Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hello everyone! I've been a lurker on this site for months and months, but I decided to start posting, because I want to help reassure people, and get some reassurance myself!

    I last vomited when I was 4, I am now 23, and touch wood I want to keep that going. It wasn't particularly traumatic when I did the deed, just unpleasant as normal, but I remember laughing and wanting food right after it, so that didn't cause the emet. But if one of my sisters or someone at school was ill, I would burst into tears, and get more attention than the sick person. I've had a few days when I've been gagging, (not for 10 years though) but nothing came up. I've had diarreah twice in my life. I can't believe I know that! It seems that the fear has gotten worse with age. Last year was terrible. Every day I was waking up thinking it was my time. I have been to many therapies and I don't worry about being ill so much, but when my stomach starts getting weird, I start getting worried. But I'm so lucky that I have great family and friends and people at work are all so fantastic and supportive of me. I'm grateful that I have people I can phone at 3 or 4am in a panic for reassurance.

    The worst moment with my emet was 2 years ago. I live in Scotland and I will never forget the front page of the biggest national paper was "2.5 million Scots have the bug". Referring to the Norwalk virus or Winter Vomiting Virus, which everyone had! I hate when folk go on about bugs going around especially when they know how I feel about it. It's like "SHUT UP!!!!!!!" I just worry and worry when I hear about the bugs. I would rather break a bone than be sick. I know its daft and irrational, but if I could break my arm and be guaranteed never to vomit I would take it!!!!

    've got a long story but I don't want to completely bore everybody with my first post.

    Thanks for listening.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Welcome to the site. I am also fairly new and can relate to much of what you are saying. I am 28 and have been an emet since age 5. I have vomited several times in my life, and it never gets easier for me. It is funny how fear has a tendency to torment us if we allow it to. I also would rather have pain than nausea or vomiting. I hope you find the support here you need as I have found everyone to be very encouraging.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    You are not a bore darling...it's nice to hear other ones stories....that are so very familiar...I hope that you have many more V free years...I haven't done it in almost 15 yrs...so I am knocking on wood every single day....some days are better than others...but I find that xanax (anti-anxiety) meds help alot when I am having a rough time or when I am sick or my kids...so best of luck to you and keep on posting..the people here are wonderful and supportive...Love Kat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Welcome to the site Roz! i hate that too - with stomach bugs and things going round and people going on and on abt it.

    diarrohea twice - wow that pretty impressive! i wish i were so lucky! hehe!

    well keep posting sweety! we are all here to support each other through the rough!

    ems xb

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    Thanks everyone! It's just so good having people that are going through what I am! Like I said I've got a great support from family and friends, but they don't really understand what I'm afraid of. If they get ill, it's like "ok I was ill. big deal!" Whereas I seem to worry and obsess and the slightest thing. Even if I get a shiver I'm like "I'm getting the bug!!!!" Or if my stomach rumbles or if I don't feel hungry. Thankfully its' not as bad as it was, but I still think about it alot!

    Thanks again guys!

    Roz xxx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    welcome, I'm new here as well but i do have to say this is a great site for support. and congrats on going so long and even more impressive is your d* record. have to say i am a bit jealous and would love to know your secret

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    Hi Roz, welcome!

    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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