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Thread: >_< Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    I've got a little problem. I got accepted on a trip to Pennsylvania for three days andtwo nights in April. This trip is for only 9th and 10th grades. SO this is my last year to attend this trip. Not everyone can attend as it is selected by academic performance but everyone can guess my problem at this point! I SO want to go but as you know there is the car or rather BUS trip. Its about 1 and half hours to two hours...I'm afraid I'LL get sick or someone else. My friend assured me that no one did but eh...you knowI still have some doubts...This place we are going to is into like the Wilderness sort of. There is a forest and we stay in cabin like houses..It sounds so cool but i'm scared. What do you think? Should i go or not? I dunno, I like others suggestions. This is my last opportunity..gah. I hate this. Help! [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

    Oh yea..is there anythingI can take beforeI go on the bus ifI 100% decide to go? I dont know many anti emetic things.
    <font color=PINK><center>Believe in Yourself</center></font>

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    wing, this is the last chance to take this trip and I think you should go! You sound like you really want to but the damn phobia is in your way. Ok for anti-meds, I live in Canada so I know of a few and those are gravol and bonamine. What about taking a walkman with you? Put those earphones on and listen to your music. You know yourself so what can you do to make yourself comfy with this trip? Yesterday I bought Rescue Remedy, it is herbal medicine that calms you down, you put a few drops under your tongue and it works like a miracle. Can you talk to the teachers and let them know how you are? With them knowing it can make your trip more enjoyable.Think about what you can do to keep yourself busy on the bus. In grade 7 my class went to Quebec for the french exchange, I didn't go because of the phobia, grade 8 my class went to Ottawa, i didn't go because of the phobia. I truly feel that you can do this!!!!! have faith

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States


    I definetly think you should go!!! That trip sounds really cool and I have NEVER seen anyone get sick on a bus. I had the same dilemma...there is a new york trip in one week only for 9th graders. So, since it is five hours (eek!) I was really debating whether to go! I was scared, but my friends said that they would sit with me the whole time which would be good. I am also taking my walkman and a LARGE variety of CD's. My friends and I are each taking books and card games, yada yada. like ontariogirl said, i also do take rescue remedy!! It calmes your nerveswhen you aregoing into shock, or just nervous.I really think you should go, you would be missing out on the ultimate experience if you didn't. Also, you were selected for your acedemic talents! I think you should reward that!

    Oh I don't take much medicine, my mom's a HUGE believer in herbal remedies, but I've heard that gravol and dramamine work.

    &lt;3 Anya--
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Anya, Rescue Remedy is a very good way of settling yourself down and what I like about it is that its herbal. Congratulations of going on your trip, have fun!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    hey, i think you should definately go!! it sounds like its gonna be a great experience. As soon as you get going, i think youll stop panicking and youll have a great time. i always start panicking a few days before i have to do something, but once ya get going, it stops
    A major function of sadness is to help people become more aware of what they value and hence conserve it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]Thanks guys! Yea, I will go now (...IF they let us pick seats on the bus..i heard they dont. I gotta go talk tothem..)I just needed that encouragement. Well the money is due April 1st. hehe. But i know the night before i'm going to be only nerves. Hope the site is working that night ehehe.

    I dont really want to take medicine but that rescue remedy thing. I wanna see if i find it in stores.

    One reason i was really doubting to go was my friends (they dont know ihave emet) they were talking about people getting sick on the bus..er..then one of my friends said that he gets bus sick..thank god he's not going though..ehehe..(the person i want to sit with doesnt get sick on long rides and she's aware)Edited by: wing
    <font color=PINK><center>Believe in Yourself</center></font>

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    hey there i really think you should go...a 2 hour ride really sint that long if you think of it..the way i look at it is 2 half hour tv shows..LOL...sounds silly but if i say oh its only 4 episodes of such and such it makes it seem like a lot less tiem ebcause my favorite tv show salwyas seem to go by fast!!!!

    take some music with you...

    and you are right..the night before and the morning you leave you will probably be all neves..so..if you get intestinal issues just rememebr that you are nervous..NOT sick and once you get on the road..laughing and joking with your friends all will be ok!!
    And now I\'m glad I didn\'t know
    The way it all would end the way it all would go
    Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
    But I\'d of had to miss the dance
    Garth Brooks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    I really think you shouldn't miss out on this trip, I know you already have decided to go, but still I just wanted to give my two cents Anywho, headphones, a must, they should keep you from worrying to much, kinda like a distraction..anywho medicine wise, I am not so sure, I don't get car sick so I don't take medicne, I just constantly worry about others anywho, I know you will be fine..Tootles

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    wing you can find Rescue Remedy in stores where they sell Herbal remedies. You can buy drops that you put under your tongue, or put in water and they alsohave creams.

    Good luck.



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