Hiya everyone

Not been here for a while. Had a few days where I have heard about people who are ill, gone into panic mode, but managed to pull through. However, one of the guys at work is off sick with gastric flu. He was off yesterday and called in today to say he was still ill but hopes to be well enough to come in tomorrow.

Well panic has now set in. Although he doesnt work in the office he does come into the office for about 10 mins in the morning and afternoon. So my question is, will I be safe coming into work tomorrow? I could lie and stay off but that will only cause me problems, but I dont want to be ill either. Can I just catch it if he walks into the room or does he actually have to v* nearby. If he has only just had his last symptoms today then he would I presume still be infectious tomorrow - my mind is working overtime excuse my waffle.

I remember an occassion when I was younger when a friends mum had it. She talked to my mum for about 20 mins at the door one day after she had been ill. Now I played with my friend all day and she was never ill, neither was my mum, but I went down with it. However, looking back I certainly didnt keep washing my hands like I do now so maybe I touched a door handle or something then my face, I dont know, but its worried me ever since.

Hope to hear some good news/advice....
