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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Hi, I'm new to this but I have had some problems and don't really know how to explain them. I have never had any kind of phobia especially in public. Just recently about 4 months ago it started. At first I started having trouble breathing and drinking water during class. Then it became so bad that I would have to get up because I felt like I was going to pass out or v. Anyways soon it started happening at resturants, I would order food and as soon as I got the food, I would lose my appetite. The sick feeling does not go away and I just sit and wait while others finish. So, I dont go out to resturants now. This even happens at home sometimes, and I don't know what to do. I used to be able to handle social settings but now I am scared that my phobia will just pop up at any time. I was so happy to find this site because noone understands whats happening to me. Everyone says its all in my head, or its stress. I agree, I just don't know how to deal with it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    My best suggestion would be to consider starting some kind of therapy. Even if it is just stress, it doesnt sound like its a whole lot of fun for you and finding a way and someone to talk to about it will probably help you out.


    I'm here if you want to talk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Thanks, I have been to the dr. but at the time I thought something was wrong with me (health wise) and so I didn't ask for additional help besides a check up. After the dr. said I was fine, I thought I would get better but nothing has changed. I guess I should go back and explain this isn't going away.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    yea just keep bugging the doctors until they do something about it that make you feel better. at least thats what everyone keeps telling me and i have to say, its slow but its better than doing nothing other than feel sick. most days...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Go back to your doctor and explain what is going on, tell him how you feel and what you go through when the panic hits you. I wrote everything down making sure I didn't forget anything and gave it to him. He didn't understand and he has never heard of my phobia, he has been a doctor for over 30 years and I am the first patient. Your doctor can help you and if not send you to someone who can. Good luck you will find the help that you need!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    Ya - two things...one, print out the info on the top of the treatments thread to give to your doctor, and get a referral to a good therapist whom you trust.

    But secondly, try your VERY BEST NOT to avoid public places any more. Dont' worry that your phobia will "pop up" - yes, it will, but that's ok. It's just an anxious body response inside your brain and into your body in the form of anxiety (shaking, heart beating fast, adrenalyn, breathing quicker, etc.) You will NOT in fact, vomit or faint. It's "just" anxiety. In a few moments it will pass.

    Try going to a take-out ice cream place where you walk in and order or stand and then can leave. Start small. Order a little gingerale somewhere with a close friend you can confide in. Manage the anxiety as best you can, then move to something more difficult. If you just think about your problem a bit differently (i.e., stop being so afraid of the condition itself), then you can put a stop to the avoidance. Avoidance only leads to much MUCH worse problems in future...meaning you'll never be able to go anywhere before long.

    Sit near the door in class, telling yourself you can walk out at anytime and calm down. Then DO YOUR BEST to manage your anxious feelings when they come up.

    It sounds to me like you may be able to nip this in the bud! I wish everyone here would have come on and asked good questions as you have when their anxiety was beginning. After years go by, the anxious response system is well-established and much harder to treat.

    All the best of luck to you!
    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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    DISCLAIMER ~ Any advice I give on this forum is well-intentioned and given as to a peer or friend or for educational purposes. It does not in any way constitute psychotherapeutic or medical advice. Please discuss anything you may learn from my posts with your doctor and psychotherapist prior to making any decisions or changes or taking any actions.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Thank you for all the good advice, I am trying to face it. I don't have much choice because I decided to enroll this qtr even though I was hesistant. The first few days of class have been a little frightening, more from my own insecurities. I do sit toward the back, just in case I get a little too panicky or my hands begin to sweat. One of my prof. made us form small groups and somehow that helped me relax and not feel so alone. I still purchase food to go, and try to eat while walking in public. I guess I dont want to offend the waitresses, they seem dissapointed when I order food and just ask for a box. I dont want to explain something I dont even understand. I did purchase some Kava kava for aniexity. I know that prolong use is not good for the liver, or so I have been told. Yet, I am not ready for prescriptions or something of the sort. I am going to keep it as a back up for just in case. I'm a single mother and if I am out with my daughter, I dont want to scare her. Thanks again- I will keep posting on my progress. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]



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