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Thread: Do You Relate??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Hi everyone, I am new to the site and very happy to have found it. I recently asked the universe for someone that can relate to my problem. I'm very surprised that emetophobia is the 5th greatist fear that people have, and yet I have not found one other person that has it. When I tell someone of it they just look at me with this blank look and then try to follow-up with some helpful suggestions. I'm always appreciative of their suggestions, but I just wanted someone that can relate in a way only another sufferer can. I'm 43 and have been an emet since age 8 or 9. Lately I've had several rounds with the fear that have put me in tears, an emotional wreck. It arises when anyone close to me mentions that they've been sick. From what I've read on this site, I know you people relate to that. I've taken to drinking lots of water to cleanse my system of any possibility of getting sick. My eating habits aren't bad, but I am always aware of what I'm eating and the possibility of it making me sick. I've also become aware of the fact that I'm afraid to let go of the fear because I might then have to do the "deed". It's crippling and I just want someone who can relate to talk to. Thanks for listening.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hi Jody. I have a sister Jody who also spells her name witha "y"....yeah, it's great when you first find this site. I'll never forget when I found it, I think it was about 4 years ago already. I actually do know of several people, including three really good friends of mine, who are emet to varying degrees. We all manage to lead productive lives, have kids and jobs and stuff, but it can be really really hard. Do you have kids? Do you work?

    Just remember, you're not alone. We all totally understand.
    <font size=\"4\"><font color=MAGENTA><font face=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\">It can, and does, get better with time.</font></font></font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Hi E-lizabeth, Thanks for your reply. I have 2 children; a 10 y/o girl and a near 7 y/o boy. They have somewhat helped my phobia. My 10 y/o knows of my phobia and handles getting sick so well that it helps me to see it can be done without fear. I'm writing from work right now, however my last day here is a week from tomorrow. I'm going into real estate full-time and very much looking forward to it. It should free up some time, or at least make it easier for me to schedule around my kids and husband.

    Thanks again for writing. I will post again later, or tonight. I'm feeling better already.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Welcome to the site, Jody! We can all definitely relate. Everyone here is very friendly and supportive so you will always have a place to get or give help. It is great to see you arent' the only one, which is what I thought until I found this site. I think emet moms are the bravest people! If you can be pregnant and take care of your kids when they are sick it is awesome to me and inspiring!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Welcome to the site Jody! Nice to meet you. I'm Allie and I'm 19 years old. I've been an emet since I could possibly remember. You'll find wonderful help at this site! I've been a member since last July!


    **No one knows what it\'s like behind my green eyes.**

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Hello Jody,

    I am also new as of last night and I saw your post that really sounded similar to what I have gone through almost my entire life. I don't know anyone who has this phobia and so I was also surprised to find that it is the 5th most common phobia. When I tell someone of my fear, they also look at me blankly and all I can think about is that they must be thinking that I am a weirdo and a weak individual. When I was pregnant with my kids, I never allowed myself to throw up even though the nausea was at times unbearable. When I told my OB/GYN of my fear, he smiled and said he had heard of it but had also never met anyone with it! Needless to say, I had cesareans with all three of my children and always feared the anesthesia because I thought it would cause me to vomit. While I am also going through a tough time right now with my kids having the stomach flu, I just want to encourage you and remind you as I remind myself that we have gotten past it or we would not be where we are today.

    It is also hard for me to be around people who have been sick to the point that I usually don't take my kids out around people very often. I thought I was getting over this fear when I took my kids to church two weeks ago for the first time in a long time, and they ended up getting the stomach flu. I read somewhere that the antibacterial soap and hand sanitizers can only make things worse because the stomach flu is a virus that can only be killed with bleach. I have almost gotten to the point of taking bleach with me to sanitize my hands. If you need people who understand, this site is it because I have already gotten several replies from people who understand where we are at. Keep us updated on how you are doing.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States


    Welcome Jody AND Stephanie! I have to go jogging in the park (getting back in shape for horse riding) but I just wanted to say that all of us here definetly can relate! Everyone here is very understanding. And I remember that it really is great to see that there are other people like you! Sorry I would say more, but I've really got to run! (literally!)

    &lt;3 Anya--
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Hi Jody! Welcome! I am pretty new to this site too, and everyone here is so wonderful and so supportive. I have been an emet since I was about 10 y/o (and am now 26). I've recently discovered that drinking a BIG glass of orange juice every morning helps me deal with my phobia during the day. I think it's something about knowing that all of that vitamin C is boosting my immune system. I'm also addicted to chlorox wipes - I wipe down my office and home compulsively.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hi Jody, welcome to the site. Its been 14 years since I have been sick. I am 25 and I suffer from a pretty severe form of the phobia. However, I have been getting a lot better lately and I think its because I am rationalizing more. I talk to myself and say "SO what if I get sick, I'll live. It will be bad, very bad ! But I will get through it!!" Its been working. I have been also getting help for it through psychotherapy. It works a bit. If you ever need any advise from a life long emetaphobe, let me know. I am mostly here on this forum to support others !!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Hi Jody, Stephanie. Welcome~ I hope you find the site very helpful! Sorry i'm bad at intros lol, but like everyone else said, I too can relate.
    <font color=PINK><center>Believe in Yourself</center></font>

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Hello Everyone, Thanks so much for your responses. It's wonderful to know I'm not alone. I just have to share that as a result of my extreme phobic weekend (last weekend) I believe my resistance dropped and I came down with something. It's been building all week, but I've had severe stomach cramps. Now don't fret, I have not been nauseated or had to v*#@#. Not even close. Just really bad stomach cramps that occur after I eat, and not everytime. It's weird. I also have a sore throat and headache. I slept all day today and seem to be a little better this evening. Give me stomach cramps, sore throat, even diarrhea, I can handle all that. Just don't give me nausea or the threat of the "other". From what I've read, I know you can all relate! Thanks again for all your support. I'm no longer alone.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Welcome Jody and Stephanie. Jody I will be 40 in October, my phobia began at the age of 9 years old. I have 2 sons ages 21 and 12. I ask questions after questions if someone says that they don't feel well. I am very curious how many people in my community has this phobia so I got together with my doctors office and I am printing out information about this phobia and she is going to post it on the bulletin board in the waiting room. I am hoping that some people will come forward.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States



    That is a great idea. I just wonder if I could find someone locally who feels the same as we do? I might take your idea and use it. I am only 28 and have suffered from this phobia since I was 5. I guess it affects people of all ages, and it is something you cannot expect to grow out of unless you seek professional help. I ask the same questions when people don't feel well and if they are nauseous and even move, I jump. I can totally relate.




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