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Thread: Newbie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Hi Everyone!

    I've been reading this site for a while, but I just now became a member. I'm 24 years old and have been suffering from this since I was in first grade. It eased up for a long time while I was in junior high and high school, but it seemed to come back during college. I used to only freak out when I knew someone that was v*ing, but lately I feel like I think about it constantly.

    My most recent problem started yesterday at work when a girl I work with was sick. She was acting funny all day and I thought she wasmad about something, but when I finally asked her about it she told me she wasn't feeling well and that she had v* that mornig before work. This was about lunch time, and then she got up and left for a while. When she came back, I asked how she was feeling and she said "Better now, I just v*" That was when I started to panic. She sits right next to me, and she stayed at work for the rest of the day - even later than she usually does! Eveytime she left her desk, Iworried that she was going back to the bathroom.

    She is also a body builder and has a really weird diet. She just finished a competition and had been indulging in the junk food she normally doesn't eat. She went back on her diet a couple of days ago, so I wondered if it was just her body adjusting to the different foods. When I asked her what she thought it was (you know how we all like to ask tons of questions!) she said she thought she was getting a bug. Ugh! But after she v* at lunch, she came right back to her desk and had a cup of coffee and a huge jug of water. I couldn't imagine drinking anything after that!

    So I guess I', just wondering if anyone thinks this was really a sv or what? Whenever I have had it, I feel so bad I can't move - there's no way I could go to work and drink coffee and eat all day long (her body building diet makes her eat every two hours). I saw her eat at least three meals in between v* episodes, wouldn't you think she would have v* earlier than that with a sv?

    I really appreciate this forum. My family knows about my problem, but whenever I try to explain my thoughts like this they just tell me not to think about it. Right! Like that's possible! My husband and I are thinking about a baby in the near future, but the thought of morning sickness and sick kids scares me to death! But that's another topic . . .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Well ............ first, WELCOME to the site!!!! This girl at your work, sounds to me like she is either eating and then making herself vomit, or like you said, she eats all these weird foods due to her body building and then whatever she ate today just didnt agree with her. Or maybe she is pregnant ........... I just dont see how she could go vomit and then come right back to her desk and drink like that!! Please try not to worry about this girl, I think you will be ok.

    Now, about having children and morning sickness. I worried about that too, but not once during any of my pregnancies did I get sick. I had days where I didnt feel so great, but never to the point of feeling like I was going to throw up. Most of the moms here will tell you the same thing. What does your husband say about your phobia? Will he be helpful with the children you have when they are sick. I dont know how I would cope without my hubby to help. Still though, I wouldnt give up motherhood just because of them getting sick with the vomit stuff. The good times far out weigh the bad times!!

    PS. There are some other great posts here about morning sickness. I think in the Q and A forum.

    Edited by: jennyleigh1975

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Welcome to the site! It doesnt sound like a sv to me.. I think that she would have not been able to eat like she was eating. She is probably adjusting to her new diet, like you said. Yuck.. It is so weird that some people can just gt sick like that. I cant imagine staying at work. Blech..

    I also wanted to point out that you were very brave to stick around. I probably would have gone home!! Good job..


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I keep telling myself not to worry, but you know how it is. I don't know of anyone else with a sv right now - mostly just head colds. It's funny you mentioned being pregnant - I thought of that too and asked her and she just laughed at me. There are so many pregnant people in my office that we say it's in the water.

    I am going to have kids no matter what. My husband is supportive even though he doesn't understand. We came to an agreement a long time ago - I do the diapers and he does the v*! Of course, we both will probably have to do the other at some point, but I know if it is at all possible he will take care of it for me. As far as the morning sickness goes, my mom and my grandma didn't have it and I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I am hoping I won't either. We are all the same as far as other things go (really high pain tolerance, same body structure, etc.) so I am hoping this will be the same too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Silly Girl, Welcome! I do not visit often during the "flu Off Season", so I will be sporadic to say the least. This girl sounds like a goof. As far as children go,I have been a mom for 8 1/2 years (never had morning sickness with any) and I can honestly tell you I have only caught the sv once from either of them. They are so fun! I know you say you will have kids no matter what, but just to assure you, jennyleigh is right, the good outweighs the bad...by far! Go for it soon. We aren't getting any younger! I think our husbands/boyfriends should also have a site to talk about how CRAZY we are to be worrying about this stuff!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I'm going crazy! I've almost hit the 48 hour mark, and usually by now I start to calm down but I can't this time. I hardly slept at all last night, haven't eaten anything but a couple of cookies since Wednesday at lunch when I found out. My husband keeps telling my she probably didn't have a sv anyways, but I still can't shake it! Ahhh! I didn't go to work today or yesterday because my husband's little sister is staying with us for her spring break. I'm trying to stay distracted by doing stuff with her, but it isn't working! Help! [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    How do you feel now? I really think you will be fine. If it was a stomach bug( which im not convinced it is) i think you would have known by now
    A major function of sadness is to help people become more aware of what they value and hence conserve it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    hi, welcome. Im sure if u were gonna catch something you would know about it by now. But remember even if this woman had a bug, it doesnt mean you will catch it even if you were 'exposed' to it. Calm down and try and eat a good meal.

    As for the pregnancy part, im 20 weeks pregnant with my second, and yes its scary but its so fabulous its worth anything! And although sick kids are a worry, its good to have ur partner there to help! I couldnt cope without mine!

    I couldn\'t tell you why she felt that way... she felt it everyday and i couldn\'t help her... i just watched her make the same mistakes again...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Now my husband is complaining of stomach problems! He says he has stomach pain and d*. When am I going to get a break?!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    massachussetts United States


    Hello! I am new here but I am sooo thankful that there are others like me because my family do not understand me. Of course, I am sorry to say that because this fear is so all consuming, that I do'nt wish this phobia on anyone. You were very brave silly girl, I have quit more than a few jobs because of this fear-as soon as I hear someone has gotton sick, I usually would not return. I am very anxious right now and am struggling to remain in controll. I have two beautiful children-girls ages 5 and 8. I never had morning sickness with either pregnancy. On last Wendsady, My 5 yr old told me as her class was leaving school, a little girl v* all over herself. You can only imagine my fear, and then my fury to find out the little girl was allowed in school the next day. Well even though I lecture my girls almost daily during flu season about handwashing, ect., My daughter woke up at 2;30 a.m. and v* every 20 min. till 5 a.m. when my husband and I took her to the ER. I of course bleached and lysoled everything in sight and kept them seperated-like I do every year, and that always prevented spread. Tuesday morning ant 2:30 a.m., my 8 yr old got it! I have been franticly wracking my brain as to what I did wrong, where did I miss, did I let them play together to soon, and at almost a full week later, it just dose'nt make sense. My mom has had it with me, she thinks I am a terrible mom because I wear a mask and gloveswhen I am cleaning, and I cant go near them when they have a sv. My husband has to work, he makes me feel like crap about it too sometimes. I am lonley, scared and every year this fear gets worse. I used to think I only had to worry about it DEC-FEB, and that you at least got antibodys to it once exposed. It seems like the more knowledge I gained, the more powerless I have become. Is there any hope at all?



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