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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    When I was a teenager I had bad, bad emet anorexia. When I got pregnant I started eating like a normal person and have continued to do so since. I am usually at an average weight, but have found since I had my daughter that I can gain weight very easily. I don't know if this is because my metabolism changed so much after giving birth, or if I messed my system up so much after starving myself for 3 years.. Anyway... It seems that everytime I find a medication that helps my anxiety, I gain weight. Does anyone know what causes this? Is there anything that can be done to counterbalance this reaction? It's not because I am eating more. I have actually been eating less and working out tons.. It seems more like something funky happens to my metabolism. Anyone have experience in this area?
    \"This too shall pass\"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    hey this has happened to me except i haven't had kids.....i was always very skinny and when a young teenager was near to being admitted to hospital......when i fell ill 5 yrs ago with my anxiety probs and my emet got worse....i went down to 7 st 7lb which is very low for my height.....anyway itstayed like that until i started to take these tablets.....its very hard to find a tablet that will not put on weight.......when i started mine i put on nearly 2stone.....now this was good in one way as i need to put on weight but as i have never been this weight it was frustrating at times.....but i have looked at my food intake....and i am just careful on what i eat....i don't cut out choc or sweet stuff i just eat in moderation....like as a treat....and i don't miss it.....as before i could eat anything and put on no weight.....the tablets slow down your metablomism....so that your anxiety is not as bad....I've started to go to the gym and not only does this help my weight but makes my anxiety so much better....

    hope this helps....

    take care Vicky x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    See, I have been working out an hour a day and I cut my calories down to 1200 a day and although I have gained muscle tone galore, I seem to not lose fat. I don't get it. It's like my metabolism is f***ed
    \"This too shall pass\"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    O.K. I have never had kids, nor was I ever anorexic, but during my childhood, teens, and twenties, I was very thin to the point that someone would always comment on it. I also had IBS, irritable bowel syndrome. Well, at age 29, I started taking Paxil for a bout of depression. Instantly, I began gaining weight, and the pill pretty much changed my whole body. I gained 20 pounds, but I no longer had depression or much anxiety, and my IBS was also cured. Even with intensive exercise and food monitoring, I have never gotten down to a pre-Paxil weight, but I no longer care because the benefits outweigh (pun intended) the costs of the extra weight. Paxil is one of the worst weight gain drugs though.

    Something like Lexapro -- in studies it is shown not to cause weight gain. And some people lose weight on some anti-anxiety meds.

    So, sometimes I think quality of life issues become more important than other considerations.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    I disagree, no offence.

    I have a weight issue problem, and I could never take any anti depressant drugs because if I even put 5 lbs on, I go crazy and shut down....So sometimes the other things become as important, if not more, than life.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    The first time this happened to me, it was Paxil. I tried Lexapro, but it made me manic and caused insomnia. I now take Serequel and recently read that it can cause weight gain.(which makes so much sense now considering my weight gain has been since I started taking this medication and I was actuallylosing weight justpreviously to taking this medication. It has also caused my eyesight to go way bad really quickly) I know that feeing healthy mentally should be more important than being a little overweight, but I just feel like I work so hard to maintain a healthy weight and now I feel like I am beating my head against the wall with this medication. Does anyone know why these meds tend to do this to people?
    \"This too shall pass\"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Well, that's a lot different of a situation that you are describing. If someone has an eating disorder or worries a great deal about weight, then gaining weight affects quality of life and becomes a quality of life issue in and of itself.

    However, if a person does not have a preexisting fear of weight gain or if the feelings are not all that severe, the drugs may help in other life areas and offset whatever weight gain may occur. It would depend on the individual and each person would need to assess how she or he feels about weight gain and whether it's going to bring one's life to a halt or not. For me, the medication was useful because it rid me of depression, and it took away some excruciating stomach pain, so my life was improved.

    Quote Originally Posted by terified girl

    I disagree, no offence.

    I have a weight issue problem, and I could never take any anti depressant drugs because if I even put 5 lbs on, I go crazy and shut down....So sometimes the other things become as important, if not more, than life.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Yeah, I would have to research why they cause the weight gain too.

    Quote Originally Posted by shiva
    The first time this happened to me, it was Paxil. I tried Lexapro, but it made me manic and caused insomnia. I now take Serequel and recently read that it can cause weight gain.(which makes so much sense now considering my weight gain has been since I started taking this medication and I was actuallylosing weight justpreviously to taking this medication. It has also caused my eyesight to go way bad really quickly) I know that feeing healthy mentally should be more important than being a little overweight, but I just feel like I work so hard to maintain a healthy weight and now I feel like I am beating my head against the wall with this medication. Does anyone know why these meds tend to do this to people?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    http://www.healthyplace.com/Communit...t_Disorders/sc hizo/articles/weight_gain.asp

    Here's a link with an article that has some info on drugs and weight gain. However, one of the sentences is that doctors don't know why drugs cause weight gain, but it may be just small changes in brain chemicals that might affect weight.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I totally agree with u about weighing up the anxiety and depression with the gaining weight...i would rather have a better life like u say and gain weight then be back were i was a year ago,suicidal and very anxious.....i was agoraphobic and couldn't get out the door....were as now I'm am out of my house most days,going to the gym and even doing volunteer work.....so i know i have put weight on but i don't have a problem with this....i'm not obsessed about weight gain...and prefer my body as it is now with some meat on it....then before i looked too skinny.....But i understand everyone is to theie own....not everyone feels the way we do....if they did life would be boring and i respect everyones view......so i would rather take my tablet,if that makes sense....and if i'm on them for the rest of my life then thats the way it will be for me....but i'm not saying thats for everyone.....

    Vicky x
    Quote Originally Posted by japa

    O.K. I have never had kids, nor was I ever anorexic, but during my childhood, teens, and twenties, I was very thin to the point that someone would always comment on it. I also had IBS, irritable bowel syndrome. Well, at age 29, I started taking Paxil for a bout of depression. Instantly, I began gaining weight, and the pill pretty much changed my whole body. I gained 20 pounds, but I no longer had depression or much anxiety, and my IBS was also cured. Even with intensive exercise and food monitoring, I have never gotten down to a pre-Paxil weight, but I no longer care because the benefits outweigh (pun intended) the costs of the extra weight. Paxil is one of the worst weight gain drugs though.

    Something like Lexapro -- in studies it is shown not to cause weight gain. And some people lose weight on some anti-anxiety meds.

    So, sometimes I think quality of life issues become more important than other considerations.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hey shiva u say u have been working out and cutting down your calories.......this can not benefit as sometimes u need to eat more to get the energy to burn off the calories.......I've just done a YMCA course.....this is for working in a gym....and i mentioned to the instructor that i eat less now but still can't get my tummy flat and wondered why i wasn't losing it off this area and he said that if our body doesn't have enough energy food.....i.e banana's etc our body will not burn the fat it will burn the muscles....which is not good....so maybe speak to the gym that u go to and find out what foods can give u energy...

    I don't know if this will help but i also found the cross trainer is great and rower because it does every area of your body....

    take care Vicky x

    Quote Originally Posted by shiva
    See, I have been working out an hour a day and I cut my calories down to 1200 a day and although I have gained muscle tone galore, I seem to not lose fat. I don't get it. It's like my metabolism is f***ed

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States



    Have you had your thyroid function checked? Having babies can cause hypothyroidism. I have to get mine checked again because mine levels were low. You can have a real hard time losing weight no matter what you do. Just though I would throw this out to you. Here is some signs and symptoms.
    <LI>General tiredness
    <LI>Excessive need of sleep
    <LI>Increased awareness of the cold
    <LI>The skin may become dry and thick and feels cold
    <LI>The hair may begin to thin out become dry and coarse
    <LI>Unusual loss of body hair – eyebrows may become sparse, and hair on forearms short and stubbly
    <LI>Flaking, splitting nails
    <LI>The voice may become hoarse or croaky
    <LI>Muscle weakness, cramps and aches; difficulty climbing stairs
    <LI>Sore muscles
    <LI>Pins and needles in the fingers and hands
    <LI>In women of reproductive years the periods may become heavier and longer, but sometimes can prematurely stop
    <LI>Fertility problems – failure to conceive, miscarriage.
    <LI>Unexplained weight gain
    <LI>Puffy face and bags under the eyes, change in facial appearance
    <LI>Slow speech, movements and thoughts
    <LI>Low mood, depression
    <LI>Memory problems and lack of concentration
    <LI>Slow heart beat and slightly raised blood pressure
    <LI>Increased cholesterol
    <LI>Hearing problems
    <LI>Swelling at the front of the neck
    <LI>Sensation of a lump in the throat
    <LI>Although rare, in severe cases, unsteadiness on their feet, mental disturbance and even hallucinations may be experienced
    <LI>Loss of libido / impote</LI>[/list]Edited by: madisonsmom

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Madisonsmom, Thank you for the information. Actually, the last time I was at the gastroenterologist (he was the first one to notice the weight gain since he was looking at my chart from the previous time that I was in to see him) He had my levels checked because he said that the previous time that he had my blood drawn I was borderline where my thyroid was concerned. We have to keep checking my blood levels because for some reason my pancreatic enzyme levels are high. We did a catscan of my pancreas and he said it looks fine, so they don't know why those levels are off, but that's not the point... I got side tracked. So, yes.. He monitors my thyroid levels. I don't know if 'borderline' levels could cause these symptoms or not. But, I am constipated and do have some of the other symptoms, but they are all (including constipation) also possible drug reactions from both my allergy medication and anxiety medication, so who really knows. It's all intertwined.

    I know that you are anxious to get on a good medication this month and I wish you all the luck. I know many people who have great results from medication for anxiety so I don't want to sound like I put it down or become discouraging for anyone else who is using it. I definitely think it has it's place. I have always reacted to medication more than other people.I wish we could invent the perfect medication that would have no side effects and help get our obsessive thoughts out of our heads. Wouldn't that be great?!
    \"This too shall pass\"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I know all about weight gain[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    Anti-depressant meds can help you gain unfortunately. UGH!! I am borderline with my thyroid levels too. I have to go back this week to have mine checked.[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]



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