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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Unhappy Help/advice on potential seafood FP-please, I'm begging for help

    Sometimes I really feel as though there is a conspiracy against me. I've been in a downward spiral for the last several weeks with my emet and fear of eating. I'm not quite at my lowest point ever, but I'm getting close.
    Anyhow Ive been a serious PITA to everyone with my constant worrying, fretting, not eating, and obsessive fears that I know I'm wearing on my husband's nerves. When I woke up this morning I was determined to 'be better' and decided to make a special dinner for husband and family with the food I had bought yesterday(filets & lobster tails from Costco). I resolved myself that i would sit and eat like a normal person and to put my problems aside for an hour or so. I guess it was one of those 'fake it til you make it' mindsets. My husband grilled up the two lobster tails and brought them inside. I took a small piece of the meat and popped it in my mouth. The taste was normal, but the texture was mushy. My husband had a couple bites, then we threw it away (the other tail was fine). Of course, that bite ruined the rest of my dinner-I ate a few more bites and couldn't do it anymore.
    Anyhow, we did some research afterwards. Turns out that lobsters produce toxins quickly after their death, and that mushy meat could mean it was not processed quickly after it died resulting in toxins being released. The rest of the info was pretty useless......
    All I want to know is, will one bite of potentially tainted meat make me sick? It's been about 2 hours (i've started the all important counting) and so far we're both ok. I know there's a lot of folks here that are from the New England area-maybe someone has some knowledge??
    I'm sorry for needlessly rambling; I'm just terrified and want to start crying and never stop. It seems that even when I try to force myself better, something always happens to knock me back down. All I wanted to do was eat a nice meal like a normal person, now my panic level is even higher than it's been.....I can't take much more of this mental anguish

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    London, England

    Default Re: Help/advice on potential seafood FP-please, I'm begging for help

    I'm sorry I have absolutely no knowledge about seafood, but just try to think of it like it only might be tainted and you only had a tiny bit so really you haven't put yourself in much danger of getting ill with such a small amount. Even if did make you ill, which I think unlikely, you don't know that it will make you throw up, food poisoning largely causes d* i believe...I mean, some people may well v* from it but I think generally in adults it cause d*..could be wrong but it's a reassuring thought at least
    Hope you are feeling better now, not sure how long it's been since you posted this but hopefully you're in the clear by now

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: Help/advice on potential seafood FP-please, I'm begging for help

    Thanks, Louise. So far,so good. It's been approx 17 hours and both hubby and I are doing OK. Not going to get my hopes up quite yet, but I'm more relaxed than I was. I can guarantee it will be a while before I buy/prepare lobster again!
    Fingers crossed!!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    New Jersey

    Default Re: Help/advice on potential seafood FP-please, I'm begging for help

    The wonderful thing about seafood poisoning is that is hits VERY FAST. Usually within 30 mins. So, if it has been 17 hours I would definately say you are in the clear!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: Help/advice on potential seafood FP-please, I'm begging for help

    Wow, did not know that...very good info to hear. It's been over 24 hours so I'm hoping that I dodged a bullet this time around. Bummer that this scare has probably put me off seafood for a while. Seems anymore the safest food out there is potato chips and Hershey bars



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