So, they are more likely to get the bug than you.

  24. #24
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    Thanks so much for your the feedback everyone. It really helps me to take another bite of food and sleep a little more soundly than I have been. I made myself turn the tv off last night and after dealing with a crying baby, got to sleep at about 2:00 am. I woke up at 6:00 am and it is the most and best sleep I have had in awhile. God has been really good to me in sparing me and my husband thus far. Please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I feel like I truly have other people out there who care about what I am going through and who understand. Thanks so much all.


  25. #25
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    I will keep praying for you and your husband.

    Regarding the post about not wanting children...please dont let this phobia make you NOT want kids. Kids are the most wonderful creation in the world. I have 3 kids but I not always been emetophobic. V* itself that is not contagious does not bother me. It doesnt bother me that other people get sick. Only when its contagious and I am at risk of getting it. I am trying to conceive again and dont think about viruses and v*. If you think about it the worry is everyday but actually getting it is once a year (with kids). I know...practice what I preach. I realize that many people have it much worse than I do. I just wouldnt want anyone to miss out on the joys of having a baby because of this phobia.

  26. #26
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    Hey everyone:

    Well, my daughter is feeling better since she v*d on Wednesday. My husband and I are who is left that have not yet gotten this terrible virus. Please keep me in your prayers so that I won't get this bug. We are trying to pack and move and it would really be aweful timing. Does the bug usually run in families one person at a time? I have heard that as soon as one feels better then the next one will get it. Is this usually true?


  27. #27
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    When was the last symptom? If you two have not gotten it my now...you should be ok!

  28. #28
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    The last symptom? I am not sure what you mean. She started acting like she felt better as of yesterday. Hopefully this does not mean there is still a possibility!!!


  29. #29
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    Your stepfather sounds like he was insane. I am so sorry you had to grow up around that, I am sure it had to be terrible. Why the hell would someone want to do that to children.. It just makes me sooo mad.

    Hang in there, you seem to be doing very well considering the circumstances.


  30. #30
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    Thanks, Kim. I am really happy to have gotten through it and now I have a wonderful family to share my life with.




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